new poems

fawnie said:
oh lord..i hardly have time for writing poetry these days let alone editing..but yeah, when i get settled..i'm a great learner..teach me..teach me teach me!:kiss: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

" she asked me to your honor"
; )

thank you neo

annaswirls said:
Thanks for the mention Neo, and for the nice comments.

I apologize in advance for dropping some tasteless smut into the mix. Sometimes girls just wanna have fun and say fuck-off to the serious stuff. will keep all serious stuff properly tucked away and

ride the high while it while it crests


soooo, you gonna keep the serious stuff tucked away!! thou shalt not deprive us Litsters of your joyous talent, dear lady Swirls!! but yes, I understand, just glad to see you back... you sexy brat ;)

oh yeah, the reason for the post, umm, thanks a whole bushel for the mention neo, much appreciate your effort and your time and your kind words :rose:
Re: hangin' ten

annaswirls said:
Thanks for the mention Neo, and for the nice comments.

I apologize in advance for dropping some tasteless smut into the mix. Sometimes girls just wanna have fun and say fuck-off to the serious stuff. will keep all serious stuff properly tucked away and

ride the high while it while it crests


did you not read my comment??

We LOVE when you write smut
it's the best smut there is

:kiss: :rose:
Well it's Monday...

and with an impending storm outside, I guess I can call it rainy so, with apologies to the Carpenters... and whoever wrote the lyrics... "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Well, at least the rainy days do, Mondays are usually good cause I get to read the new poems.

Today is June 7th and there were 31 new poems today, a total that is just about right, especially considering Neon's herculean 70 plus poems yesterday. Anything over 40 is tough so he did a hell of a job yesterday. PS... and thanks for the mention of my Voice of Water, Neon.

Today's poems were a puzzlement... some poems are like puzzles, with intricate phrasing, rhyme and meter that twist and turn with different levels of meaning. Other poems, often the best poems will hide inside themselves, needing only some tender care and trimming to truly blossom. There were a number of poems like that today, fantastic poems needing a nip and tuck to show themselves. I encourage everyone, but especially the folks I recommended they trim a bit, to continue working your poems as you grow with them. Something good now, with the just the right edit could really soar.

Anyway, the new poems:

Tarablackwood22 starts my day as she watches the storm through the window of a North Station pub with images so vivid I could feel the sting of the cold:

"newspaper pillow,
saturated discomfort.
army coat
the mirrors of defeat
in your eyes."

Read it all... you'll shiver.

Flyguy69 then wraped me in an Envelope as I traveled from anguish to the warmth of a beating heart.

A poem that remains a bit of a puzzle to me, but one that attracted me to its odd phrasing, an almost dialect the just seemed to work was Mountains presented to us by towelrack77. I think the poems begs for some punctuation so we can make sure we read it right, but lacking that, puzzle it through. My solution to this puzzle worked in that unique way that I so love in poetry. Take a peek and see for yourself:

"the evening catches eyeshadows
we wont to want no butterflies in stomach aching
to release the colored moss blankets
you stared away awake with delicate taste"

There is something here... look at it all and see.

Annaswirls goes schitzo on us as she explores the duality of the woman in my husband's new slut. She pulls no punches as she looks to the mirror.

In a coarsly erotic poem Luna_Lit brings us a Wife in a Yeomanry.

"The pain stays
Each sharp ache
A reminder
Of your deceptive violation
I feel so dirty"

Read it and feel it.

Ninja Nookie brings us a touch of art in erotica with Art of Touch.

It's the first thing you usually see in a poem, and often it alone will determine whether you will read it or ignore it. Normal Jean struggles in her Duel for a Title as she ponders the pitfalls of selecting just that perfect title. In a wonderful array of sporatic rhyme and simply fun wordplay the ponders her choice of a title for a poem. I think most of us will recognize this duel.

We travel back in time, way back as Tungtied2u brings us Giants Wrestled. This is earthshattering stuff...

"Giants wrestled on the earth
Arms and knees gouging the ground
as they rolled across its floor
demolishing all that lay in their path"

Read it all for the illuminating twist at the end in this excellent metaphor.

Her name initally attracted me, see if you can guess why, but it was her poetry that grabbed me. Sera Shine takes us inside a plastic bag as she Wondered. Take a look with her and read, comment and vote.

