New Chain Story?

Chicklet said:
well we'll see how it turns out

you want to write a chapter, harold?

I'm still debating. Currently I'm stuck on four different stories, so probably not.

BTW, Did I leave anything out on my summary?

Chicklet said:

Hey, maybe he does take a cab = ) Who knows? he and the cabby could have some fuuun

In my interracial/gay male chapter, he hooks up with a cute arabian taxi driver. So there!:cool:
Re: Re: Gone for 4 days, and I miss 3 pages!!!

Don K Dyck said:

Ahhh, there you are Svenskaflicka!! We missed you! Have you finished house moving??? It is such a chore! :) :)

Don, you're a doll!

Yes, I've moved all the stuff to the new place (imagine carrying a double size bed, a 3-section bookcase, a TV, a computer, a kitchen table, two chairs, a stereo with four speakers, and numerous boxes with Stuff down one stair and then two stairs up again, and squeeze them into an aprtment half the size of the former one...that's last week for me!)

I still haven't put everything in place, but I'm getting there. I should probably get the broadband connection working by friday *crossing fingers*, and then I'll be here around the clock, as normal.

Re: Re: Gone for 4 days, and I miss 3 pages!!!

Weird Harold said:

You were missed. ;)

"Adam Milligan" is just a working name. There is still room and time to argue a better name. I just suggested "Milligan" because it made for an alliterative title -- Mr. Milligan Makes his Way Home" -- but "Adam's Alternate Adventures" is alliterative too and doesn't even mention his last name.

Thanks, you're sweet...:)

Actually, I have nothing against the name "Milligan" - it's "Adam" I dislike! There's like no way I'm gonna be able to write somehitng sexy if I keep getting images of Adam Sandler into my head!

(Especially not since Chicklet already has the BDSM cat, so I can't whip his sorry ass...)
Re: Re: Re: Gone for 4 days, and I miss 3 pages!!!

Svenskaflicka said:

(Especially not since Chicklet already has the BDSM cat, so I can't whip his sorry ass...)

hey, not BDSM - NonConsent.

Adam, Adam, Adam...I don't think of Adam Sandler. I'm sorry you don't like the name... = ( Do you think you could do it anyway or do we *have* to change it?
Chicklet said:

Yes!! Join! Oooh, I'm so excited!


Well what can I say with a welcome like that.

So what catergories are left?
Have we a time limit as yet either ?

The cab question could be answered as, he starts to walk to clear his head, this also allows him to catch one at a later time.
Her wakes up in a strange place not sure what time it is, doesn't recognise anyone so starts walking until he finds somewhere familar.
cherrylips_au said:

So what catergories are left?
Have we a time limit as yet either ?

well basically most of the categories are open, I think, and so far no one has objected when I said people can do a category twice if they'd like. Eventually, when we get the first chapter done, we will have to choose the dates that the stories will come out, but that probably won't be until next week. So, until then, no time limit = )
Chicklet said:
Eventually, when we get the first chapter done, we will have to choose the dates that the stories will come out,

Given the lead times required would it make sense to add a holiday flavor to the story? I can't see the first epsiode being posted before the end of September. That will carry the complete story through at least halloween and possibly run it into Thanksgiving.

A Halloween party could explain all sorts of strange goings on.
ummm ... can I please remind you that not all the authors will celebrate the same holidays; or have the slightest idea of how some celebrate those holidays.
WillowPuss said:
ummm ... can I please remind you that not all the authors will celebrate the same holidays; or have the slightest idea of how some celebrate those holidays.


I think Halloween is pretty safe as an excuse for a party. Most English speakers at least know about halloween and that it often involves costume parties, ghost stories, witches, and the like.

Some variety in how various authors treat Halloween could add an interesting "eductional element" to the story -- different customs and degrees of seriousness about Halloween myths will shape how halloween is worked into each episode.

A holiday element in the story isn't really necessary. I just thought I'd point out that the timing of when the stories are likely to be posted falls in "the holiday season" for most English speakers. If Laurel runs a Halloween (or other holiday) story contest this year this chain story will be "competing" for readers against holiday stories.

That *would* be a good excuse. I think we should leave it up to Stranger, since she has the first chapter in hand.

If we don't use it as a theme we could always theme one of the episodes that way, the nonhuman or such, and schedule it for right around then.

Well now...

...I'm all set!

Gonna help as much as I can here, after all, now that I have also joined the Survivor series, need to rack up as many points as I can...

Did anyone even notice how far ahead Chicklet was?
No wonder she wants to get this


Just teasing ya!

PS...Just submiited some poems too... 9 actually! Lol :p
YES! I'm BACK!!!

I've finally got the broadband connection working at home, and now I can be here for more than a measly 30 minutes at a time (I don't like public computers...:mad:
Last edited:
Re: Well now...

Dj_Maximus said:
Did anyone even notice how far ahead Chicklet was?
No wonder she wants to get this


Last time I checked her scoring list, she had 78 points!
With my 21, I feel a bit behind...
Svenskaflicka said:
Stranger! Stranger! Stranger!

