NaNoWriMo 2003

You probably have this already

but here's my two pennorth -

Lit name: Alex de Kok
NaNo name: Alex de Kok
Working title: Give Me The Man
Genre: Science Fiction

I'm dithering on two outlines, but as a working title it'll do fine.


PS: I'm on a frustrated high at the moment; I just got a wonderful feedback note. I like to respond to feedback, but this was from Anonymous!
Just-Legal said:
Lit Author name: Just-Legal
NaNo Username: Flutterby_Helen
Working title of novel: Confessions of a Suidical Teen
Genre writing within: Real Life? Ish?

I changed from Queenie because I don't have enough for a novel there. Besides, I *need* to write this one. Its gonna hurt but it'll only help in the long run.
That is bold and brave, and if that is your choice, we'll be hee for you for whatever support you might need along tha way..


I don't want to play the asshole here, but I just have to ask, and raise a little warning. If you have a story that is so important to you, do you really think that a project like NaNoWriMo is the best place to chisel it out? Unless you are a word spitting überhuman, chanses are that your story will indeed be told, but quite badly. This is all about writing a novel fast, not about writing a good novel. And I think that a story of such personal meaning to you might suffer from being put into words under such rushed circumstances.

I'm not gonna sway you away from your desicion. But be prepared that you might not get it right. And it sounds to me that what you have to tell deserves to be told right.
Lit name: sailorm72003
NaNo Name: sailorm
Working Title: Crash
Genre: Suspense/Thriller

Helen, Good luck with that- could be a very difficult project, but admirable

Re: Re: Hi Lou, :) In case you don't have it...

Tatelou said:
As for the thread at the NaNo forums, ... I'm not sure where we should put it. Most of the board is organised in terms of geography. There are the genre sections, but we're not all writing within the same genre. I've been spending most of my time there in the Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror forum, ... There is the Romance and Erotic Fiction forum, and us being from Literotica, could fit in there. What does everyone else think?
Loulou, given that we're a Lit. group I vote for 'romance/erotic fiction' (even if some of us aren't actually writing that); plus given the looseness of NaNo I don't think it will matter if some of us are working in a completely different area. I suggest for the first post you make it clear that the participants are all from Lit. I don't mean we need to exclude non-Lit. people but at least 'others' will know what's what.

getting anxious, Purrditta
Weeelllllll..... I signed up..

NaNoWriMo name: raphael
Lit name: Raphy
Novel working title: Silver
Genre: Science Fiction/Cyberpunk

I have NO idea if I'm going to have the time, but I've had an idea floating around in my head for a while, so maybe.. just maybe .. this might force me to actually put the damn thing down on paper and get it out of my head.
Re: Hi Lou, :) In case you don't have it...

Originally posted by wildsweetone
I am practising for the word count by using no contactions. ;) - think I am wearing my backspace key out lol[/I]
Cheater! *laughs* Now, there's a way to do it...

NaNoWriMo name: marblespire
Lit name: CWatson
Novel working title: (untitled)
Genre: Sci-fi / sociology / cyberpunk?

What IS cyberpunk? All I know is that mine is a little like The Matrix in that it's a war between humans and robots, but this time the robots 1) fight on both sides, 2) are the main characters, and 3) takes place in the real world. Plus, it draws more inspiration from the Mega Man Nintendo games than anything else, but who's heard of THOSE? :rolleyes:
Woohoo! With Sailorm and Raphy signing up that makes a group of 15 here now, including my hubby DarkLight (Adam), who is just about to say 'hello'... I believe.

C'mon Ad, get in here! ;)

Thanks for the info Alex, Sailorm, Raphy and CWatson, my list is getting more comprehensive by the day.

Purrditta, I'll start a thread up in 'romance/erotic fiction' later on this evening. It is the best place for a Lit thread, I'm sure everyone else will agree.

Loulou, bursting at the seams. :D
Hi all :)

Hi Everyone :)

I hope no one will mind me christening myself in this thread. I have been visiting the boards on and off and have now decided to become a member. I'm also taking part in NaNoWriMo 2003! I should also mention I'm Tatelou's husband so I've heard a lot about the board through her :D

For NaNoWriMo, I've yet to decide what plot and genre I'm going to write about. Normally I have written thriller/horror and touched on erotica (I will be posting a story this week once Tatelou has cast her eyes over it ;) )

NaNoWriMo name: Light
Lit name: DarkLight
Novel working title: (untitled)
Genre: mmmm

My main worry doing NaNoWriMo is time, but whatever happens I'm going to write throughout the month and I expect some good days and some bad ones. Hopefully they will even out and I will hit the 50K mark... I just pray when I read the whole thing through it makes some sense! :D
Well hello, DarkLight, nice to meet you. :p

Please be gentle with him, everyone, I'm the one that has to cuddle him to sleep at night.

Latest news from NaNoWriMo: I've created a Lit. thread there, in the Romance & Erotic Fiction forum. Hold onto your hats, this is what it's called... "LitWridoNaNoWriMo@NaNoWriMo - The Literotica Thread". :D

I took what you said on board, Purrditta, and included a little explanation in the opening post about who and what we are. Pop on over and say 'hi'.

Lou :kiss:
Title? Genre?

What are they?

I am going to be writing stream of consciousness rubbish for as long as my fingers hold out.

Editing the mess afterwards will be a b*****.

Hi DarkLight, nice to meet you :)

Lou, I swear you sound as excited as I am. Wish my hubby was a writer and I could get him involved. No chance of that I'm afraid. I've just worked out I have 4 days in every 7 that I'll be able to write. Not sure I'll hit the total required word count, but I'll give it my best shot anyway. :)

I know so much about my main character. He's one very interesting chappy. :D I think historical fiction might well keep me on the straight and narrow for a while. ;) ...maybe.
wildsweetone said:
Hi DarkLight, nice to meet you :)

Lou, I swear you sound as excited as I am. Wish my hubby was a writer and I could get him involved.

Thanks for the welcome wildsweetone :)

We are both very excited about the coming month. Having our computers side by side, it will be interesting to see how our stories develop. I know Tatelou is doing erotic horror but I will be doing something different I suspect. Whatever the genre we will no doubt encourage each other until the bitter end :D

I feel very lucky to have a partner who has similar interests, values and drives and I hope she feels likewise ;)
Hey Darklight, great to see that you are jumping on the NaNo train. You have three more weeks to think come up with a plot, scrap it and come up with several more plots until you settle on one (speaking from personal experience here :D ).

Hang tough, I know you can do it.

-Mike B.
otherdarkmeat said:
...You have three more weeks to think come up with a plot, scrap it and come up with several more plots until you settle on one (speaking from personal experience here :D ).

-Mike B.

Mike, I so hope you're kidding me. There's no way I could go through all this plotdoodling stuff again in this lifetime! :D

Originally posted by wildsweetone
I think historical fiction might well keep me on the straight and narrow for a while.

Har har har...


Well, I do try sometimes you know. ;)
What IS cyberpunk?
Not touching this one with a 10-foot pole. PM me and we'll talk *grins*...

And hello Darklight! Nice to meet ya =)
DarkLight said:
Thanks for the welcome wildsweetone :)

We are both very excited about the coming month. Having our computers side by side, it will be interesting to see how our stories develop. I know Tatelou is doing erotic horror but I will be doing something different I suspect. Whatever the genre we will no doubt encourage each other until the bitter end :D

I feel very lucky to have a partner who has similar interests, values and drives and I hope she feels likewise ;)

Awww, you know I do, sweetheart. Just remember this: I'm gonna finish before you. :p

WSO, I wish Mike was kidding, I know all about his plot changes. He told me about one idea, got me very excited, I was so looking forward to reading it, then he changed it on me. You know I'm kidding, don't you, Mike? ;)

Btw, Ad told me he's going to completely wing it, without any forward planning whatsoever. We'll see who comes unstuck first. :D

Icingsugar said:
That is bold and brave, and if that is your choice, we'll be hee for you for whatever support you might need along tha way..


