New Weekly Challenge

see, the only thing i think people might have an issue with here is if they thought the rewrites were some kind of criticism of the original; if the challenge is to take a piece and rewrite it in your own style, or use it in a different way to make something new (such as those poetic-letter thingies), then it surely could not be construed as insulting.


all people have to do is say they'd prefer their own material wasn't used, and don't even have to give reasons. that way, anyone taking on the challenge knows from the off not to use that person's poetry. seempuls! :D

Yeah, you could go at it like an editor, but I'm thinking more of a radical re-write. An exercise in creative plagiarism, or as the oldies used to say, "In the style of..."

We'll get a list of people who'll let us use their poems, if this challenge were to exist.
Yeah, you could go at it like an editor, but I'm thinking more of a radical re-write. An exercise in creative plagiarism, or as the oldies used to say, "In the style of..."

We'll get a list of people who'll let us use their poems, if this challenge were to exist.

don't fafff about, get on with it! :D

you've already got me and Annie to start your list.
have you ever done that with any of your own stuff?

i'd not written anything new for a couple of weeks and was getting twitchy, so finally took one poem and rewrote it as an exercise; i took one i'd finished ages back and rewrote it eminem stylee, and again in something more akin to ee cummings (appearance more than content :eek: ). it really made me look at the poem in a new light!
have you ever done that with any of your own stuff?

i'd not written anything new for a couple of weeks and was getting twitchy, so finally took one poem and rewrote it as an exercise; i took one i'd finished ages back and rewrote it eminem stylee, and again in something more akin to ee cummings (appearance more than content :eek: ). it really made me look at the poem in a new light!

All the time. I finish a lot of poems that aren't anything, I'll come back to them and totally re-write. But I only re-write if I think a poem's crap. I'm thinking of re-writing a real good poem, not to improve it, just to say something different with it.
You can use any of my poems if you want, or hers, or his, or its, or even his. We don't mind.

We don't even mind if you make them better, which you almost certainly will.
So we have Tzara, Tess, UYS, Chipbutty and my poems on the list of poems contestants can re-write? I'm not gonna write a poem. If we get a few more I think I can start a new thread with the contest.
Actually I'd like to see what someone made of mine so I hope they get chosen ...... link at bottom of signature hint hint
Remec centoed me once which was lovely mmm
you can throw mine on the list, too. i rather like the idea of somebody taking such a close look :)
can everybody put a link to their poems then please cos I never seem able to find them
Find mine here. Scribble at will.

I was thinking about what you said regarding the "edit" aspect of this. I believe it would be valuable in that you need to evaluate what you think the poem's trying to say, and then take time to rewrite so it feels completely different.

It would be quite a fun and worthy challenge.
Find mine here. Scribble at will.

I was thinking about what you said regarding the "edit" aspect of this. I believe it would be valuable in that you need to evaluate what you think the poem's trying to say, and then take time to rewrite so it feels completely different.

It would be quite a fun and worthy challenge.

Well as long as nobody gets the hump if I put completely the wrong connotation on chosen poem!
Yeah, you could go at it like an editor, but I'm thinking more of a radical re-write. An exercise in creative plagiarism, or as the oldies used to say, "In the style of..."

We'll get a list of people who'll let us use their poems, if this challenge were to exist.

Sounds good. Start a thread!
sounds like fun, hey are we all going to rewrite the same poem or go a hunting?

I would like to try this one. In the radical rewrite vein.

My poems are always free to play with.
Sounds interesting - try any of mine if you like (my profile has a link to my poems - with more people would do that so one does't have to search members).
I've set myself a new challenge. Next month (May) its my turn to lead our weekly AA meeting.
So I'll be writing some poems we can share/discuss. My off the top of my head idea is to write on the 2nd step -
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Perhaps a Villanelle
I guess its time for a challenge from somebody else now!
I meant to post more review for mine, but stuff just got too busy...
s'okay, who's up next?

who wants to throw a googlie at our stumps?
who wants to risk being the ash-cloud that keeps us all grounded?
who wants to ... oh, poop, this isn't The Weakest Link, is it? so who's up to play next?

I'm away from Thursday to Sunday going to Scotland for a long weekend to a chatroom meet, we all meet up occassionally so if anyone is doing a challenge this coming week I will have less time to write
I so enjoyed the last challenge it's hard to know how to follow it.

I propose that poets take one line (not the title) from a favourite song and run with it. I'm not going to judge or critique at all, this challenge is just to nudge our respective muses and to have fun.

Poems to appear in the designated thread on or before May 16th or 17th. ( if so much great stuff can be created in a week for the last challenge it can be done again.) The chosen line must be high-lighted in case it isn't immediately recognised and the song title added below the poem.

Any takers? :) I won't create the thread until I know the challenge is accepted.
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