new poems


...and play Violetta a little Lester Young.

I just knew you would identify with Violetta. In fact she is a jazz enthusiast. (Well except for Jazz dance, owing to her potbound nature.)

I just knew you would identify with Violetta. In fact she is a jazz enthusiast. (Well except for Jazz dance, owing to her potbound nature.)

I'd have compared myself to a highly tenacious weed or if I had to choose a more acceptable floral metaphor an exotic plumeria, but yes I'm pretty unstructured in most aspects. I'm not surprised to hear we both enjoy improvisation.
Re: New Poems: Monday, 22 September

darkmaas said:

My thought today was to let Viola and Violetta do the reviews. ...
That's all for today.


O dark one,

I am glad then that you did read mine - *S*

Thanks for the mention

Razz :D
Angeline said:
I'd have compared myself to [] exotic plumeria, but yes .

plumeria's!!! Angeline such fragrance such presence heady intoxicating, almost Yes ---- decadent, sinfully so....

Nice metaphors and visuals too

Razz :D
Re: New Poems: Monday, 22 September

darkmaas said:
[BVioletta is a different type of violet altogether. For one thing she is unashamedly pink and puts out double blossoms in profusion. Her poetic tastes are more libertine. She loved Maria's Bobby Has a Fetish which is always one crazy step ahead of the reader. Viola found it disturbing. I’m with Violetta on this one.


Dear Darkmaas,
I am immensely pleased that Violetta loved Bobby's poem, and even more so that you relayed her approval to me through means of this thread. It is good to know someone, even a violet, cares. :rose:

PS, all my plants do well, except ferns, and I might as well just buy'em dead cause that's how they end up... shriveled, brown skeletons of stems and leaves just falling apart... :D:
PS, all my plants do well, except ferns, and I might as well
just buy'em dead cause that's how they end up...
shriveled, brown skeletons of stems and leaves just falling
apart... :

I'm sorry about your ferns. We have a fern that is the same age as Viola. His name is Frond. He has no interest in poetry, but he used to live on a shelf above Viola. He got a bit frisky and tried on several occasions to send a "runner' into Viola's pot. She complained bitterly and insisted on the move to the bathroom.

damn, he posted another one.

I'm ruined for all others.

denis hale I'm right here baby, come wrap me up in a poem, sugah!

Best New Poem

Well, he has done it again. You Jazz and Blues freaks will love this one! Go read denis hale's One-Four-Five.

Far and away the best of the day. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
Re: Best New Poem

Rybka said:
Go read denis hale's One-Four-Five.
Well yah, it may be filed under Non Erotic, but it sure gave me a boner. Schweet Jesus! That was, in it's very own way, sexier than anything I've read in months! He is one hell of a brutal word-juggler, and this is one of his best efforts IMO.

Denis wrote a beaut this time didn't he? What a gorgeous bunch of words and in my favorite smoky rhythm, too. Very inspiring; got me thinking, then writing about Woman Blues. When a poem can move you enough to pull a poem out of you, you know its author got it just right. Excellent work, Mista Hale. :) :rose:
Well, it's already been mentioned, so go read Denis' poem. :) And check out the rest of the new poems.


he's mine.

:D :D :D
Now I just have to figure out how to tell him!
Bitchesss ???

perks said:


he's mine.
. . .

I'm a FISH! Does that make me a Fitch or a Bish?

Besides, "talent belongs to no one, it is merely a proficiency on loan." ;) :p ;)

Regards, Rybka
A fat head and cheeks turn red

Whoa! Guys and Dolls,

You all got to stop gushing now

Cuz I am Blushing,
Big Time!

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the little blues thingy.
Glad you could Relate.

It is very gratifying.

Performance Anxiety, Get Thee Behind Me!

Encore, knock on my door! Yikes, I hope.


Re: A fat head and cheeks turn red

denis hale said:

Performance Anxiety, Get Thee Behind Me!


I have no performance anxiety, let me do it!:cool:
Re: fat head and cheeks turn red

... Perks,

Then I'll end up
Flavor of the Week! RIGHT? LOL!

Rum Raisin....

You an alky? Lol.

This time of year, the local parlor has pumpkin spice. Yummy. I go just once every year and get the biggest cone they have.

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Hey guys and girls none of the new poetry today inspired that "get me in my gut" type emotion although His Feed by RazzRajen was noteable. This is just my two cents go to the new poems and check em out for yourself:D
summer night by Senna was a great read. I enjoyed the way he painted a visual and aural picture for the reader. also, check out his i hear its short, but touching and has an element of sadness and hope in it.

Some of Senna's work, I just don't understand yet, but I like most of what I have read, especially today :) maria