new poems

I'm finally getting a chance to read today's new poems, and is it just me, or are we having a bumper crop of great poetry, lately? And it's just not the regulars, but all these fantastic new poets are... popping up like corn.
WickedEve said:
I'm finally getting a chance to read today's new poems, and is it just me, or are we having a bumper crop of great poetry, lately? And it's just not the regulars, but all these fantastic new poets are... popping up like corn.

Nope, not just you. Good stuff.

Have you seen tungtied2u? Damn good stuff.

Syn :kiss:

edited to say:
<---I'm sportin' new tits!:D
How do you like 'em?
Syndra Lynn said:
Nope, not just you. Good stuff.

Have you seen tungtied2u? Damn good stuff.

Syn :kiss:

edited to say:
<---I'm sportin' new tits!:D
How do you like 'em?
I have more hair than you do. ;)
I haven't read tung's yet, I don't think. I'm still going through the list.
tungtied2u said:
Thanks Syn. You make me blush.

Why did you see my new tits?:D

Oh, you're still a virgin. :rolleyes: hee hee

You probably hadn't seen the old ones to compare.

Syn :kiss:
thank you JCSTREET

for the kind words about my "Your Immolation." It's an older poem of my, dating back to 1998 or 99, and you are pretty much on target with your evaluation of it... touching into the addictive fire of some relationships.

thanks again,

jim : )

Hellooo?? Liar? Are you in here? Everything OK?
Ladies, puhlease

minsue said:

Hellooo?? Liar? Are you in here? Everything OK?
minsue said:
did Liar run off to?

Wasn't he doin' reviews today?

Kids these days. Sheesh.

Good grief girls, have some patience, willya? Y'all make me wait this long for reviews every other day. It's only a little past midnight for you yankees, take a chill pill. :rose:

Ooookay then, here comes the Friday recommendation. Lots and lots of great stuff. Well done poets!

In order of appearance...

phantom bonds [the skyrider] by bluerains
An unabashedly erotic and tastefully sinful poem of carnal worship.

Bustin' Out by tungtied2u
A riot of the mind. A rampage of emotions. Playfully told and really effective.

Horsemen by JCSTREET
Horsemen are coming...riders of the apocalypse? Well, they sure seem like a mean bunch.
[color=337733]should not be so quick with their coming, first
that shallow rumbling underfoot that
grows to a thunder and they
are upon one[/color]

Suds by sandspike
As the poem itself says: "Summer beach poetry -- as tenuous as it gets"

A Fool in Alcoholic Haze by dreamsweet
Direct, poignant words that sends a chill through me. Not an easy read, but a very strong poem.

Compulsive Chewing by dreamsweet
And another one, just as tangible as the first, but with a claustrophobic closeness that is downright creepy.

Just in Time by jthserrs
Music on a page with words. It's a soaring salute to an artistry in particular, and music in general.
[color=337733]rising like a moon over water
rippling the air
the hot, wet air
reflecting in a million sparkling
But one
one note[/color]

After You Left by WickedEve
Wonderful, precise poetry about shifting soil and drawing new roots. It takes WickedEve to pull it off with this elegance.

Elizabeth dreams... by Tathagata
I think this is my favorite of the day, a clear cut poem filled with the wistful longings of a caged spirit, and humming with erotic tension.
[color=337733]where does she keep
those secret things?
cedar scented letters
a laundry list
fetish longings

tiny pieces of silk and satin
bought on a whim
for a phantom lover
who arrives before dawn
but never finishes[/color]

the old Peterson place by tarablackwood22
A excersise in describing the old and torn with a love and care that makes it beautiful. And by gods, it works.
[color=337733]her doors are rheumatic,
her steps a jigsaw spine,
her fence pickets slanted
like loose teeth.[/color]

Altar of Flesh by Syndra Lynn
Syndra holds nothing back, here is a poem that is so downright raunchy I almost, but only almost, had to look away. Written with a taste and eloquence that makes looking away impossible.

gilded cage by minsue
Finally, an illustrated poem from a too infrequent poet. A perfect combination of image and words, scattered with care.

Might have missed a gem or two, feel free to fill me in.

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LIKE . . .

Syndra Lynn said:
Nope, not just you. Good stuff.

Have you seen tungtied2u? Damn good stuff.

Syn :kiss:

edited to say:
<---I'm sportin' new tits!:D
How do you like 'em?

Children of da Corn
Re: Ladies, puhlease

Liar said:
the old Peterson place by tarablackwood22
A excersise in describing the old and torn with a love and care that makes it beautiful. And by gods, it works.
[color=337733]her doors are rheumatic,
her steps a jigsaw spine,
her fence pickets slanted
like loose teeth.[/color]

Liar, thanks for the kind words and mention. :heart:

Hope you got some sleep.....the time difference puts us in different worlds sometimes.....a small price to pay for the beauty of the Atlantic! :rose:
thank you Liar...

for your kind comments about "Just in Time." I stumbled into the poem by Yusef Komunyakaa about Coltrane and I recalled reading in Quincy Troupe's biography of Miles Davis, that Davis talked of John Coltrane, mentioning that on some of their gigs, Coltrane would doze between solos. I was simply amazed how he could do that and still stay on the stage with the likes of Davis.

thanks again,

jim : )
Re: Ladies, puhlease

Liar said:
Altar of Flesh by Syndra Lynn
Syndra holds nothing back, here is a poem that is so downright raunchy I almost, but only almost, had to look away. Written with a taste and eloquence that makes looking away impossible.

#L [/B]

Raunchy? Hell, that ain't raunch. Have you seen fucking haiku?:D Now that's raunchy!

Altar of Flesh is pure religion.

Oops-gotta go. Time for church.

Syndralicious :kiss:

Thanks for the mention, Liar. And a BIG thanks to all who read, voted and left comments.

edited because I forgot to make my manners!
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Hey tarablackwood, I thank you muchly. Seems the dark place inside me has a use. I'm always pleased when I can produce something that reflects the intensity inside me.

I was pleased to read "creepy" as a description, too. *go figure*

I wanted to thank everyone that left me comments. I was also glad there wasn't too much to be corrected in these, because there's no way I am going back to that dark place anytime soon to correct/tighten them up!
Re: Ladies, puhlease

Liar said:
After You Left by WickedEve
Wonderful, precise poetry about shifting soil and drawing new roots. It takes WickedEve to pull it off with this elegance.
I'm thinking of flushing elegance down the crapper and going with crude and rude poetry next week--I'm bored. And no one has mentioned my "big hair."
This is my odd way of saying thanks for mentioning my poem. I'm blushing that you mentioned it and said that only wicked eve can pull it off with this elegance. I ain't elegant, boy. :)
Re: Re: Ladies, puhlease

WickedEve said:
I'm thinking of flushing elegance down the crapper and going with crude and rude poetry next week--I'm bored. And no one has mentioned my "big hair."

i can't wait for that....

and I believe I mentioned your hair on another thread........
Thank you, Liar, for your kind words and for the comments on my poem. And thanks to all for comments. :rose:

- Mindy

ps I was just lookin for you since it's unlike you to not have the review up yet. I was ready to send out a search party...;)
minsue said:
Thank you, Liar, for your kind words and for the comments on my poem. And thanks to all for comments. :rose:

- Mindy

ps I was just lookin for you since it's unlike you to not have the review up yet. I was ready to send out a search party...;)

Hey, Min....your AV looks just like my next-door neighbors. :eek:

the old Peterson place
minsue said:
Thank you, Liar, for your kind words and for the comments on my poem. And thanks to all for comments. :rose:

- Mindy

ps I was just lookin for you since it's unlike you to not have the review up yet. I was ready to send out a search party...;)

I love monkeys