No Nut 19

Day 258: It's been a while, but not much has happened, really. It's starting to feel like Dec 31 is right around the corner and that's starting to mess with my head a little.

31 edges in 48 hours mess with my head and panties a lot.


Your new pic, You are beautiful!
I enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Day 258: It's been a while, but not much has happened, really. It's starting to feel like Dec 31 is right around the corner and that's starting to mess with my head a little.

31 edges in 48 hours mess with my head and panties a lot.


wait. what?

31? :eek:
Yes 31. Sure keeps me busy.

It's awful. This is the upside and the downside of competely random numbers. Everyone pray for a low number for tomorrow. But bigger than zero, though. :D
Day 259: Okay, universe. You got me, haha.

16 is indeed a lot smaller a number than 31. But fuck you.

All this edging is making me really pissed off and frustrated and my clit is pretty much rubbed raw. I hate this. :mad:

Skirts and dresses only for now and I'm definitely going to stand on the tram and at my desk today. :rolleyes:
Seela, I drop in on your thread from time to time for an update. I am impressed with you to date. But jeez, with all this edging, your clit, along with being raw and rubbed red, must be getting reasonably large these days with this over stimulation!
A sissy would like to ask, does it end on December 31 or January 1?
You are doing nicely.
It's No Nut 19, so there won't be any orgasms in 2019. :)

I'm more aware of my clit than ever before. It's not necessarily a good thing. I'm really, really frustrated and it's increasingly difficult to deal with it in a healthy, adult (read: as unannoying towards others as possible) manner rather than whining.

When I found myself spending a portion of my lunch break edging in the bathroom and hating every moment of it, yet doing it... Well, I've officially gone off the deep end now. :rolleyes:
It's No Nut 19, so there won't be any orgasms in 2019. :)

I'm more aware of my clit than ever before. It's not necessarily a good thing. I'm really, really frustrated and it's increasingly difficult to deal with it in a healthy, adult (read: as unannoying towards others as possible) manner rather than whining.

When I found myself spending a portion of my lunch break edging in the bathroom and hating every moment of it, yet doing it... Well, I've officially gone off the deep end now. :rolleyes:

You are amazing. Keep up the great work. :)
It's No Nut 19, so there won't be any orgasms in 2019. :)

When I found myself spending a portion of my lunch break edging in the bathroom and hating every moment of it, yet doing it... Well, I've officially gone off the deep end now. :rolleyes:

Hang in there!
not too much left and then you may go for the biggest wildest orgasm of your natural life.....hopefully

do you have a spotter to check your progress? :D
I don't know about you but if i was making a claim for close to 365 days I’d want someone with me that could back it up as we say?
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Obviously it's utterly impossible for someone to be with me 24/7 for an entire year to monitor that I don't have an orgasm.

So either people believe me or they don't. I don't really care.
And as an important aside, thanks for posting here, everyone. It makes this feel a tiny bit less stupid... :)
I can send you a bottle of menthol essential oil seela, if you like, two drops on your clit would be in order to soothe......
And as an important aside, thanks for posting here, everyone. It makes this feel a tiny bit less stupid... :)

I could never do this. I just cum too easily and I don't even need direct stimulation.
Obviously it's utterly impossible for someone to be with me 24/7 for an entire year to monitor that I don't have an orgasm.

So either people believe me or they don't. I don't really care.

I’m sure it is. I thought you might have had a Dom to monitor. sorry i mentioned it.
I’m sure it is. I thought you might have had a Dom to monitor. sorry i mentioned it.

This isn't a solo activity, but it's still not possible for me to be monitored all the time. At least without some strange devices. So it's a question of trust.
I can send you a bottle of menthol essential oil seela, if you like, two drops on your clit would be in order to soothe......
Erm. No. :eek:
I could never do this. I just cum too easily and I don't even need direct stimulation.

Turns out, after a certain point I don't really need direct stimulation either... The level of difficulty has gone up considerably.
I know of someone else doing this, so you're not alone in that respect. I couldn't manage a couple of weeks nevermind a year. I have the utmost admiration for you (both.)
This isn't a solo activity, but it's still not possible for me to be monitored all the time. At least without some strange devices. So it's a question of trust.

Ultimately, whatever your particular kink is, trust must be the basis. Always.

Enjoy the ride Seela
I'm very impressed with what you have done so far, seela. And I wish you the absolute best for the rest of the year.

May that orgasm you experience at 12:00:01 AM on January 1 of 2020 be more impressive than all of the fireworks shows around the world - combined! :)
And as an important aside, thanks for posting here, everyone. It makes this feel a tiny bit less stupid... :)
seela, you are NOT stupid. You are dedicated to someone and you're willing to show your dedication in a way that is challenging, more challenging every day. Continue as you are. Keep us informed if that helps you stay the course.
And as an important aside, thanks for posting here, everyone. It makes this feel a tiny bit less stupid... :)

This ain’t stupid, clearly.

Dedicated? Twisted? Kinky? Disciplined? Sure - but not stupid.
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Day 265: Look at that number! It means there are 100 days of the year left. That's a nice, round number.

The past week has been rough. Between Friday last week and Monday this week I edged 55 times. Yep. That's a ridiculous number, if there ever was one. It made me sad and miserable and really pissed off and frustrated. On Tuesday I made the stupid mistake of asking for a perk I didn't really even want right there and then, just because I was hoping to hear the sweet word "no". I was told yes. All the crazy edging I had just done had me in a pretty poor headspace, but there it was. I was told yes, and after I mentioned that I had actually only asked to be told no and could I please not use the perk card then because I might need it later, the situation went from "yes, you may" to "yes, you must". Needless to say, the perk wasn't really enjoyable, and now I'm almost out of them for the rest of the year. Some days I make the worst decisions.

Anyway, not a great week. Even though the edge numbers were at less chafing inducing levels the rest of the week, the pissed off-ness and frustration from last weekend continued - and yet...

I find myself thinking that 100 days are nothing at all and the year will be over so soon. Too soon. It'll be a very difficult situation for me when it's 2020. A big part of me will want to continue, will want to see how long I can go and if there are new thoughts and feelings to be experienced during year 2.

I have mentioned that I'd like there to be a clear order for me to have an orgasm when the time comes. I don't know where my emotions are going to be if I'm left to my own devices to make the decision to go over the edge and have an orgasm. In that conversation Valentine's day and my birthday were mentioned too - probably jokingly - and the thought of the orgasm day being pushed to February felt good, comforting. There'd be more time.

But would that be just a case of ripping off the bandaid at a glacial pace?

And just a small update on my side project that was born out of No Nut. It's 250 days of only wearing matching underwear! Yay! :D
And thanks for all the comments above. It's nice to know there are people on the other side of the screen, too. :rose: