NaNoWriMo 2003

CWatson said:
"And then," Alastair said, "Splash we'll go to the seashore plonk and have a holiday with oooh sploosh all our friends!"
"Yes, but," said Eleanoura helplessly, "what if tinkletinkletinkle-no-one-tinkletinkle-is-tinkletinkle-available?"

Eleanoura? My, that's an odd name.

/Ice - aggresively ignoring
wildsweetone said:
I need to ask, how many words will a floppy disc hold? I know that sounds like an oddball question. But I've been thinking seriously that I'll do a back up after each sitting. I'm thinking about doing each day's writing in a separate file (numbering them consecutively of course) and then save each file onto a floppy (or several to make sure).

Is it possible to store say 30 files, each file containing say 2000 words, onto a single floppy?

Please somebody explain in plain english because I don't understand facts and figures.

My NaNo project last year was just over 50K words in a single Word doc with standard paragraph formatting and double spaced lines, and it came out to about 339KB. That's approximately a quarter of a floppy's capacity. You should be fine.

-Mike B.
Mike, thank you dear. That's exactly how I needed to hear it. Mucho appreciated. :)

*searching around trying to find information on how to make plots*
wildsweetone said:
*searching around trying to find information on how to make plots*
Sweets, don't you have bunnies in Kiwiland?

Bunnies. Bunnies with ears and fluffy tails? We have bunnies, white ones, brown ones, black ones, speckled ones... What on earth do I want bunnies for?
wildsweetone said:
Be very worried. I've never plotted a thing in my entire life. lmao
Schweet, you don't need no plot. Just do like I will. Begin with "Once upon a time..." or "It was a dark and stormy night..." and see what happens.

/Ice - had never heard of plot bunnies either
*vocab god sweeps in*

Plot Bunny (n): a new idea for a story. Called a "bunny" because it hops around in your mind slapping things off shelves until you write it down and shut it up. Very destructive sort of bunny, but is very good fuel for the creativity engine.
CS: thanks for the iteration; can't wait to see if MG includes it in her special vocab thread. :rolleyes:

wildsweetone said:
Mike, thank you dear. That's exactly how I needed to hear it. Mucho appreciated. :)

*searching around trying to find information on how to make plots*

Wildsweetone, you are quite welcome. I am always happy to help.

I'm not sure if they are carrying it over this year, but last year's NaNo slogan was, "No Plot? No Problem!".

If you don't have a plot, start with a vague idea or scene, and let your creativity take over from there. The whole point is to not stress yourself out by setting up unnecessary barriers to starting. I know it sounds counter prodcutive to producing good ficiton, but I think you'll be surprised when you allow yourself to toss out most of the rules of writing for just 30 days, and have at it.

I believe all writer's have a few hidden gems that they aren't aware are hanging out in the far recesses of their minds. NaNo will hopefully draw these ideas out.

There are still about 25 days to ruminate on this, so take your time. I'll see you at the starting gates on Nov 1.

-Mike B.
Coming up with a plot is something that I've found a bit tricky. When I first started thinking about it I knew which genre I wanted to write within, I also knew what elements I wanted to include in my story, then an idea just popped into my head.

Mine is going to be a sensual erotic horror. I got this idea about a young musician dying in a tragic accident. His tragedy carries on, because his spirit gets disjointed from his presumed host. He has the ability to enter and travel in peoples' and animals' bodies (no, it's not about beastiality, he'd just travel in cats and dogs, etc.)
I'm going to use music, and the emotions that it brings out in us, as part of the story. It also goes with out saying really; there will be a huge sexual under current to the story. (Mike, I'll let you see a more detailed synopsis, once I've got round to actually doing it ;))

I came across this site, while surfing, and if anyone gets really desperate, it could be worth checking out. It's called the Instant Muse Story Starter, I've taken this info direct from the site...

"How does it work?

All you have to do is click on the "start the Story Starter" button below, and a description of a story will be randomly produced for you. The elements given will include:

Main Character's Sex: Male or Female
Main Character's Job or Profession: This element provides a basis for conceptualizing his or her everyday life, concerns, income level, talents, and so on.
An Archetype: "...[T]he characteristic patterns that pre-exist in the collective psyche of the human race, and repeat themselves externally..." (from Inner Work by Robert A. Johnson) Story Starter archetypes may be universal or not, ranging from Robin Hood to the Pope.
A Key Object or Symbol: What does a knife make you think of? How about a hair brush? Everyday objects as symbols can be used to set the thematic tone of a story; or they can serve as keys to the plot of a tale.
Setting: A time and/or place in which the story occurs.
Theme: The psychological/spiritual/moral issue at hand for the protagonist. >From empowerment to evil."

Here's what I got when I hit the Story Starter button:

My main character/protagonist is a female. My main character is a radio disk jockey. An archetype present in my story is Golden Child. A key object or symbol in my story is a locket. My story will be set in a Columbian coffee plantation. My story is about death.

