new poems

thankfully mentioned

not quite sure yet how this "thing" works, but learning. Not to be rude or unthankful, I do appreciate that anyone took the time to actually read any of my work and I do apologize for what it lacks in quality, meter etc. as for being picked apart, I don't mind... wouldn't be the first time... :)
May 6th

19 new poems today and I'd like to mention them all. I realize many poems that do not completely suit my taste may be exactly what another reader is looking for. So I'd like to give you just a little of each poem to whet your appetites.

I hope you take time to read those that may interest you.

Liquid Poetry
by Wolvesheart ©
Erotic Poetry
my tongue the instrument of delivery.
Between those alabaster columns


Craving Soul
by Drenchxoxo ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
Shattered love is my sentence
Impossibility acknowledged


The Dance
by Wolvesheart ©
Erotic Poetry
through a fever laden thermometer,
absorbing mutual senses


by Cybotic ©
Erotic Poetry
My pants and jockeys are a twisted tangle
Wrapped around my ankles.


Quirky Veils
by RazzRajen ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
Morning mists part slowly
Do I see the formless one walking hither


Fifty Years From Now
by Svenskaflicka ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
to sit there, grey and dusty,
and share memories
of our wild youth.


enchantment is your name
by silken_dreammaid ©
Erotic Poetry
torment is your aim -
a slow leverage of heat.


How I Spend My Friday Nights
by Svenskaflicka ©
Erotic Poetry
My fingers go down
straight into Tuna Town.


Mama Ain't Got No Clothes On
by jazm49 ©
--This is a song lyric.
Erotic Poetry
Sonny saw a picture in a big scrapbook.
Goodness what a picture, had to take another look.


by dr_mabeuse ©
Erotic Poetry
So that when you look at another guy
You see him through my ecstasy


The Touch
by TearDrop ©
Erotic Poetry
He rolls her over and then he kisses her.

The many places of love
by babydollface ©
Erotic Poetry
In the sand
In the park
In the ocean
In the pool


It's all about Attitude
by Wolvesheart ©
Erotic Poetry


Never mine
by RedOmega ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
I no longer see you but I remember your face,
your crimson hair and your body of grace,


Mystery Of The Twenty Digits
by 03sp ©
Erotic Poetry
For now, Mr. Apprentice has all he can
handle, twenty are giving again


Miles and Oceans
by christie ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
Miles and Oceans is what keeps us a part,

some assembly required
by Maria2394 ©
Non-Erotic Poetry
silver ribbons untangled
demure silent whispers escape
from raspberry lips unparted


:)The Drive In
by Wolvesheart ©
Erotic Poetry
my first breast,
other than my Mothers.

I was clumsy, and groped you.
Your attitude was stoical,
but your body said otherwise.


Please fondle my thighs.
by PAUL C ©
Erotic Poetry
Please fondle my thighs.
Please fondle my thighs.
You know I love it and they're waiting for you.
Please fondle my thighs.
No Longer able to do new poems on Tuesdays

Tuesday new poems Review is available. Senna, Wolvesheart? I think one of you would make an interesting reviewer. Anyone else interested?
An explanatory note

I tried to write Fondle my Thighs as an asexual poem. It could be read as from a woman to a man or a man to a man. Well that is what I tried.
For today's Best poems, peek into the best
Same Title Challenge Thread

Here are my humble thoughts on a few others:

last donut by silken_dreammaid
Gentle reminder that love and donuts are two entirely different things.

Inexplicably Tied by wildsweetone
Short, but intense.

net-working by svelte walker
I don't know what it means, but it felt fun to read.

Fox Hunt by Blackeyed Skye
I like this one without reason.


Most of today's poems I thought were worth reading, so don't take my lack of mention as a reason for not reading.

