new poems


I see the word bob (or Bob) a lot in this group and --gulp!!!--I don't know what it means.

Re: Well, once again it is Monday...

jthserra said:
Tonight I started at the top of the list and a bright well deserved E on Wickedeve's When the Builder Leaves . Eve uses wonderfully simple language to say so much.
jim : )
Have I thanked you, yet? Thank you. And thanks to everyone who pointed out how simple I am or how simple my poem is. I can't remember which. ;)
addicted to alliteration

Thanks Jim for the mention and to all those who pc'ed or sent feedback.

I so need to change my av.
Re: Re: Re: Thanks jim~

Angeline said:
This happens to me, too. The poems I think are my best efforts get a so-so response, while the stuff I dash off gets raves. What does it all mean...


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I finally wrote a sestina, it got my first "E," and hardly anyone comments. The ones I dash off get all the raves.

I know which poems to post now...


*waving* Hi Angeline!
The Green "E"

Liar said:
Hehe. Happens all the time to me, and to other here as well, I've heard. Things I thought was just my crap on a screen gets the good votes and the rain feedback, and things I put effort into barely gets noticed. :)

Well I'm like cordelia
I spewed a tale out to cover St. Patricks Day
and got the green "E" was funny and cute
but never expected an "E" and didn't get many
votes either...but I don't get too many of those

Angeline asked what does it all mean?
"Guess need to not think about what we
write just let it roll out...wait I do that and I
get called (sic)...LMAO

Hey Liar like the dragon,
symbol of wisdom...and the eyespy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks jim~

Cordelia said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I finally wrote a sestina, it got my first "E," and hardly anyone comments. The ones I dash off get all the raves.

I know which poems to post now...


*waving* Hi Angeline!

Hey now! I commented, durnit! :p

Are there no new poems today or just no one to review them? I suppose I could check on the first before asking, couldn't I?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks jim~

Cordelia said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I finally wrote a sestina, it got my first "E," and hardly anyone comments. The ones I dash off get all the raves.

I know which poems to post now...


*waving* Hi Angeline!

Hi you.

Hi Cordelia :)

re your sestina, I loved it, I Read it really early that morning, actually about 4 times, and I guess I am slow, but I then realized it was a sestina, so well done that it just blended It didnt scream out, Look, I am a sestina, it just nudged from inside, gently and beautifully.. I truly wish I could do that, but every time I try, it just sounds forced and plain awful.

I saw that Boo mentioned sometimes she reads and doesnt know what to say, I am also like that. BUt when my computer will allow me online for any length of time, I try to read and leave comments if I have anything decent to contribute.

I love your work, but you already know that :rose:

state street bridge will always be my favorite of yours :)
Maria2394 said:
Hi Cordelia :)

re your sestina, I loved it, I Read it really early that morning, actually about 4 times, and I guess I am slow, but I then realized it was a sestina, so well done that it just blended It didnt scream out, Look, I am a sestina, it just nudged from inside, gently and beautifully.. I truly wish I could do that, but every time I try, it just sounds forced and plain awful.

I saw that Boo mentioned sometimes she reads and doesnt know what to say, I am also like that. BUt when my computer will allow me online for any length of time, I try to read and leave comments if I have anything decent to contribute.

I love your work, but you already know that :rose:

state street bridge will always be my favorite of yours :)

Awwwww, Maria...

You are way too kind. The sestina was one I started a *long* time ago when a certain sweet Fool commented on a way of using spreadsheets to form them. I had the poem written and titled, but it didn't flow well. I set it aside for a long time and when I came back to it, I looked at the title, "Diminish" and decided to refine it.

Actually... I gave myself even more parameters than the form called for. Every line in the first stanza contains 16 syllables, the second stanza has 14, the third has 12, etc... To go with the title. The I juggled words for what seemed like months...

I tell ya... I am never going to work that hard on a poem again. What the heck was I thinking????

And thank you again... I can never believe people actually read my stuff.

Wild Wednesday Reviews

Unless I miss my count, there are 40 New Poems today. Let me get a cuppa coffee and I'll get started.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted here are Syndra's and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of anyone else in the universe.

In no particular order-

My favorite today is Kundalinguini's Waves in the Sand He brings beautiful images to interesting thoughts in his usual brilliant manner.

Eumenides' Inner Poet Speaks to us of the maddening muse who comes only through strife.

Lighten_Up_People reminds us that It Just Doesn't Matter It's not perfect, but it's true!

Dustystar wrote some nice words for Tath, but I'm not sure it's haiku. Go read it anyway! A Reason Why Haiku

tungtied2u brings us The heat beats down I enjoyed the way the words dwindled in the heat. Nice work.

One of our newest poets, UnseenChagrin brings us a Vision of Silence that is well worth a look. She also looks at Life through scattered thoughts that I enjoyed a lot. And she gets sexy with Sex This is fun to read aloud.

Have you ever had a dream by Ancient117331 is a wonderful look at the possibility of universal understanding. What a concept!

Angeline's Snow Queen brings us amazing phrases:

caresses her face. She is fearless. Foolish.

Perhaps spring will grace his heart,
thaw it free of contradiction’s shadow.
Wonderful read, lovely lines, pristine poetry.

RazzRajen brings us Hope and Recourse with this offering
When the sun shines gold
and full
and the moons
are traversing
then shall the
stars light up the sky
Nicely written.

WickedEve gets away with Little Escapes I love this one! And her E for I was Fantasy is well deserved!

The best erotic poem today (IMHO) is Whore by Looking4Elizabeth. Hot and sensual and well written.

Go read and WRITE and vote and comment!

Syndralicious :kiss:
laughs softly

Guess I don't have to finish the reveiw now.

Good choices Sandra.
Elizabetht said:
laughs softly

Guess I don't have to finish the reveiw now.

Good choices Sandra.

Dueling reviewers!

bling bling bling BLING bling...

          bling bling bling BLING bling...

heh ;)


(And thanks, Syn. :rose: )
Last Call

And since there were no reviews yesterday, I am coming back to mention Kundalinguini's poem that was new yesterday. I loved Last Call

Maybe I am biased. He is my all time favorite writer here at Lit.

I always feel sad for the lost little poems on non-reviewed days.

Syn :kiss:
Double Double Wednesday Reviews

Greetings All,

Today there were 40 New Poems.

WickedEve Brought us two Editor's Choice Poems: Morna's Last Room and I Was Fantasy

Uncle Pervey brings us Describing a Desert. I moved from the warm moistness of the east coast to the south west desert and felt this part was more then fitting:

I've burned like a cinder in daytime,
And frozen at night cause of sleet!

UnseenChagrin brings us The End of Love. Another reader commented that this poem showed the ying and yang cycle of love.

We built a bridge of toothpicks, then burned it to the ground
I wander through the ashes to see what’s to be found

It is not often that I read something that I simply do not understand, however, JCSTREET brought us He Is Old Now; But He Remembers How It Was. I figured that even if I didn't understand it that others that are much better at finding the hidden meanings in poems would love to take a crack at this one.

Man Ray brought us a mystical forest and a special place of love in This is for you...

Faults in Training by My Erotic Tail had me smiling and laughing. I just kept thinking, "the best laid plans....usually go straight to hell."

Kundalinguini had my mind stirring with Waves in the Sand

And in those memories
of lost days that came before
can they from time to time
still hear the ocean's roar?

Another mystifying poem by another author, bluerains, butterfly crystals of "OZ" is well worth a read.

kid NOW and THEN by My Erotic Tail brought a smile to my face remembering all of the little things that went on when I was a kid.

just dies laughing
Oh Joseki Ko brings us something that he had been telling his friends about for months Twelve Days of Nastybone, from what I understand it is an all out brawl for the last 'man' standing. I was in stitches reading it.

Lighten_Up_People has an interesting poem with It Just Doesn't Matter

only in dreams by NahNahman reminded me of all the times that the wish of what one wanted was not the reality.

Uncle Pervey had several zingers today... definitely have a read.

well this is what I had done before I noticed that the reviews were up today already. Take'em or leave'em. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Syndra thank you so much for your comments here and in the public comments on The Snow Queen. When I was a little girl I had a beautiful hardcover copy of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tales--a gift from a beloved uncle. There was a lot of great reading there, but The Snow Queen was probably my favorite. That story of the little boy and girl and her quest to save their friendship, their love always stayed with me. It's such a parable, and I love that the hero is a girl. That poem has been brewing in me for at least 30 years, lol.

Thank you, too, to all who commented, sent feedback, pmed, etc. I really appreciate it.

Last edited:

I know its Wednesday but here is TUESDAY's Poems....

There were 13 New Poems on Tuesday.

WickedEve brought a smile to my face with Clapping Out Syllables.

Body in motion by tungtied2u was a nice read that had lovely imagery.

Liar gets spindoline mentioned just because he used one of my favorite words in a poem... balderdash.

I enjoyed Cathedral by poetboy824 because as I was reading and I saw that cathedral's were not cathedrals without gargoyles I had to smile.

Can I have a the sandbox too steve porter?

Okay... there were 13 Poems everyone... please have a read of them all.

Poems do not get as many reads, votes or PCs.... lets give each other a hand up.
Thanks, Syndra and Elizabeth. :rose:

And thanks to all those who left comments (including the head scratcher! lol)
Thank you so much

Syndra and Elizabeth- Thank you both for the kind words.

To everyone that left comments or anonymous feedback-Thank you for your kind words as well!

I'm glad I decided to submit my work, now I just need to work on more. "Sex" I just wrote yesterday actually, and was the first I've written in about half a year. Some of the poems, like "Silent Tears" and "A Daughter's Plea" date back to 1996. It's a wonderful feeling having support for my writing now and I look forward to sharing my thoughts with everyone as much as I enjoyed reading everyone else's thoughts! :rose:

Thanks so much for your comment on my poem "whore." My fiance really liked it too, but I'm certain for different reasons. *wicked grin*

Thanks again!

OK I GOT IT - was re Bob

I finally found out what BOB is--courtesy of a nice lady in the group who has a truly awesome ass

you pull the 1st line of each succeeding stanza from the 3rd line of the preceding

I'm an idiot savant - I can make some pomes come out OK, press flowers - get a Cessna 172 down on the Interstate after the pilot dies (generally with some undercarriage damage) but that's about it

this is a really intricate bulletin board system with heaps of functionality but there's a learning curve

thanks to all those who came to my garden fence and razzed me as I worked on figgerin' it out

