new poems

thanks for the mention

I appreciate the mention big guy. I wish I had written
something worthy of it. My brain and emotions aren't
working together. Maybe warmer weather and some salt
time will help.
Anna- I loved reading about your game of fish.
seeya, sandspike
Tuesday's Top Picks

My favorite this morning is Purple Eyes . This is good poetry, great erotica and wicked fun. Thanks tarablackwood22!

I also like Spree 10 . It's organized chaos any poet can appreciate.

I want to thank jthserra for all his help yesterday and for 60 Sheets today. I love this
a gelling errant thought
waits in a corner, torn and tattered
I looked you up to read your stuff and you have submitted a veritable treasure trove, haven't you? It will take me a while to go through and enjoy them all, but it is a journey I look forward to!

Breath of God by Yours Truly is worth a look. It lifts the spirit.

Going back to yesterday I want to thank WindChyme for three of my favorites. Great work! I look forward to your future submissions.

Wake of the Golden Leaf is well worth another look. Great tribute to quitting a bad thing.

That's how I feel about it. Now you go read them and let us know how you feel about it!

Syn :kiss:
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Re: Just another manic Monday....

And last, but not least... my favorite of today. Something about this one just grabbed me, maybe it was the rhythm, maybe the meter, but I was wonderfully surprised with this poem by WindChyme titled Computer Shock Therapy . Read, vote and comment.... enjoy.

Thank you so much for the mention, and for all the kind responses given. I am inspired to try again!

But, one question. I mostly write essay type things. Where do they go? I tried to ask about that elsewhere and only received rather sarcastic answers... If I had been standing on a street corner, I'd still be there! HELP!
Thank you

I can honestly say I am very flattered and completely flustered by everyone's kind responses to my poetry. Thank you for the mention on this message loop, and thank you everyone who has taken the time to post a response to what I have posted. It makes the thought of posting something else more bearable to know that there are such kind people out there.
Re: Re: Just another manic Monday....

WindChyme said:
And last, but not least... my favorite of today. Something about this one just grabbed me, maybe it was the rhythm, maybe the meter, but I was wonderfully surprised with this poem by WindChyme titled Computer Shock Therapy . Read, vote and comment.... enjoy.

Thank you so much for the mention, and for all the kind responses given. I am inspired to try again!

But, one question. I mostly write essay type things. Where do they go? I tried to ask about that elsewhere and only received rather sarcastic answers... If I had been standing on a street corner, I'd still be there! HELP!

Where did you ask? Not that it matters, really. There is some prose poetry on the site and, IMHO, some of it is quite good. There is a category for Reviews & Essays that immediately comes to mind. Or, depending on what you mean by essay type things, you could also possibly post in the non-erotic, how to, or humor & satire categories.
Re: WindChyme

When you got to "Submit Work," click on Submit Story instead of poetry. Then you will get MANY options as far as which category to put it in.

Essay as in memoir of your first fuck-goes in first time

Essay as in carrots up the ass goes in toys and masturbating.

Essay as in not about sex goes in Non-Erotic

Hope this helps. I'm a newbie too!

Syn :kiss:
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Re: Tuesday's Top Picks

Syndra Lynn said:

I want to thank jthserra for all his help yesterday and for 60 Sheets today. I love this I looked you up to read your stuff and you have submitted a veritable treasure trove, haven't you? It will take me a while to go through and enjoy them all, but it is a journey I look forward to!

Thank you Syndra for the kind comments on my "60 Sheets", and on "I Was Called Poet".

jim : )
Re: Re: WindChyme

Syndra Lynn said:
When you got to "Submit Work," click on Submit Story instead of poetry. Then you will get MANY options as far as which category to put it in.

Essay as in memoir of your first fuck-goes in first time

Essay as in carrots up the ass goes in toys and masturbating.

Essay as in not about sex goes in Non-Erotic

They also have a category titled: Essays and Reviews. I think most non-fiction would fall here, with perhaps the exception of a memoir type thing. I posted an essay in the Humor category and it was pretty well ignored, but I am not sure it would have done much better in the essay category. I have a review there, but it hasn't gotten a lot of reads either.

jim : )
Re: Just another manic Monday....

jthserra said:
This week I promise to get RazzRajen spelled correctly. She brought me a chance to correct my boo boo with another excellent poem: Needs Be Said .

jim : )

Thanks jim, for the mention again....( Lifting lungi to verify ) but "She".....?

Chuckles you will leave many flummoxed by that :p



With so many people reviewing (wonderful!) I am not sure who sent me the new poem link--

it however did not take me to the new poems, but instead to A new poem....

which was nice to read, but I wanted to let you know...

And of course, thanks for the comments and mention on my Strip and Go Fish poem, we can play this after twister. Maybe with a poetry twist. Hmmm.... getting some ideas....

Re: Re: Just another manic Monday....

RazzRajen said:

Thanks jim, for the mention again....( Lifting lungi to verify ) but "She".....?

Chuckles you will leave many flummoxed by that :p


Razz [/B]

Oh my... I am sorry again. LOL.... You need to keep posting poems for Monday so eventually I can get it right...

jim : )
Thursday's Goodies

Just a quick look at what I liked and why:

Master's Pleasure because it made me wet.

My Lover's Room had a lot of sweet sentiments. We all need this kind of safe cocoon!

lapse Ah! I know this feeling well. And it is so sad when you are the one forgotten, no?

The less I write This is great! Go read it to see why!

My Depression This is so touching on so many levels! YOU GUYS GO READ AND VOTE!

And my favorite today, drumroll please,

Open Air

These are just my favorites. Now-go find your own!

New Poems

Syn :kiss:
Re: Thursday's Goodies

Syndra Lynn said:
Just a quick look at what I liked and why:

Master's Pleasure because it made me wet.

lapse Ah! I know this feeling well. And it is so sad when you are the one forgotten, no?:

Thank you for the mention of my poem
: )
I guess my next goal is to write one to make you wet too
; )
Thank again for your kind words

new poems 3/4/04

Okay. This is gonna be quick because I have things to do.

But I did read all of the new poems and here are my recommendations.

Open Air by annaswirls.

Better read when there's still snow outside. <sigh>
My pick of the day is

Tasting Bitter Fruit by jthserra.

A marvelous villanelle. And just when I was listening to Nina Simone's version of "Strange Fruit." Synchronicity? A marvelous poem. It's on my cork board.
Porkpie Alone by Angeline.

Wonderful. A fine tribute. I can't rave enough. Just go read it.
Lenny Bruce Ghost Offers Rejoinder by denis hale.

I must be just lucky to get to rave about denis' poems every week. Wow. Every poem of his offers a screaming overload of images. All effective, some disturbing.
And a few more to check out:

theres some form of substance by steve porter. (steve? some apostrophes please?)

for sleep by smithpeter.

that which fills my pause by Sibilaire.

apostasies by SeattleRain.

As always, read and decide for yourself.

Happy Thursday!

(I'm off to finish my zodiac poem...)


Thanks for the mention Cordelia and Syndra-- especially on a day with so many amazing pieces of work--

.....holding my breath hoping open season lasts

squirells are already frisky
bad little things
spring has barely defrosted
their nuts
and acorns....
Thank you...

Cordelia for the kind comments about "Tasting Bitter Fruit" and thank you Sandspike and Anna, for the public comments. This poem came together well for me.


jim : )
Re: new poems 3/4/04

Cordelia said:
Okay. This is gonna be quick because I have things to do.

But I did read all of the new poems and here are my recommendations.

Porkpie Alone by Angeline.

Wonderful. A fine tribute. I can't rave enough. Just go read it.

As always, read and decide for yourself.

Happy Thursday!

(I'm off to finish my zodiac poem...)


Thanks dear Cordie. :kiss:

One of the first poems I ever posted at Lit in 2002 was about the great tenor sax player Lester Young, who was a seminal influence for jazz musicians from Bird and Mingus to Horace Silver and Stan Getz, yet he is mostly forgotten now (unless you read my posts, lol). If you like jazz and you don't know Prez, discover him. His story is tragic and fascinating, but more importantly, his music will take your breath away.

His dearest friend and spiritual soulmate, btw, was the great Billie Holiday whom he nicknamed Lady Day (it stuck). I had to smile when I saw Jim's wonderful poem about her famous song--it was nice to see poems about the two of them posted together.

that little poem came out of a very important somewhere.
most times simple makes me cry easier than enormity.
Thank you for mentioning it.

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Thankyou sooo much for your comments, both on Flippy and on As a windchime... which isn't such a smash hit I see. But thats ok...

I wish I had your gracious and loving attitude... and the time to express it. You, my dear, are Poetess Extraordinaire Of The Year!

:rose: :rose:

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

(my fan club doesn't bananadance for just anyone!)
An itsy bitsy apology

My head.

It's somewhere else.

Poems by me have been recommended in this thread, and I've had lots of feedback and public comments, but I haven't had the common coursey to smother you all with the kisses you deserve for your kind words. My mind has been straying lately (see pic :D ).

So :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: to all of you, and thank you over again. You are all great teachers.


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Re: Thursday's Goodies

Syndra Lynn said:
Just a quick look at what I liked and why:

Master's Pleasure because it made me wet.

My Lover's Room had a lot of sweet sentiments. We all need this kind of safe cocoon!

lapse Ah! I know this feeling well. And it is so sad when you are the one forgotten, no?

The less I write This is great! Go read it to see why!

My Depression This is so touching on so many levels! YOU GUYS GO READ AND VOTE!

And my favorite today, drumroll please,

Open Air

These are just my favorites. Now-go find your own!

New Poems

Syn :kiss:

Thank you very much Syndra for mentioning my poem. It is very much appreciated. :rose:
Re: An itsy bitsy apology

Linbido said:
My mind has been straying lately (see pic :D ).

Awwww! They're beautiful, Lin! :heart: They look just like you, too! ;)

- Mindy
Re: Re: An itsy bitsy apology

minsue said:
Awwww! They're beautiful, Lin! :heart: They look just like you, too! ;)

- Mindy
You sould had seen her reaction to those pictures... as priceless as anything. A strange mix of maternal loving pride and "Eh? Ersaerhead?". :)
A grateful thank you Cordelia for mentioning "Aposthesis"

I wrote a big long piece years ago about Kip Elaison, written by a artist and poem writing character, Azo Yellow, in a novel I had started.

Kip, if I recall correctly, was banished from his church for loving other men in a way that the church did not find to be acceptable. Believe he took his own life because he had lost his sense of community, family, history, identity. It was so painful to me then, I could not edit or cut a single word. Now look, I cannot even remember the whole story.

My anon commenter, I am not sure what you are asking or saying. Maybe I just need more sleep before I can understand. Maybe I am not meant to.

where is my spring? not fair!
