New Year writing resolutions

1. Continue my quest to write a story in every themed Literotica category (not Audio, Illustrated etc).
2. Hit 100 stories.
3. Attempt to temper my obsession with Literotica a little.
4. Continue to turn myself on.
5. More CFNM.
1. Complete my unfinished series (I have two of them).
2. Publish stories in at least three new categories.
3. Feel confident by the end of 2024 that my writing has improved.
4. Publish at least one story every month.
EB looked at Simon's list and cast his mind back several years; four, maybe.

Yep. Got it - time is circular, not linear ;).
I think @Priscilla_June nailed it....
Unless you see this as becoming (A job)
We write for fun, and the most important part of the whole process, is to extract every Millilitre of enjoyment from it as we can.

I understand that is difficult sometimes, between wanting to care for our newly born creations, worrying about nastygrams from angry commenters, and fretting about how to improve. We sometimes lose sight of the reasons most of us are here...


If I had to set a goal, that would be mine.

Worry less, and enjoy more.

Amen!! Worrying about ratings as some sort of validation of whether I had fun right! Lol
EB looked at Simon's list and cast his mind back several years; four, maybe.

Yep. Got it - time is circular, not linear ;).

I have a habit of setting ambitious goals and falling short of them.

On the other hand, in the last two years I've published 17 stories in 8 different categories, I've won (or placed in) two contests, and I've accumulated over 3.4 million new views, over 5000 new story favorites, and over 1500 new followers.

Not too bad for someone whose output has fallen short of his plan.

How you doin'?
How you doin'?
Slowly by comparison, but that doesn't let you off the hook ;).

I have multiple thousands of words written for the 2nd year's Geek Anthology (I know, we're up to Year 5), the 2nd year's Mickey Spillane Anthology, and the 2024 Pink Orchid anthology (all good, solid starts). This is why I never commit to deadlines (I have too many in my real job) - everything I've written in the last three years has been a side project for something else. I might get one/three finished, but I'm not banking on it.

My favourite things this year have been my Emma and Bobbie stories, which started out from a real conversation in my local cafe, and went from there. Probably strokers per @AG31's thought pieces, but typical me, depth and intimacy too.
Get more stories on this account, finish the few unfinished stories on my other account, so I can retire it. It's somewhat served it's purpose.
I just hope that I can write another story. I seem to be in a funk and not interested in writing at the moment.
1. Complete my two ongoing series, one of which has been on a cliffhanger of sorts for about 5 years. Thankfully, both of those should be wrapped up this month.

2. Submit something with a male POV. All of the stuff I've submitted so far on this site has been with a woman as the main character, and I want to branch out a bit. Have stuff in the works for some BDSM/femdom stuff from the man's perspective, and a short fantasy series focusing on a man MC instead of the women I usually write for.

3. Participate in at least one contest. Most likely it will be Halloween, as that's the only one that really gets my creative sparks going.

4. Submit a follow-up to Silver Screens, Silver Bells (my holiday contest submission that people really liked)
To get offa my ass and wrote part 3 of a story I started in late 2022. Maybe finish the series…

Write a few of the 750 word challenges. That’s my speed and my attention span, honestly.

Happy writing to all in 2024.
I just hope that I can write another story. I seem to be in a funk and not interested in writing at the moment.
Hope springs eternal ... just 'funk' it and grab a keyboard ... let your mind and fingers run wild for ten minutes a day ... save it ... somewhere in there, you will see a seedling looking to spring forth and get you back on another story. 😘
I've got plenty to do here, but my resolution is to make significant progress on my fantasy novel.
My resolutions every year include writing more. Write more, submit more, read more. Enter more contests. Profit!
I just hope that I can write another story. I seem to be in a funk and not interested in writing at the moment.
I've been there the last couple of years. Some difficult things happened IRL and I haven't been in the right place mentally to write, though I've kept my hand in with editing and an editing How-To. I've just had to take it easy on myself and think of it like resting after an injury.

Starting to get back into it now, though. I have a rough outline and most of the first scene written for the next thing. Hope your muse gets back to you soon!
I resolve to spend less time in AH forum and more time writing. I'm a crossroads in writing, want to explore more for the commercial side, with less in the erotic area and more into the genres I love to write in. Crime, mysteries, horror, and delve deeper into plot and structure and put less erotica in them. So, hopefully, I can attract a wider readership outside of Lit.
I resolve to spend less time in AH forum and more time writing. I'm a crossroads in writing, want to explore more for the commercial side, with less in the erotic area and more into the genres I love to write in. Crime, mysteries, horror, and delve deeper into plot and structure and put less erotica in them. So, hopefully, I can attract a wider readership outside of Lit.
Wait! You mean ... there is a readership ... outside of Lit?!!!! WTF And I just now am hearing about it?
How are people getting on with theirs?

My progress:

-Enter two competitions. -I have so far entered the April Fools competition (with two stories but just counting it as one).
-Write in 5 categories I've not written in before. -I have so far written in 2 new categories (gay male and anal).

-Increase my followers to 500 (from my current 314). -My follower count is now 389.
-Reach a milestone 50 favourites on my of my stories. -My highest favourited story is now at 48.