new poems

Blues from above

see the cat with the glasses on
plays the blue all night long
hey hey baby what'd I say

smile spread from ear to ear
piano player extrodinaire
hey hey baby what'd I say

Georgia always on his mind
Arkansas next in line
hey hey baby what'd I say

Might have been blind
But he sure could see
Hit the road to eternity
Hey hey baby what'd I say
Hey hey baby it's all right
Hey hey, said Ray- goodnight
Hey hey baby what'd I say
Hey Ray, god bless- sleep tight


In memoriam- Ray Charles

Put this on 2 other threads- 1 by accident, 1 on purpose.
Figured I might as well go for a hat trick- he's worthy.
Re: New poetry

tungtied2u said:
Can someone 'splain me why no new poetry posted 6/11. I'm new to tis country an don' unnerstand.

uh . . . it was a national day of mourning???

EVE!!! that's a really pretty AV - your eyes are so sweet.

Carl (blush)
Re: Blues from above

tungtied2u said:
see the cat with the glasses on
plays the blue all night long
hey hey baby what'd I say

smile spread from ear to ear
piano player extrodinaire
hey hey baby what'd I say

Georgia always on his mind
Arkansas next in line
hey hey baby what'd I say

Might have been blind
But he sure could see
Hit the road to eternity
Hey hey baby what'd I say
Hey hey baby it's all right
Hey hey, said Ray- goodnight
Hey hey baby what'd I say
Hey Ray, god bless- sleep tight


In memoriam- Ray Charles

Put this on 2 other threads- 1 by accident, 1 on purpose.
Figured I might as well go for a hat trick- he's worthy.

you did him proud man - that's a nice tribute
It was a good thought

tungtied2u said:
Coming from you that means a lot.

Loved America Odyssey. ;)

you'll get good karma for that

thanks for the note on Amer. Odyssey--that's the first comment I've had on it

If you haven't noticed, new poems are now posted. June 11-13 on pages 1 and 2.
WickedEve said:
If you haven't noticed, new poems are now posted. June 11-13 on pages 1 and 2.
Yeah, I saw that. I'll have a stab at the June 11 poems whenever I've gotten enough caffeine into my system.
12th (in no particular order)

As I was reading Jungle Lord by The Mutt, I was suddenly struck with images of passion-filled paperback covers. You know the ones with a Fabio on the cover and some frail creature clinging wantonly to him.
Jungle Lord is full of big drama passion. It's a guilty indulgence that makes you blush like those romance novels.
Jungle Lord is also a summary of many of my teen fantasies. Give me a jungle man. No talking, all action. Yeah, shut up and f... Go read it and vote. :)

A line of men snaked through the trees,
Safari - nine days out,
One shapely form lagged far behind,
None of the men about.

Her bright, red hair flashed like a flag,
Against the jungle's green,
Her bright, blue eyes would flash and start,
At dangers still unseen.

Her sweat-soaked blouse clung to her form,
And sheathed her breasts like paint;
She'd shed her bra at Madripoor,
Along with all restraint.


I Want A Child

I’m old enough to have a child now, wincing
and wide-eyed in the dawn, chuckle-
crying when he/she is tickled
and laughing at the new love that has spawned its life, I am

old enough now to enjoy
the predations on my private life, the crawling
through my spaces, the gradual destruction
of all that I hold dear, my
books and manuscripts, my
private spaces, a

I read this one yesterday on the board. It's simply a wonderful poem. One of my favorites by JC. Please show your love, respect, and adoration for this poem by commenting and voting.


Off to the pine woods
by Maria2394 ©

For almost a week
there were only faint squeaks
a few days later, appearance of beaks-
mom and dad feeding four, diligently

Regurgitated crickets
they had culled from the thicket
of scuppernong grape
and morning glory vines

I knew it was time
by wing spreading postures and fluff
of white bellied fuzz, beckoning touch
as they gripped edge of nest, stretching

This is one of those poems that shines from start to finish. I was there with Maria as I read her words. Please don't miss this one.


The Promised Land
by twelveoone ©
Part (Advance of the plastic man)

That sound?
The deafening sound of potato chips?
Crackling ribs, Barby qued
The drip, drip, drip of plastic tubes
(how's that now, after 40 years, she drops Ken for Ben
Now they are just best friends, and Ben is just like Ken
Follow that - What was Barby thinking of?
Vapid smiles on plastic faces
The drip, drip, drip of plastic tubes)
Mental Note: I must learn to smile like Ken
He's a better man than me

This is worth a read, because it just is. Yes, I can't think of anything else to say about it, at the moment. Really, give it a read. It made my mind throb in a weird sort of way. Go read it and see if that happens to you.


by lostandfounder ©

Resting her head on his lap
Fingers running through her hair

A love that has always been
And will always be


The malicious whine of an alarm
And she sits up in bed

Finding love gone is a nightmare in lostandfounder's poem.


by Tathagata ©

hidden desires
bubble up
sticky as tar
covered up
with chilled wines
and restraining aprons

Okay, when a poem starts out this way, you know you have to read the rest of it. :) So go find out what punctures the shell of normalcy.


by Toward A Word ©

where is the poem
that will
ease my mind
beckon my direction
shine through the clouds

Where is a poem? Where is a song, love, and more? There is a sublime melody, a resplendent lyric, and more. You'll have to read the poem to read what more there is.


God bless the South and God bless that hot state of Virginia! by Uncle Pervey.


Coffee Break Fuck Poem
by Liar ©

I wanted her officially,
to snap the circles
and break every conduct rule.
Right there, tight then.

I love this poem so much that I refuse to share. I'm serious. Do not read this poem. Go vote 5 and leave comments, just keep your eyes off my poem!


waking the undead
by bluerains ©

wandering through chilled appearance
shadowy spirals in dragonfly bands

This is all I can give you of a poem of few words. Read and enjoy.


Angular Woman
by sandspike ©

softness in an angular woman
worth the search
voyage of discovery
it's there my friend

against a skeletal frame
breasts seem to float
roll in a beam sea
detach and wave alone

You simply know that certain poets are going to give you a good poem before you even click it open. I was not disappointed with this one. I knew I wouldn't be. Lovely!


Last but not least:

Certain Kind of Magic
by flyguy69 ©

Last night I shrunk myself to the size of an electron
slipped through copper doors
and into my lover's bed
right between her and her husband

Totally cool poem, flyguy! Thanks so much for sharing this magic.

If you show up to do poems for the 12th, please do! I just thought I'd help out since 3 days worth of poems all showed up at once, and you may no longer be checking new poems. And I've had coffee already this morning and nothing else to do. :eek:
Re: Perks

WickedEve said:
If you show up to do poems for the 12th, please do! I just thought I'd help out since 3 days worth of poems all showed up at once, and you may no longer be checking new poems. And I've had coffee already this morning and nothing else to do. :eek:

No laundry?
It's not fair

You guys get to sit around all day, read poetry, talk trash and trade barbs

and I have to work. Somedays suck!

3 days worth of postings and I'm only just started.
Ah well, a treat to return to at day's end.

Enjoy yourselves, you lucky bastards!
Hey-- I am off to a picnic in the woods with teddy bears and the like but when I get back this evening I will help Neo who has taken my day for weeks now the sweet thing--

okay back to my kids before they tear up my manuscripts


Eve's passionate covers

you can download hundreds of them from time to time at

alt.binaries, pictures, erotica.vintage

they turn up randomly so you might go weeks without seeing any and then get a set of 100

I'll send you a couple later on to make you laugh.

or make you..........mmmm--what's that called?

Nice job on da pomes wicked person

not only did you do a great job but you are SO neat in the way you lay it out

impossible to play favorites here--there is just so much great stuff coming from a host of poets--well not a host but quite a few

but where's Tara - haven't seen the sultry end of her pen dipped in boar's blood recently

Re: Nice job on da pomes wicked person

not only did you do a great job but you are SO neat in the way you lay it out

impossible to play favorites here--there is just so much great stuff coming from a host of poets--well not a host but quite a few

but where's Tara - haven't seen the sultry end of her pen dipped in boar's blood recently


Here I am, Doc. ;)

Read this -- Daniel's brushes -- couldn't figure out how to work a boar into it, though. :D
Re: Nice job on da pomes wicked person

but where's Tara - haven't seen the sultry end of her pen dipped in boar's blood recently


I think you can download images of that at alt.binaries, pictures,
Re: Re: Nice job on da pomes wicked person

tarablackwood22 said:
Here I am, Doc. ;)

Read this -- Daniel's brushes -- couldn't figure out how to work a boar into it, though. :D
I only reviewed the 12th. I'm sure this one will be mentioned by neo. Is it neo for the 13th?

And please poets, check page two! There are more good poems--new poems--hidden on page two! :D
Re: 12th (in no particular order)

WickedEve said:
Coffee Break Fuck Poem
by Liar ©

I wanted her officially,
to snap the circles
and break every conduct rule.
Right there, tight then.

I love this poem so much that I refuse to share. I'm serious. Do not read this poem. Go vote 5 and leave comments, just keep your eyes off my poem!
Thanks Eve :kiss:

I wrote it at work, peering over my computer screen straight at the sight of her flexing her graces in front of the whole office. God Damn. I wish you'd been here to see her. That would had given even your straight ass some new ideas. :D

Reviews for Friday the 11th will be posted within the hour. Gonna have a laaate lunch first, then read poetry.

Re: Re: Re: Nice job on da pomes wicked person

WickedEve said:
I only reviewed the 12th. I'm sure this one will be mentioned by neo. Is it neo for the 13th?

And please poets, check page two! There are more good poems--new poems--hidden on page two! :D

Sorry, comment was an answer to JC's post ;)

It wasn't directed at you. :heart:

And thanks again for your comment yesterday on my need for poem interpretation. :rose: