new poems


One, two, buckle my shoe...
Numbers abound in today's poetry. Here are some excerpts:

the lump vision
by 03sp ©

a long snake has swallowed a cue ball,
she lays out across the green felt
dreaming of the 8 ball

Having you been playing python pocket pool, sp?


Okay, sp only has 8 balls but meta4icly_speaking has a compulsion.

by meta4icly_speaking ©

Today, screaming my alarm clock
Streaming through the window
Running ribbons
Through the blinds
Of morning light
2 eggs, scrambled
4 strips of bacon


KillerMuffin either wrote a poem or her um... insane imagination got the best of her during class and this is really her homework she submitted as a poem.

Plundering Problem #49
by KillerMuffin ©

The distance from the shore to the treasure
(the square root of 1 + (3-x)²)
fraught with difficulty and danger
(which is the square root of x² - 6x + 9)
Pirate-eating vines to trip a man
(drat, the square root of x² - 6x + 10)
And eat him!
(and the time from the boat to point Q)
Booty! Swag! Pieces of 8!
Captain Kidd’s buried treasure
The dream of pirates everywhere
Patiently waits the time
(Time = ½(4 + x²)^½ + ¼(x² - 6x + 10) ^½)
When a dread pirate, such as myself
Conquers and derives
(T’ = ½x(4 + x²)^-½ + ¼(x - 3)(x² - 6x + 10)^-½)
Er, divides
The plunder. Arrrr!


And some numbers are the beginning and the end of life: 1933-2003 Nina Simone

another lover
by 03sp ©

for her I bowed,
placed hands in prayed
and present tense worship

smiled the tears of what
life and music meant
and present tense

Thank you, Nina
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that's nothing...

CrowSingsOver said:
I know this has nothing to do with the subject you are discussing, but is anyone else freaked out by Rybka's gold fish? EEP!

-Crow (getting in touch with her fear of water..and scary looking frish) :p

That's nothing. You should've seen the time he had a big green fish with pink lipstick and sharp teeth! It was hideous. And then there was the cyclops goldfish with the big red tumor. I do have to say that while his current fish is animated and almost cute, there's something terribly wrong with its mouth. Has it been chewing tobacco? Did it lose its dentures??? Is it wearing a mouth guard??? What's going on with your fish, Rybka?
What's a "frish"? Is it a fresh fish? A freakin' fish? The offspring of a frog and a fish???
Thank you, dear Eve,
I appreciate your mention and kindness.
Regards, tipping hat, exposing bald spot.
Wednesday's New Poems

none of today's new poems seemed to mesh with my mood.
Reading sans mood is akin to writing without the muse.

(Todays poets: Assume that I am wrong, and the poems are right.)

Here are today's titles (arranged for my amusement):

If a title intrigues you, give it a read and maybe you'll find something to your liking.

Sorry for my Cynicism

merrily poisoned

A Final Sunset
The Dream is over


My Secret Thin Line
Baying Screams
A Night To Remember

The Socialist
We Are
My SunShine
Living Large
Car And Truck And Boat Day
Tomorrow Is Today's Truth...
My Girls
Angel's Wings
A Blessing

Vamp Lover (Part 1)
Vamp Lover (Part II)
Vamp Lover (Part III)
Night lighters.
Mad Cow
ot, thank you very much for the mention

i was just afraid that the force that I heard about in drivers ed may be at play here
new poems 4/24/03

A rather disappointing show in today's new poems.

Here are the ones I recommend:

The best one today was by one of my favorite poets ever, 03sp. It got a little "E" from the editor, and I am inclined to agree. This is one fabulous example of great erotic poetry:

diving by 03sp

an excerpt:
I propose painting and plants
for spring,
she offers to bend and watch

while violent yanking on old root
from Eisenhower years needing
liberation for her new growth

Definitely go read this poem!!
Surprisingly, the other poem I need to rave about is also an erotic poem. It is an early entry in the "Dark Feel" challenge, and I love the cleverness of the title, as well as the wonderful limerick-like structure of the poem (were you poking fun at darkmaas' rules?).

Dark Feel in-finite by guilty pleasure

an excerpt:
Dark feel for the singular soul
God Onan makes two halves a whole
Eyes closed to the world
As erotics unfurl
In a rhythmic last rush for the goal.

Good poem, gp...

Happy reading.

Ms. Cordelia

Any comment by you is a pleasure.
Actually any kind comment by anyone is a pleasure.
I thank you so very very.

Guilty Pleasure is always a must read in my habit.
Go Guilt Go!!
Surprisingly, the other poem I need to rave about is also an erotic poem. It is an early entry in the "Dark Feel"
challenge, and I love the cleverness of the title, as well as the wonderful limerick-like structure of the poem (were
you poking fun at darkmaas' rules?).

Thanks Cordy.

Ssshhh! - darkmaas might not notice!

The very lovely darkmaas has taken it upon himself to review the dark feel poems here, and in doing so has totally ingratiated himself with this reviewer. :kiss:es guest reviewer.

Here, then, are my non dark feel picks for the day.

Vanishing Son by princejonny
And I
I try
To reach to you
as you turn to run from me.
Thus increasing my invisibility.

