new poems

I've been agonizing about this for a couple of days

her fence pickets slanted
like loose teeth

it's two things

1. slanted - somehow it breaks things up for me

2. it's a simile--it could be more subtle

BUT DANG - how

the metaphor is fine--I just yearn for more assonace more of that rolling lilt - that Tara Blackwood effect.


it's coming to me Tara


the fence pickets
loose-teeth slanted (and you could experiment with slatted instead of slatted

I guess I'm so into your poetry that I worry when there is a missed beat anyway--kind of like a compulsive hand washer perhaps or a compulsive tidier

why do I glom onto you in particulkarl when there is so much excellence in here

dunno--guess it's like karma and incarnations and shit


(who threw away his Viking helmet and donned a pantomime horse costume the sec he saw Eve's loyalities changing)


WickedEve said:
I'm thinking of flushing elegance down the crapper and going with crude and rude poetry next week--I'm bored. And no one has mentioned my "big hair."
This is my odd way of saying thanks for mentioning my poem. I'm blushing that you mentioned it and said that only wicked eve can pull it off with this elegance. I ain't elegant, boy. :)

I have to replace my keyboard every time I read one of your wry posts

I have to replace my keyboard every time I read one of your wry posts
If "attention seeker" is directed at me, then you're terribly wrong. I don't seek it out, horse boy, I demand it. :)

WickedEve said:
If "attention seeker" is directed at me, then you're terribly wrong. I don't seek it out, horse boy, I demand it. :)

Now that is an AV Eve
Re: I've been agonizing about this for a couple of days

her fence pickets slanted
like loose teeth

it's two things

1. slanted - somehow it breaks things up for me

2. it's a simile--it could be more subtle

BUT DANG - how

the metaphor is fine--I just yearn for more assonace more of that rolling lilt - that Tara Blackwood effect.


it's coming to me Tara


the fence pickets
loose-teeth slanted (and you could experiment with slatted instead of slatted

I guess I'm so into your poetry that I worry when there is a missed beat anyway--kind of like a compulsive hand washer perhaps or a compulsive tidier

why do I glom onto you in particulkarl when there is so much excellence in here

dunno--guess it's like karma and incarnations and shit

.........thanks for the ideas JC....if I told you how many times I agonized and changed that line, took out one word and put in a another, reversed order,...on and'd think I was nuts! :rose: I like the metaphor (simile depending on wording), but there's still something not quite right.

I'm still trying to nail it'll come. :cool:


Silent Midnight - new poem...check it out.

the old Peterson place - needs one more vote, if worthy.
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70+ Poems

Looks like we skipped Saturday for posting because of the 70+ poems posted on the New Poems page.

Lots of reviewing + final exams to study for = reviews are going to up this evening as I'm a Nor' Westerner and that means I go by Pacific time.

- neo
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who has sunday, cause supposedly I have saturday. I really lucked out with that pick.

Anyway, I might pick one and write up about it, like I did last week with Tathagataaa.

if I'm not stepping in the sunday person's toes, of course. Fling me a PM and let me know.
Wow poetry!

There are new poems today.

4 of our favorite poets already have an H and recommend themselves.

I want to recommend The Way by Night by Toward a Word.

Damn, I like this. Fast paced as a racing heart and deeply felt words. I like it!

Go read and vote!

Syn :kiss:
Sunday, June 6th Reviews

Well, ya'll certainly kept me busy between my breaks from studying. I can't believe I'm done ;) Much faster than I first anticpated. Maybe it's because there were so many good ones to read, I didn't realize how fast I was whipping through 70 + poems!

I'd like to note, that today was a very good day for erotic poetry as many fine poets stepped into the naughty zone--showing us the real reason "Literotica" is called "Literotica"

Out of today's poems, these were the ones that caught my fickle eye:

~ ~ ~

WickedEve, topped Sunday's New Poems with two, Cruel Avenue and more notably, Heavy Inclinations, a short write like a straight razor

Slender mirrors elude me--
no slight vision in Versace skin,
slipping between narrow gazes,
thin as water over endive taste.

~ ~ ~

VelvetPie submitted several poems today for us to read and enjoy, I particularly like, Clean Kitty--because it's cute ;)

~ ~ ~

lostandfounder brang us a couple of writes and one really held my attention: No Claws - it's 'an open your eyes' sort of write.

Medicate our children
so that they feel no pain

a chemical gun to the head
forces a smile

no will
no choice
happy little mindless shrews

hug your little robot
as it toddles off to school

~ ~ ~

normaljean dipped her pen in purple with three writes today, one of which was a non-erotic: just be gone by Saturday and the other two were erotics, both of which I thought were outstanding as they demostrated range in eroticism.

:devil: (Humnahum... thanks for the preview on my YIM)
Fuck Me

I like hot sex
in blue rooms cool
like ice cream churned
on a winter afternoon

unbury me alive

East of Atlanta, somewhere in between
the foothills and the ocean
I had the strangest dream

I was lying in a coffin made
of pale glass green and rosewood
I could see the stars above me
I could feel my coursing blood

Then blackened night engulfed the sky
stars were pulsing holes
and I was trapped beneath the ground
a prisoner of tomorrow's soul

~ ~ ~
A couple of great poems by JCSTREET hit the New Poems list with, DEATH OF THE STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE and he shares a beauty with us, of which he was so kind to translate for us in: Luna (Moon)

The pale moon laments
my child
frozen in the dust
like Winter’s petals
frozen in the snow

and yet the quiet water
spatters in the hills, I

hear its laughter without cease
at night
without cease
at morning
without cease
the sobs
without cease

draped like broken thread
around my door

~ ~ ~

Dustystar presents stneserp, Copy Cat

See as I do, eyes of blue
Portico back, strap to lap
Faint fingertip, fraught rogue kiss
My feline grace thrust in your face

Feel my claws, ignore my flaws
A spine divine, time entwined
Flick of wrist, my eyes mist
Cat of nine tails, cat of nine tails.

~ ~ ~

(always loved a girl who played games) annaswirls returns to us with a sexy roleplay romp in we are rodeo ready: :devil:

leather thong, choke ropes,
tie down, wire

rosined soft leather glove for
grasping bull rope...

you ready to ride, cowboy?
back is strong, oiled,
dressed per request

you ready to score high points
for this go-around?

please baby please,
read me the rules,
read me the rules:

No choke ropes, tie downs, or wire around the neck
ridden with a bridle - bits in mouth

~ ~ ~

Tristesse submitted several poems today for us to read and enjoy, for the grey men, Oh Lhasa, and appreciably; Steps

Sun-skip from shadow to shadow
limbs evening-long and lean.
Stretch skyward! Catch clouds! Kiss stars!
Bloodied skies of sun's death throes
fade to lemon yellow and birds
return to roost in silhouette against
encroaching night.

~ ~ ~
depraved 7 also had many poems that posted this Sunday, amongst these were few dark writes, erotic and not that I liked: Swaying Bliss, Beyond The Cemetery Gates , and Deceit

Cautiously beckoning me
Tempted by trivial lust

Deceived by sincerity
Eagerly giving your trust

Heartless as I devour
Viciously I do consume

Your pure unprotected soul
Ruthlessly I shall assume

~ ~ ~

steveporter gave us in my flying dream last night to enjoy.

i caught an updraft and soared
swiftly beyond the horizon where
i found you there waiting for me
in my flying dream last night

and when you sprouted wings
i knew you shared my vision
and as i felt the flaring flutter
of the beating heat of your heart

~ ~ ~

tarablackwood22 submitted Silent Midnight, which I read a few times and each time I conjured up new images as the pharsing is so descriptive and creative.

who is the digger
that filled
a canyon’s throat?

and the sky,
quiet’s banner,
like a lizard
spots a bastard star
about to talk,
and sends
a gray-blanket assassin.

have I found god?
should I pray or sin?

~ ~ ~

Tathgata gave us Shadow--(I always like T's creative phrasing.)

sleep like novocaine
gently numbs my room
will you wake up?

and there in my laughter
a pain

my death is an itch
I can't quite reach
and no one else is around

~ ~ ~

flyguy69 gave us this short write Shirtless to enjoy

She seeks what I have crafted
Lifting metal plates up
And putting them back down
Lifting metal plates up
And putting them back down
A sturdy table on which to drop her troubles
A frustrated fist drum
An angry claw cushion
A tear-blotting cheek rest
A topographic love map

~ ~ ~

SavgWolf submitted this intelligent write de profundis, and I admitted I had to pull out my Webster to fully appreciate.

from gutters, entrails, depravity
phoenix arise
apropos to death
attaining light
betwixt soft milky thighs

spread between

brimming fertile, pulsing, animate
woman spasms
akin to mother earth
giving life
below billowy heavens

alms of life...death

~ ~ ~

darkmaas submitts an erotic write, Schafstiefelgeister for us to appreciate.

He spoke no French
and she no German
and so they met
on Crescent St.,
where les anglais come out to play.
They shared expensive drinks
and broken English.

His speech was clipped
like boots on cobblestones.
Behind his shades
he squinted
ice blue.

~ ~ ~

Many more poems piqued my interests on the NEW POEMS list were from the Usual Suspects and a few newbies... jthserra - Voice of Water, Liar - spontaneous planning, JennaGrey - Black Coffee: reminiscence, Randi Grail - Mage, RazzRajen - Moving forward, fawnie - Beyond Blue Oceans, and Toward A Word - The Way by Night.

At last finished with my view on the New Poems. Go read and enjoy people.... vote and comment, leave your own views too ;)

- neo
Re: Re: I've been agonizing about this for a couple of days

tarablackwood22 said:
.........thanks for the ideas JC....if I told you how many times I agonized and changed that line, took out one word and put in a another, reversed order,...on and'd think I was nuts! :rose: I like the metaphor (simile depending on wording), but there's still something not quite right.

I'm still trying to nail it'll come. :cool:


Silent Midnight - new poem...check it out.

the old Peterson place - needs one more vote, if worthy.

Yeah - I tell that to all the girls

seriously - I certainly would not think that you were stupid--I would think that you were doing your job
yeah--she blindsided me--(normal Jean)

normaljean dipped her pen in purple with three writes today, one of which was a non-erotic: just be gone by Saturday and the other two were erotics, both of which I thought were outstanding as they demostrated range in eroticism.

appearing out of nowhere with some pretty good stuff
Tristesse submitted several poems today for us to read and enjoy, for the grey men, Oh Lhasa, and appreciably; Steps

Sun-skip from shadow to shadow
limbs evening-long and lean.
Stretch skyward! Catch clouds! Kiss stars!
Bloodied skies of sun's death throes
fade to lemon yellow and birds
return to roost in silhouette against
encroaching night

Thank you neo.

And thank you to all who read them, voted and/or left a comment.

Re: Sunday, June 6th Reviews

neonurotic said:
WickedEve, topped Sunday's New Poems with two, Cruel Avenue and more notably, Heavy Inclinations, a short write like a straight razor

Slender mirrors elude me--
no slight vision in Versace skin,
slipping between narrow gazes,
thin as water over endive taste.

~ ~ ~
Thank you for taking on the huge task of reading and reviewing today's poems. I think you should be paid for a job well done. But all I have to offer is my thanks.
Re: Re: Sunday, June 6th Reviews

WickedEve said:
Thank you for taking on the huge task of reading and reviewing today's poems. I think you should be paid for a job well done. But all I have to offer is my thanks.

I dunno, Eve. I'm sure Neo would be happy to set up a pay-a-pal account or something...;)
Ditto neo. Great job! I've been reading for beers...I mean years and I'm still not done.
Re: Sunday, June 6th Reviews

neonurotic said:

tarablackwood22 submitted Silent Midnight, which I read a few times and each time I conjured up new images as the pharsing is so descriptive and creative.

who is the digger
that filled
a canyon’s throat?

and the sky,
quiet’s banner,
like a lizard
spots a bastard star
about to talk,
and sends
a gray-blanket assassin.

have I found god?
should I pray or sin?

