New Boss (Kililia& momadness ONLY)

Annabella was nodding holding on Hannah in tear, she was scared out of her mind. She wondered if her husband was dead or abandon her. She nodded to the men, sobbing.
Annabella nodded: " i do have a daughter, yes...2 months...why?" *She was confused why he be looking for her child as she was in the crib. She looked from Hannah back to the man name Tino" what you mean gone!?" *She was shocked by the news* " I don't know...i breast fed her before your people burst in the room...i even heard her cry out at the commotion" *She looked panicking at the idea someone took her baby: " Is this some kind of sick joke? Acting as if you don't have my child?! " *She was held back by Hannah*" Where is my baby!!?!?" *Tino could se genuine terror in the mother's face and hear panic in her voice*
Victor is project management Atlanta Office of Victor Architectural Inc...he tricked me as he came as a night he raped me and force me to his placed. He force me marry and bare his child..." *She got angrier at Victor as she explained the details* " I am a source of entertainment...i am worthless to him...Hannah is worth more to him than I"
Annabella wished Hannah had shut up so she end up raped by the men and be of no value to Victor. She looked at the man with disgust:" performance? No women or men could perform good enough to fake enjoying sex with you. There is no way, I am helping you in anyways, .... and it's not cause I love that sick fuck"
Annabella fought him as he dragged her to the room. She was in panic as she ran for the door before he dragged her to the bed and hand cuff her to the bed. She hissed at him like a cat as he pulled the cam recorder:" let me fucki..."* her phrase cut off by the gag*

She fought and even try kick him in the balls as he got closer, she didn't want to be part of this. She knew it be more than hurt with her.