new poems


*walking by and gently thumping JC's ear... It's BooMerengue... for a reason! lol

at least I can still hear out of it (through the buzzing)
BooMerengue said:
*walking by and gently thumping JC's ear... It's BooMerengue... for a reason! lol

watch it JC, she is a saucy one and knows what she is about!


Hi Boo! Missed you:rose: :kiss: :heart:
BooMerengue said:
Where youbeen, Echoes?? I've missed you, too! You doin ok?

hiding and trying to stay out of trouble (like that will ever be :D )

slowly doing better and better, was a bit rough, thanks hon :heart:

Hows things going for you?
Re: hello hello hello

My Erotic Tail said:
echo echo echo
where where
you you you been been

smiles glad to see ya back ...grin

Thanks MET, not sure if I am back back, but getting there.
Getting that old dancing feeling again :devil:
Summer is not to far off and Angeline reminds us us of that with Summer Seaside Begins, a poem rich with summer nostalgia.

blue green swells break
to white foam surrendered
in sine waves washed on sand
where scatterlings of clam
shells rest gray striated

Thank you neo. I appreciate the recommendation. Thanks to those who commented and sent feedback as well.


P.S. And special thanks to Tara, who intuited the exact place that I wrote about in the poem. ;)
Re: Sunday, May 23rd Reviews

neonurotic said:
sleepy write, which is a good thing [insert sleepy smile here for emphasis]

Tathagata proves he can word blend beauties with poems such as today's submission, Sun Princess. I especially enjoyed the last stanza:

I know you are temporary
I know we are sand mandala's
sacrificed for the good of all
but inside my brain cries
just like a human
at each moment without
your touch

thanks neo for the mention and kind words

I liked the last stanza too
Thank you Neonurotic...

for the mention of my Weave. Though not about Paula Becker, my poem mentions her in the epithet. I learned about her reading Adrienne Rich's poem "Paula Becker to Clara Westhoff"

Paula Becker was an artist who became friends with another artist Clara Westhoff. They met at an artist's colony near Bremen Germany in 1899 and spent half a year together in Paris. Paula painted, Clara studied sculpture with Rodin. Later, moving back to the artist's colony they stayed together until 1901 when Clara married Rainer Maria Rilke (Letters to a Young Poet) and Paula married painter Otto Modersohn. She died in a hemorrhage after childbirth, mumuring, What a pity!. (from an epithet to Adrienne Rich's poem).

I liked the deep irony of that epithet, it seemed appropriate when considering the lie weaved that so many believed.

thanks again Neon...

jim : )
Lauren's Newest Poem

I'm just now reading through the new poems and found this absolutely gorgeous poem:
Bathyl II
by Lauren Hynde ©

I hope you all take time to read it and comment.
Re: Sunday, May 23rd Reviews

neonurotic said:
tarablackwood22 asks crucial questions about the moon and sea in The Importance of Water

make me look at the ocean
and see its salt,
see the reshaping
of the sand,
the wonders of
a liquid hand.

Thanks for the mention, neo :rose:

Your work on the reviews was terrific.............and.......

That eye of yours is freaking me out...I think I saw it move!
I have been reading and reading for hours, and I want everyone to know... What a great read! Y'all are GOOD!, I always vote, even if I don't leave comments. I just don't have time, and sometimes I just don't know what to say!

But I'm saying thank you to each and everyone of you!
BooMerengue said:
I have been reading and reading for hours, and I want everyone to know... What a great read! Y'all are GOOD!, I always vote, even if I don't leave comments. I just don't have time, and sometimes I just don't know what to say!

But I'm saying thank you to each and everyone of you!
I'm being reading today's new poems (still working my way up and down the list) and it's a great day for poetry.
poemsm reviewed

Thanks neo for the mention of my poem....

and the wonderful vignettes of all the other great poems.

Have a wonderful week

Razz :p
Thanks for reviewing neo and mentioning my interlocked Weave bob. I tried to include the many feminine dieties that have a weaving myth surrounding them. Mostly, I drew on some buried knowledge of the story of Minerva and Arachne. Minerva created her tapestry and set it in the sky to remind mortals of the great deeds of the gods. Arachne shrivelled up in envy and became the spider, weaving endless tapestries of earthly beauty. I know that the weaving myths are as many and varied as there are stars in the sky. Just look to the weave bob challenge to sample some of the varied ideas locked into a strict form and theme.

Tathagata's Bob The Weaver

jthserra's Weave

BooMerengue's Weave

tarablackwood22's Weave

Tristess's Weave (Bob format)

champagne1982's Weave (an interlocked bob)

Syndra Lyn's WEAVE!

sibilaire's weave, feed, tease