New Weekly Challenge

I think count me out for much commenting. If I can, I will. But we have this trip and then we come back home, pack up and move. So I will be unreliable as a participant until May or June. Sorry. I will comment and write when I can though. I know moving across the country is going to be great for the old muse. :)

hey, where'ya trippin'? Where'ya movin'?

I am doing the old Texas-PA road trip again, just me and the three boys without a plan again. It is so insane I just have to do it.

may the muse of the road keep out from under your tires, m'dear :rose:
I don't know how to do polls and things would something like that make folks happier? I'm glad I haven't got to judge this weeks contributions there are so many wonderful pieces to chose from
Will miss you hun have a good trip :rose:

Ditto you. I'll look for you and your poems when my wireless connection is working!

hey, where'ya trippin'? Where'ya movin'?

I am doing the old Texas-PA road trip again, just me and the three boys without a plan again. It is so insane I just have to do it.

may the muse of the road keep out from under your tires, m'dear :rose:

We are headed to western North Carolina (Asheville) to look at houses and get set up for the big move. It's about 1200 miles one way. so we are just now loading the car with our two staples: lots of cds and lots of diet Coke. I was thinking of you and the boys and your long drives, but of course I only have ee to amuse over the long drive and he's pretty good at being amused by me. :D

Say once we are settled in we want to take some road trips. N'awlins won't be that far from us nor will that place in Tejas with all the great music. We could do a reading together and blow the town apart (or um in our minds...)

Good luck on your trip with the boys. Oh you're a brave one.

Smooches. :kiss::kiss:

PS I only did a few road trips with my two when they were little. It was NOT easy. Fun, but not easy!!!
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Thank you for your second comment on my Drama Life, Curtain Birth villanelle. I told you I did this challenge already. lol I even have "blueprint" in there. I guess only the people who know me well see that the last stanza refers to my stillborn twin. That's fine though. It's more of a personal poem really.
fair enough.

though i don't see myself as some godhead.
maybe the next person setting the challenge will do things in a different way. :)

I must admit that posting your own detailed contest rules is god-like in itself. The judges are just your priests, and your disciples either met your requirements to go to heaven or not. I like that there are different kinds of challenges, usually running simultaneously. I think bijou has a contest where you can post just about anything and she picks her favorite each week. Then there's the seven days, month straight writing challenge where no one picks anything. Then there's this sort of challenge where a favorite will be picked and that person will possibly run the next challenge. I like this because of the continuity, there's the possibility for variation each week.

GODDESS Chippy. . . . .hmmm I kinda like the sound of that :D
I think count me out for much commenting. If I can, I will. But we have this trip and then we come back home, pack up and move. So I will be unreliable as a participant until May or June. Sorry. I will comment and write when I can though. I know moving across the country is going to be great for the old muse. :)

Enjoy your trip and move (I hate moving !) :)
We'll be glad to hear from you whenever you can.
I don't know how to do polls and things would something like that make folks happier? I'm glad I haven't got to judge this weeks contributions there are so many wonderful pieces to chose from

Polls can be fun. I've never done one either. but the FAQ link may help.
I just gave it a try (didn't actually make a new thread) and it looks like at most 10 items can be chosen (there are currently 20 posts for this week and all but 3 or 4 are poems). :(
Now one could cascade them - say there are 25 poems.
3 threads with 8 or 9 poems to vote for on each.
Then take the top one from each a week later and make a new poll.
If less than 100 poems then won't need a third round. ;)
Polls can be fun. I've never done one either. but the FAQ link may help.
I just gave it a try (didn't actually make a new thread) and it looks like at most 10 items can be chosen (there are currently 20 posts for this week and all but 3 or 4 are poems). :(
Now one could cascade them - say there are 25 poems.
3 threads with 8 or 9 poems to vote for on each.
Then take the top one from each a week later and make a new poll.
If less than 100 poems then won't need a third round. ;)

bloody hell - it gets complicated fast, doesn't it? while i can cope with this kind of stuff, i'm not able to get creative at the same time - like swapping heads to suit the job. :(
Polls can be fun. I've never done one either. but the FAQ link may help.
I just gave it a try (didn't actually make a new thread) and it looks like at most 10 items can be chosen (there are currently 20 posts for this week and all but 3 or 4 are poems). :(
Now one could cascade them - say there are 25 poems.
3 threads with 8 or 9 poems to vote for on each.
Then take the top one from each a week later and make a new poll.
If less than 100 poems then won't need a third round. ;)

