Nerdy BBW's

Just have to say that after many months, I got to embrace my table top nerds again.

We played 13th Age, which is a D&D clone. The system is fantastically condensed to the point that it only took maybe an hour for five of us to create our characters while only using two books.

Some of the things I like about it are that it allows you the freedom to make up your own skills. As long as you can justify it to the DM, you can do it. I played a barbarian Half-orc with special skills of "Movin the heavies," "He don't look right to me," and "I stare real good." I defined them as a bonus to strength tests, a 50/50 chance of singling out the bad guy or determining direction the bad guy is in, and intimidation.

Also, this game requires you to have your one unique thing that you just make up. It can be something to assist in story telling, gameplay, or just to enhance your character's background. I came up with "Due north decapitation." Basically if I cut the head off of anything from a dandelion to a dragon, it's body will fall aligned with due north ^_^

Definitely a fun system, I recommend it!
One of the women I used to work with was super nerdy. Huge Dr. Who fan. Does the whole cos play thing. Went to a con. She definitely had a few extra pounds on her.

But there was just something about her that I couldn't keep my mind off her... and most definitely wanted to get my hands on her.

So I salute the nerdy BBW's of the world! You are gorgeous and don't let anyone tell you differently
Apostrophes do not indicate plural. They indicate possession or contractions.

Christ, can't people make thread titles right?