Wicked-Eve, ah I have heard that as you age you gain wisdom and so I figure in about 40 years I may be able to write like Eve... Hey, Stanley Kunitz was selected US Poet Laureate when he was in his 90s so I may have a chance. Anyway, she brings us two excellent poems today, my favorite of which was free fall where she takes us soaring and plummeting all in the space of her words:

"though in dreams
we soar unfeathered,
no propulsion,
balanced on rails

then wild grass
level drift of eye
over dew"

Read it and experience the sensations.

In a delightful surprise a poem came out of the woodwork, well, not literally, lilnymph28 cries out, " I am the wood." In the poem, she stoically weathers the tools of man screaming in the end, "... . Well you'll have to read the poem for that. : )

And in my favorite poem of the day, call me a glutton for alliteration, but RazzRajen uses multiple poetic tools as he brings us BusyBodies, always around. Listen to this:

"Seminal ladies sitting
in semi-circles
sliding and scandalizing
skits slowly subsiding
scads of smiles
what a wonderful way
to wish well"

Seminal ladies in semi-circles? Damn that's just plain nifty... not nifty, good, it's plain, outright wonderful. I promise. Read it all, it even gets better.

And those are poem that grabbed me in today's New Poems. There are some jewels out there I am sure I missed, read them all and find some of your own.

It hasn't started raining here yet, so please excuse my singing at the beginning of this review and remember, a poem is something you have the rest of your life to work with, keep looking and working with them. They are never really finished until you give up on them.

And now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
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Re: Well it's Monday...

jthserra said:
Tarablackwood22 starts my day as she watches the storm through the window of a North Station pub with images so vivid I could feel the sting of the cold:

"newspaper pillow,
saturated discomfort.
army coat
the mirrors of defeat
in your eyes."

Read it all... you'll shiver.

:heart: :heart: Thank you kindly, Jim, and great job!
Thank you

Ninja Nookie brings us a touch of art in erotica with Art of Touch.

I thank you for you kind words.
Also, the comment on the poem and a
way to make better. This is very encouraging.
Thank you so much:)
Re: qoute

We travel back in time, way back as Tungtied2u brings us Giants Wrestled. This is earthshattering stuff...

"Giants wrestled on the earth
Arms and knees gouging the ground
as they rolled across its floor
demolishing all that lay in their path"

Read it all for the illuminating twist at the end in this excellent metaphor


Thank you Jim,kind sir- and all the rest of my captors. I guess it was inevitable if you held me long enough some of you would rub off on me. Yum and thanks.
Re: Well it's Monday...

jthserra said:
Her name initally attracted me, see if you can guess why, but it was her poetry that grabbed me. Sera Shine takes us inside a plastic bag as she Wondered. Take a look with her and read, comment and vote.

Thank you, Jim, for the mention. I don't think I can stay in plastic for too long. :rose:

(has a guess what was attractive about the name to you :) )
For Syndra

because she insists the giants were making love not war. And after all, she is the birthday girl.


Giants rapt with passion
Wrapped in lust
Grapple, thrash
Slam into each other
quake and shake
All that lies beneath them
Grind, pulverize
The landscape unrecognizable
From what is was before.
Screams of delight
Rumble as thunder
Ecstasy’s essence floods forth

Dunes of sand,
spread for miles.
Waves of passion
The giants’ smile

You can thank the giants for the beach, too
Re: For Syndra

tungtied2u said:
because she insists the giants were making love not war. And after all, she is the birthday girl.


Giants rapt with passion
Wrapped in lust
Grapple, thrash
Slam into each other
quake and shake
All that lies beneath them
Grind, pulverize
The landscape unrecognizable
From what is was before.
Screams of delight
Rumble as thunder
Ecstasy’s essence floods forth

Dunes of sand,
spread for miles.
Waves of passion
The giants’ smile

You can thank the giants for the beach, too

Yay! Giants rule!
Re: Well it's Monday...

jthserra said:
Wicked-Eve, ah I have heard that as you age you gain wisdom and so I figure in about 40 years I may be able to write like Eve... Hey, Stanley Kunitz was selected US Poet Laureate when he was in his 90s so I may have a chance. Anyway, she brings us two excellent poems today, my favorite of which was free fall where she takes us soaring and plummeting all in the space of her words:

"though in dreams
we soar unfeathered,
no propulsion,
balanced on rails

then wild grass
level drift of eye
over dew"

Read it and experience the sensations.

jim : )
When I saw my name in such close proximity to "40 years" I nearly hyperventilated.
One day you will write like Great Granny Eve. ;)
Thanks neo

for the kind mention. Seventy poems in one go is cruel and inhumane, and probably bad for your health.

