New Weekly Challenge

Our Chloe is a rescue too she was used as a breeding machine then given away to a 16 year old girl (how responsible is that?!!) whose mother bred Lhaso Apsos and definitely did NOT want a Staffie in the house and found a very quick reason to get rid of her. Luckily she ended up in Staffie rescue and from there to us. Now she has Cushings disease and the medication that they say she needs costs nearly £1000 a year!!
Our Chloe is a rescue too she was used as a breeding machine then given away to a 16 year old girl (how responsible is that?!!) whose mother bred Lhaso Apsos and definitely did NOT want a Staffie in the house and found a very quick reason to get rid of her. Luckily she ended up in Staffie rescue and from there to us. Now she has Cushings disease and the medication that they say she needs costs nearly £1000 a year!!

Wow, that's more than my usual medical costs !
UYS-- sorry I won't be doing the challenge, nothing personal, just too crazy spring break here and I have no fun with form :)
Yeah, I had a spot open in the challenge thread, but have to decline because when I'm home my brain is forced into a table linens, chairs, flowers mentality.
Don't blame you it was a crap form anyway thanks for those that did try anyway

slaps annie upside head with wet fish!

no, it's NOT a crap form. it's different and i, for one, am glad i gave it a shot. blflaggst's up to his eyes in wedding arrangements by the sounds of it and it doesn't end till tomorrow night. form just isn't everyone's cup of tea :rose:
Is anyone interested in putting their names forward for next week, setting the challenge? EO has written a small computer programme purely to 'pick names from the hat' kinda thing. it's be a shame not to give it a spin at least once :D
Don't despair - its not Friday yet - I've some stuff scribbled down so far.

Oh well at least I haven't got a mile of poems to critique which I hate with a vengeance purely because I don't know the correct words to say other than please don't shove words in for the sake of it because you only end up sounding like Yoda

slaps annie upside head with wet fish!

no, it's NOT a crap form. it's different and i, for one, am glad i gave it a shot. blflaggst's up to his eyes in wedding arrangements by the sounds of it and it doesn't end till tomorrow night. form just isn't everyone's cup of tea :rose:

Ouch yer bugga ... there's a plaice for us salmon enchanted evening

Can't say more than that right now (Don't want to bias the judge.)

Don't blame you it was a crap form anyway thanks for those that did try anyway

Oh well at least I haven't got a mile of poems to critique which I hate with a vengeance purely because I don't know the correct words to say other than please don't shove words in for the sake of it because you only end up sounding like Yoda

Ouch yer bugga ... there's a plaice for us salmon enchanted evening
Can we have an extension? - I'm fighting food poisoning - my liver feels like Mohammed Ali punched me in the gut.

Oh my goodness go back to bed you silly woman and I'll be round in 20 minutes to tuck you in ..... if nobody objects I can leave it up for another week
OK :D UYS's announced her challenge results!

now i know charley's is still ongoing, but does anyone else wanna throw their names into the hat so EO's programme he wrote gets a spin at picking one out?
OK :D UYS's announced her challenge results!

now i know charley's is still ongoing, but does anyone else wanna throw their names into the hat so EO's programme he wrote gets a spin at picking one out?
I spitted myself. Join the "fun."
so ... anyone got a new challenge up their sleeve they'd like to introduce this week?

if not, i have something brewing :D
I had an idea. Re-write a fellow Litster's poem. But it might offend some people. So maybe re-write a famous poem.
I had an idea. Re-write a fellow Litster's poem. But it might offend some people. So maybe re-write a famous poem.

set 'em up, tender ... i'm game.

and maybe people might state if they'd rather not have their poems rewritten, an opt-oout thingy ? i don't give a monkey's what anyone does with mine, it'd be funny!
I had an idea. Re-write a fellow Litster's poem. But it might offend some people. So maybe re-write a famous poem.

see, the only thing i think people might have an issue with here is if they thought the rewrites were some kind of criticism of the original; if the challenge is to take a piece and rewrite it in your own style, or use it in a different way to make something new (such as those poetic-letter thingies), then it surely could not be construed as insulting.


all people have to do is say they'd prefer their own material wasn't used, and don't even have to give reasons. that way, anyone taking on the challenge knows from the off not to use that person's poetry. seempuls! :D