A terrific poem from a newer poet. Needs a bit of editing, I think, but great imagery and action make it come alive and convey the narrator's descent to invisibility. I see you, pj, and I like the poem. :)

There were two nondark entries from 03sp that I very much enjoyed; both are well worth your attention.
guilt and travel by 03sp

Love that last line. You snuck in a dark feel!

love is interesting is distant in some
magnetic animalism too
too dark feel for most

dagger shaped swell by 03sp

one small lover crept
to edge without rail
it was shaky going
barely held
no help
alone and satisfied
with this view today
small lover wept

one tin poet by LiamSheckler

This beat-influenced tour-de-force is Ginsbergesque in length, sound, and range. The stage direction adds an interesting touch. (And I'd just like to say that when my ancient jew sage ghosts talk to me, it's perplexing alright--perhaps even smoldering--though not about jazz; frankly more along the lines of "why did you marry him.)

Ancient jew sages of the beat, the pen sublime, spoke to me sullen,
ghosts of mighty iconic retrospect in smooth waves smoldering nightly with jazz perplexing
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There are only ten new poems today, so my recommendation is read them all. I didn't think any of them was bad, but there wasn't a great one either (I voted mostly 3s).

Still, I need to mention a few favourites. Namely, our daily recommended 03sp's dosage (fire sale) and both silken_dreammaid's submissions: violin and Beyond the flame.
Lauren.Hynde said:
There are only ten new poems today, so my recommendation is read them all. I didn't think any of them was bad, but there wasn't a great one either (I voted mostly 3s).

Still, I need to mention a few favourites. Namely, our daily recommended 03sp's dosage (fire sale) and both silken_dreammaid's submissions: violin and Beyond the flame.
I agree with you, except that I also think that Banyan Trees by RazzRajen deserves a mention and a read.

Regards,                                 Rybka
Banyan Trees was the one poem I didn't vote for. I couldn't bring myself to out and out recommend it, but I had a feeling it was actually a lot better than what I was giving it credit for, at the time. I think it's one of those poems that definitely need to be read, but to what purpose, I'm not sure...
new poems of 4/27/03

Today brings us only seven new poems plus one “spinner” pick. Here is the flash from the past that caught my attention: November on Cold Soil Road by Angeline. I hit it on the last spin (10 is my limit). :)
mother maples wide red oak and
tulip poplar ringing precious last
great elms they crowd they list
and whisper a community of lace
aligning lanes, leaning toward the
road as if intent as if engaged in

some deciduous discourse on the
disrespect of sportscars flying
past the last of their leaves back
and forth mourning their denuded
season lifting limber limbs in windy
shrugs and steeling themselves

for the first icy hand of frost.
I found it! I love it! Now you go read it!

Of the new, there are two by 03sp, two by silken_dreammaid, one by RazzRajen, and one by Scriptitius, all of whom have been mentioned at least once before in this thread. Since there are so few, and I am tired of always mentioning the same poets, I will not single out any of then. Instead I suggest you go read the New Poems of the day and make up your own mind.

Regards,                                 Rybka
Cold Soil Road

is a road I drove at least twice a day for many years. Those trees and I are old friends. It's a lovely drive in every season. Thank you for the mention and for reviving the poem. :)

The photo is of a farm trail right off the road.
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Re: Cold Soil Road

Angeline said:
is a road I drove at least twice a day for many years. Those trees and I are old friends. It's a lovely drive in every season. Thank you for the mention and for reviving the poem. :)
How could I not? It is my kind poem. :) :rose: :)

Regards,                                 Rybka
A Friendly Reminder

DeSade, you may not have realized this, but this thread was created for recommendations on poems posted at Lit--something that has always been tacitly agreed on by participants here. We generally post non-Lit poems in their own threads.

Alternatively, you could start a thread for non-Lit posted recommendations.

Not trying to give you hard time, just letting you know. :)
What do you drink in warm weather?

:p :p :p :p
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DeSade, you may not have realized this, but this thread was created for recommendations on poems posted at Lit--something that has always been tacitly agreed on by participants here. We generally post non-Lit poems in their own threads.

Alternatively, you could start a thread for non-Lit posted recommendations.

Not trying to give you hard time, just letting you know.

Are we putting our own new, unposted stuff here now? Did I miss something? I don't care if we do, but maybe we should have a separate thread for such poems. (I must need a break--I'm starting to sound wayyy too pedantic, lol.)

lol at stomachic! :) :rose:
Angeline said:
Are we putting our own new, unposted stuff here now? Did I miss something? I don't care if we do, but maybe we should have a separate thread for such poems. (I must need a break--I'm starting to sound wayyy too pedantic, lol.)

lol at stomachic! :) :rose:
Sorry! It is submitted, but not yet posted. I wanted to offer an explanation before I got hammered. And I did not think it deserved its own thread. It is just a throw away.
re "stomachic": It is on the bottle's label. :)

Regards,                                 Rybka
Angeline said:

must be bad for fish though--even without the k!
Actually, the label says someting about being good for/with fish I think. :D :D

Regards,                                 Rybka
Angeline declares that this thread is for recommendations

When the original new poems thread was started around 11/01 it was for reviewing new poems -- good and bad. This is a poetry discussion board and that's what we did -- we discussed new work -- once again, good and bad. But now we must not step on any sensitive toes (hey! watch the bunion!) so we only recommend the better poems. Personally, I think if you put it out there for the public then you should accept that readers are going to discuss your work whether it be praise or a constructive crit. Remember, the poems are being critiqued -- not the poets. Of course, we should always be constructive and tactful as possible.
But if the majority enjoy only recommending the better poems then that's fine. But I would like to once again discuss a variety of work -- the cream of the crop and those in need of work. A poem doesn't have to be picked apart until a poet cries but I think we can learn by discussing what is not working in a poem and how it could possibly be improved.

Fish, get that poem off this thread before I fillet you! :D
Sheriff Ange, put the fishing poles back in your holsters and back away from the fish. lol