It has a lot of similarities with The Earl's Gloveslapping thread. As I said, if you get really stuck, it might be worth a look. Here's a link to it:Instant Muse Story Starter

wow - thank you :)

Thanks for your help all :) I just have to say, this kind of support is not something that I'd ever take for granted. It's wonderful, thank you. :)

I have been hunting around and about also. I've found this little gem that I'd like to share in case anyone else needs as much help as I do ;). It's basically given me a foundation for working out some kind of plot (I truely have never done plotting before, I've tried but always failed miserably, it's not how I write).

This one piques my curiosity because it breaks things down in surprisingly easy steps.

Scroll part way down to The Mathematics of Magic.
At complete random...


1) I provide vocab.
2) I make terrible jokes.
3) I live in California.

...Holy shitfuck! I'm turning into MathGirl!!! :eek:

(slowly mutating before your very eyes)
Re: At complete random...

CWatson said:
Holy shitfuck! I'm turning into MathGirl!!!
CW: one question - what's between your legs?

All the intellegence in the world to create and destroy is hidden between a mans legs. Of course, after he gets up, he's generally mindless.

-FF :) (could not help it)
ffreak said:
All the intellegence in the world to create and destroy is hidden between a mans legs. Of course, after he gets up, he's generally mindless.

-FF :) (could not help it)
Too bad, in some cases, it's so well hidden

CJC :) (could not help it either)
Re: Re: At complete random...

Originally posted by perdita
CW: one question - what's between your legs?
Nothing out of the ordinary, actually, except what's normally there. Pants, underwear, air... Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide... Various smell chemicals... I think these pants are made out of like plastic or something...

...Why were you asking?

(a picture of innocence)
Re: Re: Re: At complete random...

CWatson said:
...Why were you asking?
Nah, Watson, you can't play innocent now. I asked because you said you feared turning into Math GIRL (see your quote w/in my previous post).

wildsweetone said:
It seems like there's a fair few kiwis joining NaNo too. Some from my own neck of the woods. :)



Oh, did I mention yet that I'm getting really excited about this?

Who was it that mentioned The Artist's Way course they did?

I've been working through Julia Cameron's book myself and I have to say it's been an awesome experience. Synchronicity is truely wonderful. I highly recommend The Artist's Way as something each and every person should at least take the time to look through.

You know, this competition even has me thinking about index cards. Geez, what is the world coming to? ;)

I was the one who mentioned the Artist's Way - you are right, it was wonderful while I was in it and I only hope that I can keep some of that momentum going. Synchronicity is very powerful too... I almost feel that is what happened when I discovered this thread, or even this site in general - it's made me actually sit down and WRITE.

And I had to laugh about you saying that you were not going volunteer to be an editor... just this morning I was thinking about how liberating it will feel to just write and write to get the words out - but then what a monumental task it will be to edit it! *sigh*

DirtyJJ said:
I was the one who mentioned the Artist's Way - you are right, it was wonderful while I was in it and I only hope that I can keep some of that momentum going. Synchronicity is very powerful too... I almost feel that is what happened when I discovered this thread, or even this site in general - it's made me actually sit down and WRITE.

And I had to laugh about you saying that you were not going volunteer to be an editor... just this morning I was thinking about how liberating it will feel to just write and write to get the words out - but then what a monumental task it will be to edit it! *sigh*


Oh thank you so much for coming back to me on this JJ! Synchronicity it most definately is, and for both of us by the sounds of things. :) Julia Cameron has a book out that you can borrow from your library if you wish to refresh your mind on any of it. I'd say grab it, anything that makes us feel good while we're going through this particular task is worthwhile. :)

I've had so much happen that's coincidental since I started the course. Are you keeping Morning Pages still? They're helping me too. Oh gee it's like having a kindred spirit. ;)

I was teasing about the volunteer editor thing. There's a few authors I help out now and again. But I'm aware of just how much of a rewrite/edit my own 50k will need, so I was getting in first. ;)

Can you tell I'm getting excited yet? lol


btw, Hi Lou. Not met you officially yet, but heard nice things about you. :) Thanks so much for starting this thread. :)
CWatson said:
*vocab god sweeps in*

Plot Bunny (n): a new idea for a story. Called a "bunny" because it hops around in your mind slapping things off shelves until you write it down and shut it up. Very destructive sort of bunny, but is very good fuel for the creativity engine.

That's cute!

*curls up and imitates a carrot, hoping to attract some plot bunnies*
wildsweetone said:
Can you tell I'm getting excited yet? lol


btw, Hi Lou. Not met you officially yet, but heard nice things about you. :) Thanks so much for starting this thread. :)


Ok, who's been talking? Thanks for that, btw. ;)
I don't think we have actually 'spoken' before. I am thrilled that you've joined in NaNo, too. It was my complete pleasure; starting this thread, the interest that has been sparked by it is just wonderful. We've got a great little group going on here. We *will* succeed.

I can tell you're getting excited. Can you see it in me, too? :D

Lou :rose:
Not until now did I realize that this little laptop-piccy looks like a smiling face!

See? There's a smile on the screen, the text is its nose, and the two half-moons on top of the laptop are the eyes...:cool: