NaNoWriMo 2003

:D It took me a while to see that, too.

I thought that was a great idea: putting the pic in your sigline. I tried to do it earlier, but it didn't work. :( I know I used the correct html code. I also noticed that codes are set to 'off' for my sigline, could it be that my post count isn't high enough to do that, or something?

Alex, your AV is great, I've been meaning to say that for days. I thought about doing that myself, but I want to start using a halloween one soon. :devil:

Perhaps it DOES have to do with your post count. Perhaps you have to pass Literotica Guru stage and reach make-up-your-own-title, which will be at 1000 posts...:(
I wrote a long reply, and posted it. In here. Now I can't see it. Is there a Lit Halloween Monster in AH, eating my posts?:mad:
There's ghouls on the loose. :eek:

I'm just about to hit 'Guru' status, when I hit 500 posts, I'll see if I can post images in my sigline then, if not I'll have to wait until 1000. :(

Lou :devil:
Pah! It's still not working. :mad:

I dunno what I was talking about, yes it is! :rolleyes: Yay!
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Tatelou said:
Pah! It's still not working. :mad:

I dunno what I was talking about, yes it is! :rolleyes: Yay!
Good thing I (think I) know what you're talking about! It's great to see all the NaNo icons popping up. I have to say, I like Icingsugar's mod . . .

Yep, you've started a trend, Alex.

Next time I need someone to explain to me what I'm talking about, is it ok to PM you? LOL

Lou :rose:
Whaddya mean? You won't fail, I won't let you! I'm gonna be here for the duration, whipping your sorry butts into gear, YOU WILL COMPLETE THE NOVEL.

Ahem, sorry, the Evil one's influence is going to my head. :devil:

Lou :kiss:
Wishing all of you lots of luck and creative vibes on this - Unfortunately I won't be able to participate. We just put the finishing touches to the shooting schedule for the thing I was writing the screenplay for, and most of it's in November...

Otherwise, I'd be right in there with ya, writing away! However, I will be there in spirit.
Re: Re: Re: Re: At complete random...

Originally posted by perdita
Nah, Watson, you can't play innocent now. I asked because you said you feared turning into Math GIRL

...Well, yes, but wouldn't it be just as scary to be turning into Math GUY? :eek:
Hi Wild Sweet,

Thanks. I looked at Holly Lisle, notecarding, and found it *very* interesting. Although I write non fiction exactly that way, and teach it so, I hadn't thought so much about fiction; more the old myths of creative flow, etc. She does neglect that, but I suppose the premise is stated at the beginning. Nothing is happening, the book has to be written.

I was going to say Tate that I don't have 500 posts (I think its around 200) and I have an image in my sig line... LOL

*puts her nano image in her AV box*

Yeah, I think I kept cocking up my code when I first did it, added a slash where it wasn't needed, or something like that. :eek:

Could there be a mysterious post goblin going around, adding stuff when you're not looking? ;)

Cool, another NaNologo!
Not sure if I'm doing the right (write?) thing

but I do believe I've almost got my wife convinced she should enter. I think we'll need to take turns to feed each other . . .

DirtyJJ said:
I don't know why it took me so long to look at this thread, but it's a wonderful idea... so I am going to sign up too. I always feel like I have that faraway dream of writing a novel "someday" and this challenge really inspires me to get something done!

I believe it's a good idea to just write without editing or judgement - there is always time for that later. Reminds me of a class I took earlier this year called "The Artist's Way".... basically the concept is that you should create just for the sake of creating and not judge what comes out. If you take care of the quantity, the quality will be taken care of by your muse/creative spirit/"higher power" - whatever you want to use here.

*Feeling nervous, but excited...*

DirtyJJ! I've just been going through this thread, in an attempt to collate all of the info within, and I noticed that you said you'd be joining us. Sorry for not responding to your message before, I don't know how I over-looked it. Have you signed up? If so, welcome aboard the loony train!

This is for everyone on Lit partaking in NaNoWriMo 2003...

In preparation for the LitWridoNaNoWriMo thread I am drawing up a table in Word, listing the following information.

Lit Author name:
NaNo Username:
Working title of novel:
Genre writing within:

I'll also be including 'Word count so far', which I'll update as frequently as possible, so that everyone else can see our progress and join in the cheerleeding. Let's face it, we're gonna need all the help we can get! I'll probably ask you all to PM me with your on-going word count every other day, or something like that, and I'll update the table in the thread as we go. If you haven't already stated any info I need, please let me know. To start the ball rolling, here's my details...

Lit Author name: Tatelou
NaNo Username: Tatelou
Working title of novel: Visions of Substance
Genre writing within: Erotic Horror

21 days to go! I'm going to be unbearable come November 1st. :D

Tatelou said:
I'll also be including 'Word count so far', which I'll update as frequently as possible, so that everyone else can see our progress and join in the cheerleeding. Let's face it, we're gonna need all the help we can get! I'll probably ask you all to PM me with your on-going word count every other day, or something like that, and I'll update the table in the thread as we go.

Are you gonna reep the score card, whip the rest of us into a writing frenzy and churn out your own novel at the same time? Damn, what kinds of a superhuman do you think you are? I'm already in awe over here. And you haven't even warmed up yet...?

/Ice - humbly

(and if you don't have it...)
Lit Author name: Icingsugar
NaNo Username: Icingsugar
Working title of novel: Last Call
Genre writing within: SF/Fantasy?

SF without robots, space ships or even future.
Fantasy without dragons, elves, magic or swordsplay.
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Lit Author name: Svenskaflicka
NaNo Username: Polly Juice
Working title of novel: Bimbo
Genre writing within: Humor.
Tatelou said:
21 days to go! I'm going to be unbearable come November 1st.

LouLou you're always bareable (I like all your AV's).

Lit Author name: ffreak
NaNo Username: BenFiretag
Working title of novel: Embryo
Genre writing within: Sci-Fi

-FF (background, characters, plot, man this is a lot of work)
Thanks guys. :eek:

The only claim to superheroness that I have is that I am the Spiderlovingsuperwoman, leader of the SPC. :devil:

Thanks for the info, keep it coming.

Lou :kiss:
Hi Lou, :) In case you don't have it...

Lit Author name: wildsweetone
NaNo Username: wildsweetone
Working title of novel: Burgess Gang
Genre writing within: Historical fiction

At least that is the working title and genre that is buzzing around in my mind at the moment. (I am practising for the word count by using no contactions. ;) - think I am wearing my backspace key out lol)

ps Has a thread been established for Lit writers on NaNo as yet? I've looked and not found one, found lots of Kiwis though. :D
Lit Author name: Just-Legal
NaNo Username: Flutterby_Helen
Working title of novel: Confessions of a Suidical Teen
Genre writing within: Real Life? Ish?

I changed from Queenie because I don't have enough for a novel there. Besides, I *need* to write this one. Its gonna hurt but it'll only help in the long run.
Re: Hi Lou, :) In case you don't have it...

wildsweetone said:

ps Has a thread been established for Lit writers on NaNo as yet? I've looked and not found one, found lots of Kiwis though. :D

Thanks for the info, WSO and Just_Legal.

As for the thread at the NaNo forums, I've been thinking about that one. I'm not sure where we should put it. Most of the board is organised in terms of geography. There are the genre sections, but we're not all writing within the same genre. I've been spending most of my time there in the Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror forum, where me old mukka, Mike, started up an Erotic Horror thread (we've been having some interesting discussions about tentacle porn :eek: ). There is the Romance and Erotic Fiction forum, and us being from Literotica, could fit in there. What does everyone else think?

Helen, I admire you. It looks like you'll be getting an extra dimension out of the NaNo experience. I hope it isn't too painful for you, and don't forget, we're all here to help and support you along the way.

Lou :heart:
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