I don't want to play the asshole here, but I just have to ask, and raise a little warning. If you have a story that is so important to you, do you really think that a project like NaNoWriMo is the best place to chisel it out? Unless you are a word spitting überhuman, chanses are that your story will indeed be told, but quite badly. This is all about writing a novel fast, not about writing a good novel. And I think that a story of such personal meaning to you might suffer from being put into words under such rushed circumstances.

I'm not gonna sway you away from your desicion. But be prepared that you might not get it right. And it sounds to me that what you have to tell deserves to be told right.

Firstly, thanks for being honest, Icing.

Secondly... I need to write this. I need to just get it down on paper and sort it all out in my head, and if I do it fast I don't have time to rephrase, sugar-coat it or hide the truth and I've been doing thta from myself for faaaaartooo long.

You'll understand when I start writing :)
Curiosity, folks

How many of us have a plot, how many an outline and how many are just 'winging it'?

I have an outline, some chapter notes on the way I think I see the story going and I'm preparing some character notes. No formal plot, as such. It will be interesting to see if I can keep to my own outline. When the going is good, my characters take over and could take me anywhere.

wildsweetone said:
Mike, I so hope you're kidding me. There's no way I could go through all this plotdoodling stuff again in this lifetime! :D

Well, I do try sometimes you know. ;)

WSO, I was half kidding. I don't expect or recommend that anyone cycle through plot ideas if they have one established and ready. Last year I had a loose idea that dramatically changed into something else by the time I started on Nov 1. This year I had an idea that I established about a month or two ago based on a short story concept I was going to write. Then about 3 weeks ago I came up with something I liked even better. I've since stuck with the current plot but it is constantly evolving. I have approximately 5 pages of loose notes and scribbles about it already.

The beauty of it all is that any ideas that I don't use during NaNoWriMo can be used for future projects afterward.

To answer Alex's question, last year I had a concept and the main character and nothing else before I started. I liked "winging" it for the creative release. This year I want something a bit more cohesive so I already have some notes on plot and characters. I'm thinking about doing a light outline, but I'm still not sure because I don't want to become tired of the idea before I start writing it.

I'm going to try my 2,000 word a day quota again this year to allow myself some slack time in case there are days when I cannot write. Last year I was able to finish about 4 days before the deadline. I'm not going for any speed records because I want to tighten up the quality of the story a notch compared to last year.

-Mike B.
Alex How many of us have a plot, how many an outline and how many are just 'winging it'?

Well, ya see, it is like this...

There's this guy who was born in 1829 in London, illegitimately to a maid and either a merchant or some dude in the Horses Guards (historical records differ). By the time he was 14 he was goaled for pick pocketing.

By the time he was 16 he was into house burglery. Did it once too often, got caught, was sentenced to transportation to Australia but spent 20 months in solitary confinement before being shipped out.

He mucked around in Aussie for a little while, tried to escape a couple of times and it sounds like the third time was successful, wherein we received him here in GodZone.

He met up with a few other 'mates' he'd spent time with in Aussie and they formed a gang. They spent a few years causing trouble (some of it big trouble) ta-dah - major scene event entrance (as if the rest wasn't enough) and ended up hanging for some of their many misdemeanours.

Interesting, yes? I think I'm kinda hung up on the wickedness in the world. ;) I'm consoling myself with the fact that it's just a phase.


Basically I'm hoping that there'll be enough in that little lot, combined with the interaction of another Important Family to have some decent ground work for a novel which may well exceed the NaNo word count.

My theory is that if I don't hit the alloted word count then I am still a winner. Basically if I get to 10k, then I'm 10k ahead of where I was before I started. How's that for positive thinking? But I intend going all out for this. :)

I think I waffled. sorry. lol