Read, form an opinion and send feedback.
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OT, thank you for the mention. i'm not sure if poetry is my 'thing' but well, maybe with a lot of learning, day. *smile*
5/8/03 - new poems

Lots of new poems today, including seven illustrated ones! And a lot of newer names and some we haven't seen in a while...

Here are my picks for today:

homecoming by silken_dreammaid

Sweetly tender. Something to bring a smile.

What I Heard by MercyMia

An interesting poem from a new-ish poet. I am still not sure if this is a great poem, but it is definitely worth reading for the grin.

My Lover's Cock by just pet

I was glad to once again see poems by this marvelous poet. This one is sweet, but not as compelling as her other submission today:

Home by just pet

This one starts with the delightful lines:

A faint stirring of thrushes and tanagers
as they shake off night's cloak
Dawn dusting the windowsill with possibility

I love that image! Go read the whole thing...

Highway 52 by Tanot

Another new poet. I think he could have dispensed with the little prologue, but the poem has a few memorable lines. This one has potential (poet-ential?). Go give him some feedback.

Heavy Inclinations by Blackeyed Skye


Sleep, Sex, or Sanity? by Blackeyed Skye

Two short poems by a poet I am starting to admire a lot. Her imagery is tasty and she has a great way of seeing the world.

fall to kitchen wall by 03sp

I can't fathom how he can create so much meaning in so few words. He must have an "in" with the syntax of curved space.

sitting a lap by 03sp

If anyone ever wants to know how to write erotic poems, go read this (or any erotic poem by 03sp). Notice the lack of cliche and giving us enough of a taste to cause a drool.

And finally, three illustrated poems you must check out:

Time for Change by Salacious

my east nipple by 03sp

and the poems inspired by WickedEve's amazing artwork:

1 Image 7 Voices by The Poets

Thank you all so much for the wonderful poetry...

Apologies to all for the late-ness of the review. Computer problems galore...

Lucky for me, I thought to copy and paste all my typing into a text file before my computer crashed. Saved me a lot of typing.

Re: 5/8/03 - new poems

Cordelia said:
Heavy Inclinations by Blackeyed Skye


Sleep, Sex, or Sanity? by Blackeyed Skye

Two short poems by a poet I am starting to admire a lot. Her imagery is tasty and she has a great way of seeing the world.
Thank you. I hope you continue to feel the same way as I experiment and attempt to stretch, and perhaps, skew my boundaries. Just have no preconceived notions about my style or capabilities. Even I'm not sure what tomorrow's poem holds -- isn't that a rush for any poet?
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Re: 5/8/03 - new poems

Cordelia said:
And finally, three illustrated poems you must check out:

Time for Change by Salacious

my east nipple by 03sp

and the poems inspired by WickedEve's amazing artwork:

1 Image 7 Voices by The Poets

Thank you all so much for the wonderful poetry...

Thanks, Cordelia. The image did turn out interestingly. I'm glad I was able to share it with my fellow poets, and I look forward to doing this again -- just wish it didn't take so long to get posted. :)
Thank you for the encouragement, Cordelia. I'm not sure either if it's even a good poem (*grin*) but I'm glad the humor came across.

Cheers to the poets
Who deserve to drink Moet
But settle for Pepsi
And not getting tipsy

We don't get paid
For the work we parade
But the fullness of heart
Life-wealth does impart.


May 9

There is much to enjoy in today's new offerings. Here are my favorites:

There are two clever pieces full of musical metaphor from sweetsubsarahh, The Measure of a Man contends that a deep voice is erm portentous:

Perhaps you are familiar with the music lover's quote,
of "how all ladies swoon when e'er the tenor sings a note?"

I beg to disagree! Although he makes a joyful sound,
the bass will always be the man I want to hang around.

My musical experience allows me to be wise,
and basses tend to be most gifted; body, strength and size.

Then there’s Choir-otica, wherein the poet is lost in some very specific happy memories whilst singing with the church choir. Glory be. :) The is the kind of poem the sweet one excels at writing. Read and enjoy.