So double the thanks.
Re: Well it's Monday...

jthserra said:

And in my favorite poem of the day, call me a glutton for alliteration, but RazzRajen uses multiple poetic tools as he brings us BusyBodies, always around. Listen to this:

"Seminal ladies sitting
in semi-circles
sliding and scandalizing
skits slowly subsiding
scads of smiles
what a wonderful way
to wish well"

Seminal ladies in semi-circles? Damn that's just plain nifty... not nifty, good, it's plain, outright wonderful. I promise. Read it all, it even gets better.

jim : )

jim Thanks for the amazing mention especially when in the company of such great poems by great lit poets ...Sometimes even I manage to put together some words that make sense to others...usually its just to Myself i think...Its nice to know that others also see and glean meaning from what I do.

Thanks again

Tuesday's children

Okay. Sorry to be posting these so late, but it's been a loooooong day. There was a ton of good poetry posted today plus I was lucky enough to get a day with a number of audio and illustrated poems. As usual, you all astound me. :kiss:

Some of those that caught my eye (in order of appearance on the list since I'm tired and lazy this evening ;) ) were:

Moonlight - Kundalinguini

Aurgasm - champagne1982

Mouth - velvetpie

2 Point 5 Miles - neonurotic

Mesmer - Toward A Word

Lucky - jessy19

Desolation - Tathagata

Enlighten Haiku - Ninja Nookie

Daddy's Girl - Tristesse

A Breath Out of Tune - Randi Grail

Are We Nocturnal? - Liar

The Calling - Tathagata

Bedtime Story - denis hale

The ever talented Mr hale wrote what turned out to be my favorite phrase of the day:

like Porky Pig
on too much Ecstacy,

How can you not love that? :D

There are many, many, many, many (you get the point) other wonderful works out there. Please GO READ and point out all the beauties that I neglected to mention tonight. :rose:
Nice job Minsue!

I just don't know how you narrowed it down as much as you did.
I also ejoyed "Summer Magic" by Tristesse, and Wicked Eve's "Story of No".
Tahagata's " The Calling " had me wishing for a bagpipe accompanyment, eerie and soulful. But thanks most of all for
leading me to Denis Hale's "Bedtime Story". Missed it on the first go 'round, shame on me. I should have my ears boxed.
8th of June

I'd already started reading and looking and listening to today's New Poems when I was interrupted and left them. On my return, minsue had already posted her picks but I'll still give you mine too.

Laugh to Ass by velvetpie

The Salty Sweet of jthserra's evening will rest easy on your tongue and eyes.

denis hale tells us a Bedtime Story

Liar poses Are We Nocturnal?

normal jean asks us for a pinch of valerian to season a haunted grave.

Listen to Kundalinguini in the Moonlight

and I fervently hope that you'll all share my own Aurgasm
thanks Jim

{quote]It's the first thing you usually see in a poem, and often it alone will determine whether you will read it or ignore it. Normal Jean struggles in her Duel for a Title as she ponders the pitfalls of selecting just that perfect title. In a wonderful array of sporatic rhyme and simply fun wordplay the ponders her choice of a title for a poem. I think most of us will recognize this duel.[/quote]

thanks for the mention Jim :rose: and the kind comments that you and other readers left on this little poem and the FB that I got in my email that i cant read cause Yahoo wont let me open it...yet :(
I t was fun to write and I hope that at least one of you got the laugh out of it that I did when I was writing it...poke you with my phonic sword, hee hee, yeah, Im kinda silly, huh ;)
but anyway,. thanks again
Re: 8th of June

champagne1982 said:
Bedtime Story

Liar poses Are We Nocturnal?

normal jean asks us for a pinch of valerian to season a haunted grave.

]Aurgasm[/url] [/B]

Thanks for the mention Carrie :rose: Im glad you knew what valerian was/is...I think maybe thats what got me a couple of really, really low votes! sorry to anyone who didnt understand the poem, or who did and just really hated it..but there will probably be a few more like this cause that lady is very intriguing to me, oh, Eve, I think I have a revision for the word feelings in there, I thought since she is always in the dark, ( under the church, ) I would change it to ( perpetual) midnight..I read it a few times and that seemed to work..anyone have any ideas? let me know, I am always open for suggestions and the ideas and recommendations that you all have offered me mean so much!! I know i Have a LOT of growing to do and that you ( plural) think enough of my work to help is very flattering, always has been, thanks again Carrie and all you who read and commented :rose: :heart:

One day till my Birthday reviews

Here we go folks, top to bottom. (Does that make this a 69?)

And may I just say DAMN! What a fine bunch of poets we have here at Lit!

Maria2394, a beautiful poet, brings us bliss beautifully defined. Wonderful read.

feather pillows~
drinking in tears
of freshly fallen angels,

The ever eloquent WickedEve looks quietly at her Final Decree of Divorce. Most of us have been here and can relate. She also revamped one I loved and made me love it more. Rape of Master Thanks Eve.

steve porter brings us my daddys knife. This is sexy, seductive and well written.

she is lost in the flush of alcohol and
the erotic rush of sharpened steel as
it peels free from its hugging sheath

RazzRajen has New Ways, finally?. It doesn't get much better than this:

I love the living
dreams that happen
in pink glows,
lit by saffire
brimstone Taken
riven to the core
Pure heat and then
that molten liquid cream
risen to the Top.

Cordelia is saying an awful lot in her beautiful blues sonnet In not saying. Serious poetry. Seriously wonderful.

A new poet, Leap of Faith, offered a nice poem today.
I gaze up at you with that look,
Feel your breath warm on my skin,
Pull you down close to me,
Feel you slide back in.
Go read Entwined

tarablackwood22 wrote the story of my life in the most erotic wonderful poem she has blessed us with thus far. vanilla weary is hot, sexy, pornographic poetry at its very fucking best!

he never takes me
that way,
propelled against walls
like an accident,
slammed on porcelain
like steak,
open V-wide and glistening
on cold floors.
I got so excited I posted my comment twice!

SoundsErotica reminds us that Knowledge Has Its Own Pheromone

fly in undetected,
covered by silence droning,
the white sound of thought,
Great poem!
Then she creeps around a web of erotic tension delighting me with He Takes Me

quietpoly took an in depth look at our indulgence in excesses. Go read The Perversity of Being Human

Sandspike relates Part of the Job. He reminds us that a lingering glance is payment enough for now. He has more patience than I! Thanks Spike.

TENCHI_AKIRA threw 10 new poems at us today. I liked Just Another Hero

One of my favorite new poets, flyguy69 had trouble sleeping, and I , for one, am grateful. Can't Sleep II has some great images and emotions well worded.

NightRAGES tells the tale of the Wife and The Fence of Morals. It is wordy, but well worth the read.

JCSTREET wrote an eloquent poem for a social worker. Simply lovely.

The incest of Brotherly Love is handled well by one of our BEST new poets, tungtied2u.

And my favorite poem today was submitted yesterday. Kundalinguini's Moonlight is an erotic force with which to be reckoned. His words are fresh and amazing.

Then thrust turns to thrash in a final cadenza
the chorus of moans rising into a scream,
as you buck underneath me you grip all around me
and as wet as you were you've now turned to cream.
My last thrust inside you on the edge of a dream
that breaks into lightning, a thunderous crash
and echoes through me into you with a splash,
and rolls through the canyons inside us, at last
fading off into silence, but for breathing too fast.

His rhythm is hypnotic and his voice is Oh! so sexy. This is audio erotica bliss!

I can't believe the amazing poetry here today. It is phenomenal Great work poets!

There are 36 new poems today.


Bright Blessings

Syndra :kiss:
Thanks to both of you for your mentions of Moonlight.

Oh, and Syn too. Thanks :) Posts crossing in the ether, I guess. ;)

And even more, thanks to all of the reviewers for taking on this task. This lot of poets is SO prolific that it's hard enough to keep up, even with the reviews pointing out the ones not to miss, let alone vote and comment all that deserve it.

I went in after a few busy weeks to try to catch up... HA!
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Thank you minsue - for mentioning Daddy's Girl.

Thank you, too, tungtied, for the mention of Summer Magic.

Finally - thanks to all the commenters, feeder-backs and voters.

Re: One day till my Birthday reviews

Syndra Lynn said:
The ever eloquent WickedEve looks quietly at her Final Decree of Divorce. Most of us have been here and can relate. She also revamped one I loved and made me love it more. Rape of Master Thanks Eve.
It's simply simple poetry and simply thank you as eloquently as possible.