- neo

:rose: So kind, neo.

Miraculous job on reading and reviewing a two-day supply of poetry! :heart:

window of a North Station pub - new poem...please read!
Silent Midnight - new poem...check it out.
hangin' ten

Thanks for the mention Neo, and for the nice comments.

I apologize in advance for dropping some tasteless smut into the mix. Sometimes girls just wanna have fun and say fuck-off to the serious stuff. will keep all serious stuff properly tucked away and

ride the high while it while it crests


lostandfounder brang us a couple of writes and one really held my attention: No Claws - it's 'an open your eyes' sort of write.

Thanks for the mention neonurotic. This is the first poem that I have written that got one of those little H's. Ohh, I've got a warm fuzzy feeling...

Seriously, I wasn't expecting such response to it. I want to thank everybody who wrote and commented, both pro and con. Thank you.
Syndra Lynn said:

LaughingWolf says Kiss Me and though I found the italics distracting, I enjoyed the words and emotions imparted.

Thanks for the mention, and the kind words. As for the italics... well, I thought it was a good idea. hehe Chalk that one up to lack of experience. ;) I will be careful about that next time.

Also a thank to the anonymous person who sent me a feedback telling me about Kiss Me being mentionned on this thread. :)
Ta, Neo! What a giant of a job to review that huge pile o poetry. I bow in your reneral direction. :)
Re: Sunday, June 6th Reviews

neonurotic said:

Well, ya'll certainly kept me busy between my breaks from studying. I can't believe I'm done ;) Much faster than I first anticpated. Maybe it's because there were so many good ones to read, I didn't realize how fast I was whipping through 70 + poems!

I'd like to note, that today was a very good day for erotic poetry as many fine poets stepped into the naughty zone--showing us the real reason "Literotica" is called "Literotica"

Out of today's poems, these were the ones that caught my fickle eye:

~ ~ ~

WickedEve, topped Sunday's New Poems with two, Cruel Avenue and more notably, Heavy Inclinations, a short write like a straight razor

Slender mirrors elude me--
no slight vision in Versace skin,
slipping between narrow gazes,
thin as water over endive taste.

~ ~ ~

VelvetPie submitted several poems today for us to read and enjoy, I particularly like, Clean Kitty--because it's cute ;)

~ ~ ~

lostandfounder brang us a couple of writes and one really held my attention: No Claws - it's 'an open your eyes' sort of write.

Medicate our children
so that they feel no pain

a chemical gun to the head
forces a smile

no will
no choice
happy little mindless shrews

hug your little robot
as it toddles off to school

~ ~ ~

normaljean dipped her pen in purple with three writes today, one of which was a non-erotic: just be gone by Saturday and the other two were erotics, both of which I thought were outstanding as they demostrated range in eroticism.

:devil: (Humnahum... thanks for the preview on my YIM)
Fuck Me

I like hot sex
in blue rooms cool
like ice cream churned
on a winter afternoon

unbury me alive

East of Atlanta, somewhere in between
the foothills and the ocean
I had the strangest dream

I was lying in a coffin made
of pale glass green and rosewood
I could see the stars above me
I could feel my coursing blood

Then blackened night engulfed the sky
stars were pulsing holes
and I was trapped beneath the ground
a prisoner of tomorrow's soul

~ ~ ~
A couple of great poems by JCSTREET hit the New Poems list with, DEATH OF THE STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE and he shares a beauty with us, of which he was so kind to translate for us in: Luna (Moon)

The pale moon laments
my child
frozen in the dust
like Winter’s petals
frozen in the snow

and yet the quiet water
spatters in the hills, I

hear its laughter without cease
at night
without cease
at morning
without cease
the sobs
without cease

draped like broken thread
around my door

~ ~ ~

Dustystar presents stneserp, Copy Cat

See as I do, eyes of blue
Portico back, strap to lap
Faint fingertip, fraught rogue kiss
My feline grace thrust in your face

Feel my claws, ignore my flaws
A spine divine, time entwined
Flick of wrist, my eyes mist
Cat of nine tails, cat of nine tails.

~ ~ ~

(always loved a girl who played games) annaswirls returns to us with a sexy roleplay romp in we are rodeo ready: :devil:

leather thong, choke ropes,
tie down, wire

rosined soft leather glove for
grasping bull rope...

you ready to ride, cowboy?
back is strong, oiled,
dressed per request

you ready to score high points
for this go-around?

please baby please,
read me the rules,
read me the rules:

No choke ropes, tie downs, or wire around the neck
ridden with a bridle - bits in mouth

~ ~ ~

Tristesse submitted several poems today for us to read and enjoy, for the grey men, Oh Lhasa, and appreciably; Steps

Sun-skip from shadow to shadow
limbs evening-long and lean.
Stretch skyward! Catch clouds! Kiss stars!
Bloodied skies of sun's death throes
fade to lemon yellow and birds
return to roost in silhouette against
encroaching night.

~ ~ ~
depraved 7 also had many poems that posted this Sunday, amongst these were few dark writes, erotic and not that I liked: Swaying Bliss, Beyond The Cemetery Gates , and Deceit

Cautiously beckoning me
Tempted by trivial lust

Deceived by sincerity
Eagerly giving your trust

Heartless as I devour
Viciously I do consume

Your pure unprotected soul
Ruthlessly I shall assume

~ ~ ~

steveporter gave us in my flying dream last night to enjoy.

i caught an updraft and soared
swiftly beyond the horizon where
i found you there waiting for me
in my flying dream last night

and when you sprouted wings
i knew you shared my vision
and as i felt the flaring flutter
of the beating heat of your heart

~ ~ ~

tarablackwood22 submitted Silent Midnight, which I read a few times and each time I conjured up new images as the pharsing is so descriptive and creative.

who is the digger
that filled
a canyon’s throat?

and the sky,
quiet’s banner,
like a lizard
spots a bastard star
about to talk,
and sends
a gray-blanket assassin.

have I found god?
should I pray or sin?

~ ~ ~

Tathgata gave us Shadow--(I always like T's creative phrasing.)

sleep like novocaine
gently numbs my room
will you wake up?

and there in my laughter
a pain

my death is an itch
I can't quite reach
and no one else is around

~ ~ ~

flyguy69 gave us this short write Shirtless to enjoy

She seeks what I have crafted
Lifting metal plates up
And putting them back down
Lifting metal plates up
And putting them back down
A sturdy table on which to drop her troubles
A frustrated fist drum
An angry claw cushion
A tear-blotting cheek rest
A topographic love map

~ ~ ~

SavgWolf submitted this intelligent write de profundis, and I admitted I had to pull out my Webster to fully appreciate.

from gutters, entrails, depravity
phoenix arise
apropos to death
attaining light
betwixt soft milky thighs

spread between

brimming fertile, pulsing, animate
woman spasms
akin to mother earth
giving life
below billowy heavens

alms of life...death

~ ~ ~

darkmaas submitts an erotic write, Schafstiefelgeister for us to appreciate.

He spoke no French
and she no German
and so they met
on Crescent St.,
where les anglais come out to play.
They shared expensive drinks
and broken English.

His speech was clipped
like boots on cobblestones.
Behind his shades
he squinted
ice blue.

~ ~ ~

Many more poems piqued my interests on the NEW POEMS list were from the Usual Suspects and a few newbies... jthserra - Voice of Water, Liar - spontaneous planning, JennaGrey - Black Coffee: reminiscence, Randi Grail - Mage, RazzRajen - Moving forward, fawnie - Beyond Blue Oceans, and Toward A Word - The Way by Night.

At last finished with my view on the New Poems. Go read and enjoy people.... vote and comment, leave your own views too ;)

- neo

thanks neo..for the mention!
:kiss: :kiss: fawnie
Tathagata said:
Thank you sir
: )

( next we'll teach fawnie editing)
; )
oh lord..i hardly have time for writing poetry these days let alone editing..but yeah, when i get settled..i'm a great learner..teach me..teach me teach me!:kiss: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: