Naked before him - CMnf

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Simple, effective, arousing, controlling, exposed, mildly humiliating, naked and his.
He always wants me naked. He always wants to see and look.
I love it, and it makes me squirm.
I love to put my Sarah in this pose when guests are over. It's important she is nicely displayed and toes curled around the sides of the coffee table.
No kidding. Any idea where it's from? I can't fully make out the watermark in the corner, so I'm not sure if that's just a site where it was posted, or if it was their original work.

It has rather a cinematic feel, but that could just be a photographer's creation of atmosphere.
No idea. It's a borrowed screen grab of the single image
The watermark reads "Nude Fine Art Photography"
Maybe it reads "Dusseldorf" under that?
No idea. It's a borrowed screen grab of the single image
The watermark reads "Nude Fine Art Photography"
Maybe it reads "Dusseldorf" under that?
It was the Dusseldorf part that I couldn't make out, and that is indeed what it is; thank you!

So it is original work from this photographer: I don't see that particular image in his online portfolio; the link is just to the section of it where I thought it was most likely to be. However, it's clearly his, and he has some beautiful work. Perhaps this one was posted by the commissioner(s) rather than by him.

In any event, it's extremely evocative. One's mind inevitably starts to create a back-story for it.
It was the Dusseldorf part that I couldn't make out, and that is indeed what it is; thank you!

So it is original work from this photographer: I don't see that particular image in his online portfolio; the link is just to the section of it where I thought it was most likely to be. However, it's clearly his, and he has some beautiful work. Perhaps this one was posted by the commissioner(s) rather than by him.

In any event, it's extremely evocative. One's mind inevitably starts to create a back-story for it.
I enjoyed looking through his images.
This one grabbed me. Again, it’s the gentle control that works for me. IMG_2759.jpeg
I do have a bit of a recognizable sensibility in preferred pics.
Ownership, exposure, tenderness, control, evocative sexuality... and with little effort one can conjure a story behind the image.
Yes, that's clear, and much appreciated. Those things are all central to me also: dominance should be firm but fundamentally gentle and caring. And in images, the artistry lies precisely in evoking those things, so that the story almost creates itself.