So, back to choir (Focus!) with the text “He Leadeth Me”,
“By His Own Hand” (I’m squirming, what now?) “Bow submissively?”

And once again I’m day-dreaming of times on bended knee,
His rod and staff (with naughty pleasure) always comfort me!

I bite my lip, I must not give those lustful thoughts their due,
the solo is approaching now, I cannot miss this cue!

Blackened Sky is another poet whose work is consistently good. Today she gives us At Twilight, which though very brief offers metaphor and a vivid image of a moment. That’s poetry!

He curls to meet her flesh,
pressing suggestions along her spine.
Needs stir within a slumbering sigh
as she yields for a thousandth sun.


pointless posted old man, please be silent, an angry-sounding poem that contains these cool lines:

I’ll cut off my head and place a bowl there instead,
So you can pour in your wisdom and see the results.
You’ll be able to check it for cracks and for leaks
Just by looking for droplets on the outer surface.

Here’s a poem from maria2394 called the seer that explains succinctly and poetically what a mirror can and cannot see. This one is my favorite for today.

sad destiny of the mirror
hardened silver and glass
a tapestry of vanity.

to reflect and never be
a muted sterling mimicry
of beauty it can never see

Finally there is a prose poem, flyboy sam, by fuckdoll with which you may agree or not, but it is very well done, I think.

Repeal the laws before your leader takes a mocking stab at the flyboys, the heroes of annihilation, pushing his desk down the runway, fall, just fall. Premature ejaculate flows from his lips as the vp takes to him another 4 years. An evil coalition of death and doom who's next? Perhaps disease torn countries of adolescent nature, whose entrails are stipend with mines and gutted by our previous glories.
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You could make a blush
fall off the back of a truck
I find and try to hide it
under all my skins
in all my pockets
and savings accounts
I wonder if I should also be embarrassed now that everyone will know what I'm thinking while at church choir. . .

Only if the other choir members find out, but that would mean they're here, too, lol

Ok, let me start by saying that last week I was only kidding. I won't be that angry if you people submit hundreds of poems on Saturdays. I'm always happy to read good poetry. :D

Today, we only have 10 new poems by 10 different authors. My favourites are:

A lighthearted fun to read poem about whoreticulture.

Garden Pimp
by writerscum01 ©


In their lust for our ministrations growing tumescent with
anticipation of their demise from digestion,
huge and red full of juice and seed,
white of head, growing from a green pubic bed,
stalks rising they present themselves with many a knobbed head.
All fostered by the tender care that my Hoe's have worked,
on their dirty beds!


Love hurts!

by silken_dreammaid ©

A red mark across my back,
a stinging stripe of love.
marked in raw handprint
over one hip and breast.


It stumbles a little bit, but a very interesting poem with some great images.

Life endures
by RazzRajen ©

~Sun ~
bloated and fed,
Having eaten and taken
burns all away

The pond has dried up
the toads burrowed deep
All life seems to wait



In my opinion, today's best. Great ending stanza.

let me touch you
by Maria2394 ©

let me touch you there
that part of you, the heart of you
which seems so hard to share

let me kiss you there
sensual sins borne upon eternal lips
bleeding truths like spring water


It's difficult to read and filled with noise, but turns out to be an interesting read:

black raspberries?
by FuckDoll ©

raspy white karma melted sundae afternoon
The gritty girl, all too familiar
words circle square, what
ego is left
the man tries to take
Folly and angst for these squatting kids
2 angry melodies triumph the soul?
every burning in the darker ones
a fire. a flame. a spark.
stop. Terror in numbers breath chaos
in life tranquillity passes a faulty limit an earthly
dream beyond intuitions a man and
his casket sealed, rest for a moment,
Go. Tickle, tickle. Fondle, where is?
the line who grasps the strings
who pulls the weight of society.


thank for the delicious words... especially about the end...thats the one part I was worried about... :)