new poems

Thanks, Miss Swirls

I am very pleased with the reactions I have received in the early stages of posting material that I have been accumulating since I was 18. I am impressed by the way the community is dedicated to poetry....I joined the site, thinking it was only an outlet for sexy("dirty") stories and fast realizing that the more practiced form of my writing can be displayed as well. What a joy!:D As I said above, thank you for your warm comments and I will continue to post my work.

I only started dating poems in 1994 and I encourage all would be poets to do the same. I, myself, write from the emotional base inside me and by dating our work we can see the changes in ourselves and look back on those happy and not so happy times in life. I tend to write more during unhappy times, but I have tapped into a different vein and begun to put my smiles to words as well.:heart:

Be well, keep your eyes open for angels, fred
than you Tathagata for mentioning snapshot'82 a few days ago. i am sorry so late, but thanks to everyone who read it and voted and left PC's, even Senna, who had never sent me FB on any of my "stuff" and I have to wonder why he chose this particular one to start with, unless he thought all my stuff perfect until this one came along ;)

ya'll have a great day--- and check out Eve's illustrated poems too, excellent words of wisdom, understated in Green Snake, it should be a huge poster, displayed, well, somewhere!!

**yo, anon, the parking lot has changed more than I have, thats what it means!!!:D **
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annaswirls said:
Okay I am a sucker for science speak...
well when it is put into such a sexy, profound, just crazy enough to work context as
Liar's Hemisphere to Holders

hot hot hot we know where Liar's brain was floating while he sat in Physics class...
You have no idea.

my mind travelled
in par with my eyes
up the lengthy lusciousness
of a lovely lab partner's
short skirt framed smoothness
and further
before finally
in forward momentum
letting hands join in

hit a jackpot
got a D
learned other things instead

Thx for the mention Anna. :rose: :)
Liar said:
You have no idea.

my mind travelled
in par with my eyes
up the lengthy lusciousness
of a lovely lab partner's
short skirt framed smoothness
and further
before finally
in forward momentum
letting hands join in

hit a jackpot
got a D
learned other things instead

Thx for the mention Anna. :rose: :)

Oh my, she sounds hot!
a bet you aced biology, though!

hmmm now this might be an interesting challenge
"don't no much about biology
don't no much of trigonometry...."

"will this be on the test?"
or "the under (the table) achiever"
hmm sounds more like a story title...

Anna always loved her English teachers (in her mind at least)

It's monday and my review is coming...

but before I get started, I want to thank Anna for the kind words about my "I Best Remember the Mud"

thanks, and hey, excellent job on the Sunday reviews. Bravo!

jim : )
Okay, I'm getting started

here... I offer you a teaser for today's poems. There were I think about 40 to 42 poems today. Some excellent work from a lot of poets. I'll open here with a teaser and then will return later with the remainder of my choices for Monday's New poems.

Monday is Illustrated and Audio Poetry day... And I found some wonderful examples of both in the new poems. for my teaser I re-introduce Wicked-Eve with some stunning artwork:

taste her: Pomegranate Lover , then watch for her Green Snake and experience my favorite: Ann's Anxiety .

She has two others, look at those too. Vote and comment on them all... you will enjoy it.

I'll be back in a bit with the rest of the reviews...

jim :)
Today is Monday...

and these are my favorites of the 40 or so new poems posted today.

As I mentioned before, Monday is Audio Poetry day and we have two excellent audio poems.

Man Ray's accent adds a dimension to his Living in a Welsh Village . Look for some very interesting rhyme here...

As for the illustrated poems, as I mentioned in my teaser, be sure and see all of Wicked Eve's art and poetry in today's new poems, including Green Snake .

Elizabetht brings us another Illustrated poem. Her lillith is cast from hell is a whirling hell of a poem:

"His lilith had been taken
A crude rope tied around her throat
Dragged into the daylight
To melt under the sun"

Rising from hell into the gray of winter, Syndra Lynn brings us a rainy winter with
Shades of Gray
. A poem that brought us:

"Opaque gray sky
one horizon to the next
boxed in
no escaping
rainy day blues"

Then Liar took us into metaphorical seas with
nautic infatuation . You can feel the sea spray with this rolling poem.

A life rope... extended tether by Palau gives us a lifeline, a timeline:

"...stolen ideas
applied to the concept of forgiveness
precarious atonement
tapestries of other peoples lies
difficult verse..."

Read, comment and vote...

Then, when the waters have calmed, we learn that Sex is Best. Floaters poem rolls though the best ever sex. This one sizzles...

Speaking of sizzling, there were several poems that had me sweating here...

Sibilaire's horses, lip gloss and Elvis simply glows in an equine fantasy,

while Svelte Walker shows us something
simple black and clingy
a non-erotic poem that I found very erotic.

Angeline introduces us to a momentary switch with a Role Reversals in interesting look at dominance and Submission.

She also brings us to a time, she calls simply then , simply an excellent poem:

"no need for delusion
just roll down the grassy slope
to lilacs and a picnic table"

Simply beautiful...

Annaswirls then frightened me with her roaring
. The night glow images and a lady named Enola are haunting.

Imagine, prarie dogs, peeking up from their burrows... 2rivers does just that in codified

Then Boomerangue struck me with Scrying a tree and a poem of life.

Darkmaas sends us a Postcard # 4 from a blue planet :

"Before Adam
before the Word
there must have been
the sound the Moon makes."

Very Zen...

Oxalis then asks us to Just Imagine

and Smithpeter simply replies 9

And finally, and certainly not least, my favorite of the day is an Audio Poem... or is it an Audio Prose Poem, or is it...? Well, I get confused sometimes between short, short stories and prose poems.

I once asked a well respected poet aquaintence, a well published University professor, what determined if it was prose or poetry. He simply answered, it depends upon what the poet/author calls it.

This one is called a poem. Either way, I was impressed with the writing, but when I listened to this one, I was convinced... Everyone, read and LISTEN to this one... you will be thrilled. The poem, the experience is
Just a Touch
by Kundalinguini. This is Audio poetry!!! I promise.

And those are my picks for tonight, Monday March 8th... Please take a peek a the New Poems yourself and see if you can find some gems that I missed.

Until next week, simply be...

jim : )
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Thank you, Jim. I had fun with that one... and the other, too! But the feedback- Oy vey!!! lol

For the curious...

Scrying is the name given to the ancient technique of gazing into an object such as a crystal ball (or skull) for the purposes of divination. Although some people can achieve visions from gazing into flames or even a shallow bowl of water or black ink, the clear quartz crystal ball is the most common method.

I use an ancient seamless pewter bowl filled with rain water... and now my grandson does, too!
let me tell you about airplanes.....

Jim, thank you for the mention of my Enola Gay poem--

after visiting the Air and Space museum about a month ago, I have been haunted by the face to face view the walkways bring you so close... so real, frozen in time, haunting, yes.

I would recommend anyone heading to DC area to go to the OTHER Air and Space museum near the airport, so so so much better than the one on the mall.... HUGE, has a Space Shuttle and everything.

There is my sales pitch.

oh and it was in a neighboring town where the women painted Uranium onto airplane dials so the pilots could read in the dark witout the "enemy" seeing them... now a Superfund site... of course, the radiant young women became a quick study in carcinogenic properties of radioactive elements.....

Okay, enough already Anna,

Good night! And thanks!

:heart: Anna
Thanks Jim!

I always feel special when you mention my poems!

And your feedback is always spot on, helps a lot. Thank you!

Syn :kiss:
Bore da!

`Bore da` is Welsh for `Good Morning`! I have been wanting to use the names of the villages round my home for awhile now. I enjoyed the challenge of rhyming but realised that unless you were lucky enough to be Welsh you wouldn't `hear` the rhymes so it had to be an audio! Thank you for the mention, it is appreciated.:D
Thank you Jim

for mentioning my two poems and for your public comments. Your time and thoughtful attention are much appreciated. By the way, dominance and Submission was intentional, wasn't it you sneaky guy. :D :rose:

And yes, The_Fool, when I wrote Role Reversals I thought of DG--and that you and darkmaas would be the ones who'd notice. ;)
Thanks for the glowing review, Jim.

You're right: the borderlines are very thin sometimes. I realized Just a Touch could have been put into either category, and in fact, would have been heard by far more people if I simply called it a story, but this was an audio poem all the way. It was written to be heard as an intimate voice almost whispered in the listener's ear.

The feedback is greatly appreciated. I guess as writers we succeed when we know we've hit the mark with our own work, but if we don't care whether it strikes home in someone else, we might as well just keep journals.

k u n d a l i n g u i n i

We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.
—Anaïs Nin

Just a Touch - An intimate audio poem
Re: Bore da!

Man Ray said:
I have been wanting to use the names of the villages round my home for awhile now. I enjoyed the challenge of rhyming but realised that unless you were lucky enough to be Welsh you wouldn't `hear` the rhymes.

It was a pleasure to hear. Welch has more than a few unexpected pronunciations, a source of endless amusement for the locals, I'd imagine. ;)

But I noticed you didn't try to rhyme Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. :D
Re: Thank you Jim

Angeline said:
for mentioning my two poems and for your public comments. Your time and thoughtful attention are much appreciated. By the way, dominance and Submission was intentional, wasn't it you sneaky guy. :D :rose:

And yes, The_Fool, when I wrote Role Reversals I thought of DG--and that you and darkmaas would be the ones who'd notice. ;)

sneaky that way

:kiss: :kiss:
Linbido said:
apologies? 4 what? writing a good poem? :)

I do not recall why I was aplogizing.
perhaps for thank yous I have not given
apology comes instinctually
not proud, socially inept,
you are kind.

Thank you.....

What I want to be?

Sweet Touch,

okay I have been wanting to do that since I saw the first four poem titles today.

Did WickedEve officially stop Tuesdays? Wah! I love her reviews! I know I know anyone can post their opinions, but who the hell wants to hear what SeattleRain (who?) has to say....

gosh I wish one of the good old regulars I have seen around here would take on as a temporary sub...
I love reading the daily reviews...

SeattleRain said:
okay I have been wanting to do that since I saw the first four poem titles today.

Did WickedEve officially stop Tuesdays? Wah! I love her reviews! I know I know anyone can post their opinions, but who the hell wants to hear what SeattleRain (who?) has to say....

gosh I wish one of the good old regulars I have seen around here would take on as a temporary sub...
I love reading the daily reviews...


Eve is not feeling well, but she should be back soon--I'd do reviews more often, but I've been pretty busy with other stuff lately. But of today's new poems I like--

What I want to be by jthserra is short, expressive, and wonderfully metaphorical.

Nicola by oleanderangel, a newer poet to Lit. She posted a few poems today and has, imo, a powerful voice--especially in this poem.

raw material by Sibilaire. Is it art or erotica or both? I vote for both. It's also really well written.

Befallen by Urico and here's why--

I am the paper boat,
you float in the gutter
where am I when the rain stops?

new, you valued me so
when did I become clutter?
taking up space in a box

Feel that? Good, eh?

The Weaver by magicalmouse is a delight for your senses. Read it now.

operating in town by oxalis is very visual and has a line in the middle that made me giggle. See if you can find it. (No cheating reading the public comments first either!)

Dursty Urns by RazzRajen, who writes like an angel so regularly that if he weren't such a sweet guy you'd want to smack him. Well he might like that. Ok, not smack him. Something. I dunno. It's a good poem. :D

and my pick for the day--

Howlin' Wolf by Tathagata cause it's roadhouse blues baby, and if you don't feel like drinking a beer, talking lowdown, and jivin on a sawdust floor by the time you finish reading it, well--you listen to some blues y'all and read it again. You will. :cool:
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Angeline said:
Eve is not feeling well, but she should be back soon--I'd do reviews more often, but I've been pretty busy with other stuff lately. But of today's new poems I like--

Angeline, thank you so much for doing this-- I got to see some great work I would have missed, and really enjoy your reviews. I hope Eve feels better!


Tomorrow we'll do some major interior paint and hammer+nail work on our apartment. This means pulling wires, icluding DSL ant telephone. that I'll be all out of net access. So there won't be any reviews from me until late saturday. I'll do them then, if noone else decides to barge in. :)