Non-fatal case of curiosity.

Can someone please answer these questions for me. It's totally not important in the big scheme of things but it's driving me nuts. I submitted a poem here a while back. It was rejected. No big deal as I had expected it because of the content. However, it still shows on my submission page as being rejected and someone keeps reading/viewing it. The counter attached to it keeps recording views. Uhhhmmm, WHY? If it was rejected, who would have access to it? And why keep viewing it? Why not just copy and paste it into your own computer? Anyone out there? Anyone? Will someone step up to the plate and save this poor woman from her own danged nosiness? I'm dying here.

You started a thread with questions. Within minutes of posting it, two people gave you very specific answers. Apparently you have a bug up your butt about Literotica, but taking your annoyance out on people who a) don't get paid by the site owners and gave their own time freely to help you and b) did what they could to be kind and thorough in their responses says much more about you than it does about them. Then you make a joke that at best is mildly offensive and, again, speaks volumes about your tolerance. And then when people--not even the original ones who tried to help you--question the fact that on one hand you say you're writing about abuse and on the other joke about something that sounds like you don't much care about protecting anyone's rights, you get pissed and say you're leaving.

You know what? You're absolutely right! This isn't a good place for you. Don't let the door bang your ass on the way out.
On the other hand, if that's what you like then by all means have at it.

She said "Don't let the door bang your ass on the way out", not "spank". I think the difference has something to do with the shape of the door knob (unless they are French Doors, then all bets are off!).
She said "Don't let the door bang your ass on the way out", not "spank". I think the difference has something to do with the shape of the door knob (unless they are French Doors, then all bets are off!).

Naw, I know just what he wants. He's wants one a these: :caning:

My boyfriend says I'm really good at it. I can spank and talk real dirty at the same time. Now where'd that Jami-san go?
You know what? You're absolutely right! This isn't a good place for you. Don't let the door bang your ass on the way out.
First, Carrie said something about bending rebar with assholes, in another thread, and now you're banging asses. Well... um... :eek:
Pat and wank, pat and wank, jerker's skank... jerk me a wank like a skanker's wang...

:D but we can bang yer butt, too :p
I get grumpy when I have huge editing jobs. Here, bend over and I'll spank you, too. :D

Naw, I know just what he wants. He's wants one a these: :caning:

My boyfriend says I'm really good at it. I can spank and talk real dirty at the same time. Now where'd that Jami-san go?

First, Carrie said something about bending rebar with assholes, in another thread, and now you're banging asses. Well... um... :eek:

Introducing: The PoetChick-imatrix!
First, Carrie said something about bending rebar with assholes, in another thread, and now you're banging asses. Well... um... :eek:

I don't like it when people are mean to you and Champie. My halo falls off into the onion dip. :D
I don't like it when people are mean to you and Champie. My halo falls off into the onion dip. :D
I had just told safe_bet yesterday that you're diplomatic and sweet. You're more like a biker bar babe. lol
I had just told safe_bet yesterday that you're diplomatic and sweet. You're more like a biker bar babe. lol

Usually I am. But I'm also from New Jersey and the daughter of a man who was thrown out of Kmart (much to my mother's utter horror) for arguing. I have strong protective instincts. Toward you and Champ, apparently.
I had just told safe_bet yesterday that you're diplomatic and sweet. You're more like a biker bar babe. lol

Muahahahaha! Just had a visual of Ange in a biker bar, all decked out in leather boustierre and boots, telling the bikers to wear their helmets and call their mother.
Muahahahaha! Just had a visual of Ange in a biker bar, all decked out in leather boustierre and boots, telling the bikers to wear their helmets and call their mother.

I probably would try to mother them. Or boss them around, depending on how you want to interpret it. But I'm pretty sure I've never been in a biker bar. Otoh, the first person I ever smoked pot with when I was a young, wild teenaged Angeline was a born-again biker guy named Big George. :eek:
There's no accounting for tastes! but he does know one hell of a lot about music and can be found on YouTube so go fill your boots!
From someone who, obviously, since being a biker bar babe ( here, in this forum) means being a snotty bitch, MUST be a covert ref to moi... I can honestly say, nope, a biker babe wouldn't say don't let the door bang your ass on the way...etc...a biker bar babe would just throw the other bitch out. I don't know any biker bar babes... obviously. lol

I want the nice people back. You mean girls all shut up and be nice. I'm still nice. Wicked but nice.

I have a tiny hole, no rebar, Eve, how do you even know what rebar is? Lordy, woman, you are full of surprises. I have always loved you, some things never change. Hey, we've been here together for a long time. I have a real attachment to the gang I met here in the first couple of years.

smile and be kind to one another, even biker babes and bunny dildoes have feelings. My bunny says Hello. that's what I learned from the last episode of NJ goes Insane .

peace out-