Well that's knocked that idea on the head then because I haven't the foggiest what you just said!

bloody hell - it gets complicated fast, doesn't it? while i can cope with this kind of stuff, i'm not able to get creative at the same time - like swapping heads to suit the job. :(

Like Worzel Gummidge?
1 and a half hours to post any further entries in the Butty challenge, folks!
Charley says: "Okay, fine, damn you, I can't resist your temptation:"


ty :rose:
only 45 minutes left before the challenge ends and the thread's thrown open to comments!
The Butty Challenge thread is now officially closed to further entries and wide open to all your comments!
bloody hell - it gets complicated fast, doesn't it? while i can cope with this kind of stuff, i'm not able to get creative at the same time - like swapping heads to suit the job. :(

oh it really is not so bad. I have seen challenges in which there were three initial polls and then the top 3-4 from each of those threads went onto finals. Often times, there are not that many poems submitted.

The thing that I like about polls is it encourages people to read and think about all of the poems. I think. Who am I to say.

I have to go write.
Last night we were near Harrisburg, PA in a hotel that was having taxidermy convention. I am not making this up. As we were waiting to check in, people were walking by carrying stuffed foxes and swordfish and a zebra head! A zebra head! And there was a huge stuffed bear and a mountain lion leaping at the elevators (well the mountain lion was leaping and the bear was sort of rearing back and snarling). Is it me or is that really, really strange? I had no idea it was such a popular hobby.

But anyway thank you all for your well wishes on our move. And since I don't see a winner picked yet (maybe I just missed it; I'm pretty beat from driving), I shall refrain from picking my faves. It is always fascinating to me though how many different directions peoples' poems take on the same line or theme. I've always heard that the best writing prompts are those that allow people to go to really different places with their responses, so kudos to Chipbutty for choosing one that works so well.

What? You were 25 minutes away from me? Not like I drive or leave my house, but I'm gonna pout now. lol

Really? I was in Brienigsville (sp?) about 30-40 miles east of H'burg. We could have met (least I'd try to drag you out), but I gotta admit ee was a mite grumpy after all that driving (I'm just the navigator/dj cause he usually likes to drive), so mebbe for the best lol.

Tomorrow I am meeting tungtied2u! Woohoo!

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Oh, okay. I'm in Lebanon- between where you were and Harrisburg.

oh, well.
Really? I was in Brienigsville (sp?) about 30-40 miles east of H'burg. We could have met (least I'd try to drag you out), but I gotta admit ee was a mite grumpy after all that driving (I'm just the navigator/dj cause he usually likes to drive), so mebbe for the best lol.

Tomorrow I am meeting tungtied2u! Woohoo!

Lucky bug! Give him a kiss for me! Sissy Champs may be way up h'yah in the north country, but my long johns still keeps me warm (particularly if'n I 'member to do up the trap) .. and well, I got a warm heart.
okay, that's me done :)
commented on each poem and delivered my final top 3 selection.

I know Annie was interested in throwing out the next weekly challenge; is everyone happy with that and Annie, you still want to take the baton? :D
okay, that's me done :)
commented on each poem and delivered my final top 3 selection.

I know Annie was interested in throwing out the next weekly challenge; is everyone happy with that and Annie, you still want to take the baton? :D

I don't know I can't critique it fills me with horror!
I don't know I can't critique it fills me with horror!

who says you have to crit? you run it however you see fit. pick your winner or allow others to or have no winner at all, make it all about just individuals making poems and anyone gets to say what they like - entirely your choice. but if you don't want to run with it, then throw the ball out there in plenty of time for someone to catch :D
who says you have to crit? you run it however you see fit. pick your winner or allow others to or have no winner at all, make it all about just individuals making poems and anyone gets to say what they like - entirely your choice. but if you don't want to run with it, then throw the ball out there in plenty of time for someone to catch :D

It's that old paranoia thing afraid nobody will contribute to anything I set ...... will sort something out tonight!