No, I'm not trying to rush you..?:confused:

bump! (just to keep it on page one while PLS works on the framework.)
Stranger? Hoo-hooooo??? No offense, sweety, but it's been two weeks. Have you got a writer's block, or are you just very, very busy?
Hey, we have a while. we don't have to rush stranger.

in her defense, i know that she has been and still is very, very busy. lots of stuff going on that her newspaper needs to cover, and they need their editor!

take your time, baby. no stress.

I'm sorry for being so pushy, it's just that my fingers are itching to start writing! This is so fun!
But OK, I'll hold my horses and wait patiently (naaaaaah!!!).:p
I would like to join in the chain story but I need to figure out what categories are left. Oh Mind if I join in btw? LOL
Joinin' The Fun

ehlanna said:
I would like to join in the chain story but I need to figure out what categories are left. Oh Mind if I join in btw? LOL

Basically you can choose ANY category you want! = ) Doesn't matter if someone's "taken" it - nothing wrong with writing another one!

Currently, I believe that Stranger (no offense, my love) has dropped out. She has writers block in general.

Anyone else want to write the first chapter? Or should I add it to the pile of things I'm working on? We're running out of time for the survivor contest, but since I got an immunity in that category I'm not stressed = )

Chicklet -

I might like to write the first chapter.

Is there a post when it's due to be sent to Laurel?
Is there a post outlinging what the first chapter has to cover? You know - introducing the setup, the main character, etc. Then, I would assume, the main character goes on his first, ah...adventure. No?

Trying to catch up with this thread.

Let me know.

- Judo
In A Nutshell...

Here's the plan in a nutshell.

We want to write a story about alternate realities, how one choice can lead to a bunch of different conclusions...sort of cliche, huh? = ) But with an erotic twist it could be fun.

We were thinking that our main character could be at a party, and need a ride home. He has a few different options, and in each chapter he takes a different one. Some of the options could be men, women, relatives, etc. Older, younger, some are kinky, some aren't. With each different decision, another type of fetish is involved - someone might want him to dominate them, some might want to dominate them, some are going to be interested in anal sex some are going to be interested in oral etc etc...

The first chapter is probably going to be a basic one, where he takes a ride with someone, they seduce him, he ends up in bed. The reason it's an important one, besides being the first, is that it needs to involve some aspects that other chapters can use to show the passing of time.

eight o'clock the blonde in the corner starts crying, nine o'clock his wife starts bitching, etc...each different decision he makes is going to affect (effect?) what happens to those people - eight o'clock the blonde starts crying and he ignores her. another story he might go over and comfort her, and end up going home with her.

We haven't decided on any dates yet...because of the possiblity for such a complex story, we really need an outline, but I suck at outlines.

If you're willing to write the first chapter, do you have a brainstorm for a basic outline that everyone could see?

I don't know what you mean about "at 9 O'clock this, at 8 O'clock that." I haven't read anything like that in the thread so far.

* * *

As far as outlines, sure I can outline the opening chapter:

He arrives with friends at the party. He is met and greeted by the people throwing the party. He meets and misses with a few hotties. He eventually gets too drunk and falls asleep. He wakes. Party is largely over and his ride is gone. He finds a ride (or not) and finishes the evening.

(* At this point, I think most other chapters would begin *)

Now, then as an alternate setup, If you are thinking of a series of events in the beginning story that could spawn other stories, then how many participants do we have? Well, so far, none because we don't have a signup deadline.

If we know how many, I could include a similar number of incidents in my chapter, so that others could take it from there.

Also, in my chapter, I'm going to get him to have sex somewhere (probably in the middle before he passes out) and that will need to be left out of the successive stories, right?

* * *

Here's what I think you need to do to organize this Chicklet:

1) Set a signup date deadline and a limited number of authors who are dependable (say 10 only!).

2) Once the authors have committed, have them choose a subject and quickly outline their chapter (as i have done above).

3) You assign them a release date (one new chapter released each week). Work out promotion, etc. details with Litmistress Laurel and let the games begin.

4) You will have to keep pestering everyone every so often to make sure they are committed to delivering. Even so, probably 20% to 30% of your "dedicated" writers will drop out.

* * *

- Judo
JUDO said:
I don't know what you mean about "at 9 O'clock this, at 8 O'clock that." I haven't read anything like that in the thread so far.

Good ole' confusing Chicklet...

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I want these stories to really seem side by side. I want certain things to stay the same in the begining, of course, since most of it will be the same.

JUDO said:
He arrives with friends at the party. He is met and greeted by the people throwing the party. He meets and misses with a few hotties. He eventually gets too drunk and falls asleep. He wakes. Party is largely over and his ride is gone. He finds a ride (or not) and finishes the evening.

Excellent, in my opinion = ) = )

JUDO said:
Here's what I think you need to do to organize this Chicklet:

1) Set a signup date deadline and a limited number of authors who are dependable (say 10 only!)..

How should I judge who is dependable?

10, eh...okay, since this thread has been dead for a while i'm going to go about PM'ing people. I'm going to give them until the end of next week, Friday September 20th, to have a brief outline like your paragraph there posted on the thread. Then once we know who is commited enough to write that paragraph we can say "alright, you first ten, you're in!"

Sound good?
