New Chain Story?

Judo, you have a PM.

JUDO said:
I don't know what you mean about "at 9 O'clock this, at 8 O'clock that." I haven't read anything like that in the thread so far.

In one of chicklet's earliest posts, she mentioned this -- it's kind of a "time marker"concept where certain events are included in each story to clearly indicate that it's the same day instead of a sequence of similar days. Including them would give a sort of Dejavu feeling to the stories, but mostly, they'll provide a frame of reference for the other authors.

JUDO said:
...Party is largely over and his ride is gone. He finds a ride (or not) and finishes the evening.

(* At this point, I think most other chapters would begin *)

When you end your story, put him back at this point for the next author to take over from.

JUDO said:
...Now, then as an alternate setup, If you are thinking of a series of events in the beginning story that could spawn other stories, then how many participants do we have? Well, so far, none because we don't have a signup deadline.

If we know how many, I could include a similar number of incidents in my chapter, so that others could take it from there.

I don't think you really know how many will participate, you can add thirty or forty "decision points" to your story for other authors to choose from. Not all of the decision points you include have to be used, and you may write something that another author might see as a "decision point" that you didn't intend as one.

How he leaves the party is one decision point that is inevitable, and any author that chooses to turn away from your story at that point is going to bypass all of your other decision points.

An outline/timeline of potential decision point would be helpful tothose who might be interested.
Chicklet said:
How should I judge who is dependable?

Well, usually, they might be the ones whom have already published a lot of stuff. Although, even that doesn't always work. Threats don't work. Basically, it's impossible to coerce. You just have to hope that the people are not flakes. You can encourage story ideas, inspire, and try to get them writing early.

You need to be a cheerleader for this and get all the other authors to publish feedback and volunteer to edit the other's work. In this way, the group becomes more of a self-promoting tight family group working together.

Originally posted by Chicklet

10, eh...okay, since this thread has been dead for a while i'm going to go about PM'ing people. I'm going to give them until the end of next week, Friday September 20th, to have a brief outline like your paragraph there posted on the thread. Then once we know who is commited enough to write that paragraph we can say "alright, you first ten, you're in!"

Sound good?

Chicklet [/B]

Usually better to publish the names in a thread. After all of this discussin in this thread. I think you should now announce the deadlines, schedule, limited field and intent in a sign-up thread, where we will really do the chain.

Have them sign-up, volunteer, whatever - Hey, I'm in, I'll do it!

Publish the first 10 names.

Then ask them their preference for type of story for their chapters.

Publish that with their names.

Then assign dates to each story, giving 2-3 weeks for the first author (me).


- Judo
Sorry - getting confused here - do we do our outline paragraphs here or not?
I'm in, I'm in!
Woohooo, finally! We're starting!

I want to write either one story involving both gay male and interracial, or one story for each of those two categories.

Like, "he calls for a cab, and when he gets into it, there's a cute Arabian guy driving. and they end up having sex.

Will this do?
John Doe @ The Party

1st Category: Exhibitionism / Voyeurism:

John Doe walks into the party, seeing the room full of people he barely knew. He wished he had turned down the invitation to his pals party, but he didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings.

He walks toward the main bedroom, slowly opening the door to place his trenchcoat inside. As he gently turned the knob, he could hear soft moans coming from inside.

He peered in and found his best friend "entertaining" this lovely young lady. She could be no more than nineteen years old. He stood there and watched as she bounced up and down on his pal...

(This is just a quick rundown of my general story idea...)
John Doe @ The Park

2nd Category: Celebrity

John Dow leaves his car behind at the party, and decides to walk home instead. He walks by the main park in the city and comes across a free concert featuring <insert singer here>.

He joins the crowd and somehow manages to make his way to the front of the stage. <Singer> notices him and motions for her bodyguard to get him backstage.

John Doe meets <singer> and they hit it off wonderfully. She makes advances to him and he gratefully responds with some of his own.

Half an hour later, the two of them are naked and in a hot and steamy hot tub...
John Doe Audio

How would everyone like him to sound like?

I am thinking toward making it a straight sexual encounter between him and his fiancee/wife/girlfriend.

Check out my Audio Story, The Night Call, and let me know if it sounds ok voice wise...

Point scoring...


Do these stories also count as individual points in our Survivor scoring race? Or do they only count as Chain Story points?
JUDO said:
(* waiting on Chicklet *)

sorry, i've been away...

here is what I might possibly publish:

1st Story - Judo - (erotic coupling?) October 1st

2nd Story - Chicklet (NonConsent) October 15th

3rd Story - Willowpuss (BDSM, right?) October 31st (lots of halloween possibilities)

4th Story - DJ Maximus (Choose one, buddy!) November 14th

5th Story - Svenskaflicka (Choose one, please!) November 30th

maybe more if people say so in this thread...I am reluctant to post the new thread, please give me your go-ahead here before I start it...

Re: Point scoring...

Dj_Maximus said:

Do these stories also count as individual points in our Survivor scoring race? Or do they only count as Chain Story points?

only as chain story
Decisions, decisions

Ok, if we decide to do only one story, I would like to do the second one I suggesed... Celebrity...

Anyone have any favorite Female singers they would like to suggest?

Any info pertinent to the story would be good also... :)
BDSM it is for me - thanks.

Idea off the top of my head ...

<character> leaves party in search of a taxi.
Sees a female (about 45ish) dressed in black leather catsuit, high-heeled boots and a black cape.
She is also waiting for a taxi (I will have to be careful not to revert to cab!)
A taxi arrives and they both enter it (different sides of the street)
<charater> suggests its his ride and she leave ... she fixes him with a glare and just says "I think not".

Something about her tone and general manner makes him pause and then ask if he might please share HER ride.

They go to her house
She introduces him to BDSM

Now ... question for you all ... does sex actually have to take place?
I was thinking more a bit of CBT/flogging/spanking etc.

Re: John Doe Audio

Dj_Maximus said:
How would everyone like him to sound like?

I am thinking toward making it a straight sexual encounter between him and his fiancee/wife/girlfriend.

Check out my Audio Story, The Night Call, and let me know if it sounds ok voice wise...


Want a female vocalist to help with the sound effects music man, too bad you didn't bring a tape recorder last week end. <sultry grin> I thought we sounded great 2-gether n'est ce pas? If not I am into any rehearsals you might require or desire. Let me know smooth one!
WillowPuss said:
BDSM it is for me - thanks.

Now ... question for you all ... does sex actually have to take place?
I was thinking more a bit of CBT/flogging/spanking etc.


I think no sex would be fine = ) sounds like a great idea!!

I want to write a story about how our character is driven to do something he had never thought himself capable of - force himself on another woman. In my mind I see him as more of a nice-guy type, who has never "gone too far" but I want to write from his POV where something completely different clicks in his head, and the decision that makes him change his mild demeanor towards one woman.

Thinking maybe that the woman could be a friend he's had for a long time, but never made a move on, or else did and was rejected.

Please include this character in your stories, so that the reader gets to see her when he's thinking about her but not acting on it.

How should me describe her?

Can we get a general description of this female?
Or can we simply model her after you... :D

Just j/k!!!

A description would be good though...
Chicklet -

How 'bout this setup for Non-Consent? Our guy comes to the aid of a woman as she is being shoved into a van by a bunch of ne'er-do-wells, and he gets clonked over the head. Next thing he knows, he's in a tight spot and forced to have sex with the woman he tried to save.

What do you think?

- Judo
I think that it's too far out of character for our main guy. It would be next to impossible to create something convincing that will still keep the sympathies of the reader for the main character. I think it's better if he's forced to take an innocent at gunpoint. And you still have an interesting Non-consent story, both his and hers.

- Judo
I promise you that the story wouldn't suck, and it wouldn't hurt the sympathy towards our main character. Besides, the way I'd do it, it'd be like she was begging him to force her...she doesn't want to consent, but her no's mean "yes" - it's still nonconsent, but fun...
JUDO said:
I think that it's too far out of character for our main guy. It would be next to impossible to create something convincing that will still keep the sympathies of the reader for the main character.

Since the whole premise of the chain is that he's making different choices -- exactly what is "in character" for him. He's basically a bland, "Mr. Average" but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have a dark side he's suppressing.

One of your decision points could easily lead him to an encounter with an aquatance who is always taunting him that he's "not man enough to take what he wants." Responding to that challenge can lead him to BDSM or to nonconsent -- or both without alienating the readers. Especially if he finds that rough sex really isn't the key to ending the loop.
Chicklet, are you saying that I can't combine my ideas into one story? It has to be EITHER gay male OR interracial? It can't be Interracial Gay Male?
Okay, I got a first pass done today on the first chapter. Does anyone want to proofread it before I send it to Laurel?

- Judo
JUDO said:
Okay, I got a first pass done today on the first chapter. Does anyone want to proofread it before I send it to Laurel?

- Judo

You should have gotten the notification of my new e-mail address and you can send it to me for proofreading. (if not, then my e-mail button has the correct address.)

I think everyone who is participating, or interested in participating should get a pre-publication copy so they know know where they're starting from.

I haven't seen a deadline schedule yet, so sending it to Laurel now might be premature.