Karaoke Story Event - Official Support Thread

Snake Eater is a musical masterpiece. I raise my glass to you, sir - you have fine taste. But once again, it's not a song that is particularly well known which I think could be a problem if you're trying to connect with your readers.

Agreed. I’ll just have to note that my redhead FMC is into extremely deadly Close Quarters Combat of the Mercury Lady School, is also an expert at unorthodox psychological verbal judo, has past lovers named Snake and Cobra, and leave it at that.

Devil Woman has been sent off to Laurel for approval in Erotic Horror. First time category submissions aren't fun for the nerves, I'm here to tell you.

But that was kind of the point, right? Right?
“I Want You” submitted. My first Lesbian story with original characters. Thank goodness I’ve done similar stories in Fanfic before.
I think the complaint about author challenges is misguided. Most of the challenges that are going have zero appeal for me and I'm sure others feel similarly about this one. The whole point of them should be to provide variety in submissions and attracting different authors to them so it's not all the same old rehashed stuff. Themes help with that and the author challenges are all about themes and adhering to deadlines, both great skills for writers to hone.
I'm of the same thinking but, taking a two-sided view, we have those who feel pressure to be a part of a majority of challenges and those who are motivated by their own themes and only when a confluence of events hits, do they have a submission.

Obv the regular contributes more here so ties go to them but, I'd argue they gain less b/c they should be plenty exposed to Lit readers by now. I honestly don't know exactly where the pressure to submit to everything comes from. (maybe my creativities are too "narrow" to understand and I do what (and think as) I do b/c of my own limitations?)

Music just *feels* more universal to me than a lot of these other contests so more natural to rolling it.
Your passion for this event really shows, and it's incredibly inspiring. Thank you for that.
Hear, hear! 👏 👏
I agree with you regarding that having a variety of challenges is a good thing. They motivate me to try new things, and if there's more events to choose from, then that means I can pick and choose the ones that interest me the most. Unlike many other author's, I have actually never found much of my inspiration in music, at least not in the lyrics and story they're telling, and struggled immensely with this event - but that was part of the fun!
Wild. I'm the opposite. Rare is the story not at least helped along by music if not downright inspired. Now, I'll twist a narrative to levels that would break Gumby to make mine do what I want but it is a huge part of my language use and study.

I love others sharing their stories of how they "craft."

Writing is amazing in how very differently we reach the same finish line. No wonder I can't quit.
My only wish was that we could have linked the songs as a YouTube link or something at the start of the story, but I understand that could be a nightmare for the website. But the song I picked isn't very well-known, and thus there's a bunch of readers that will have to go listen to it first, if they can be bothered. I suspect a lot of people will simply click out of the story and move on to something else rather than do so. :(
Had these feelings too but there's also something to be said for being the exposure source. Most of what I workshopped weren't singles/videos (I wanted to help others discover lesser known works) and those that were had conflicting narratives (late 80s/early 90s music videos had a LOT of tropes unless the artist was deliberate.)

Trust in readers to seek it out if they are inspired.

Trust in yourself to be the sherpa who sets their experience of the song maybe even better than the musical artist.

Like a book, once a song is out of the creator's hands, they really don't control the experience anymore. Nor should they (if a different/misinterpretation enriches someone's life no need to ruin it.)
Furthermore, the song I really wanted to use was even more obscure - so much that without a link, people probably wouldn't find it easily, as it's from a video game. But it's beautiful, and I intend to still write a story based on it outside of the event fairly soon. I would never have gotten that idea if it wasn't for challenges like this! So many thanks to @Altissimus ! (Link below if anyone's interested in the song.)

I hope you write this, I really do.

No connection with the song (yet, my backlog is shameful) but I toyed with video game music, instrumentals, other non-standard songs and felt it was an area we all could benefit from seeing story crafted. 🤩
I’ll be dropping mine in the next few days. “You’re Gonna Love Yourself in the Morning.”
Debating whether to do an Erotic Coupling slash Loving Wives story where my avatar hooks up with an original character based on his childhood crush, now they’re all grown up. The song for this is “Fire Woman” by The Cult.

Some complications- time is limited, I have my workweek starting tomorrow and a family vacation in Florida afterwards. I get back next Sunday, event goes live that Tuesday… I’ll just write the story and see if it comes out strong. Then if so I’ll post outside the event. We’ll see what happens.
My second one - which is the first one I actually said I'd write here - is done.
It didn't translate as well as I'd hoped from the song, but maybe the readers will like it better than I did!
maybe the readers will like it better than I did!

That's how I feel about my creation as well. It's definitely not my best work, yet it feels complete enough that I do not want to mess around with it too much and change it into something different. The whole "if it's not broken, don't fix it" thing. Hopefully our stories still appeal to some people. I look forward to reading yours when it goes live!
"Devil Woman" is officially scheduled to premiere on October 10, 2023 at an Erotic Horror story listing near you.

I can only hope I did it justice. I'll find out in 11 days.

For the record, I hate my muse...that little shit made me do it.
Crash Into Me is Submitted. Gah! :)

It's the first time I'm publishing in "Transgender and Crossdressers" so fingers crossed I won't get booed out of there! 🫣

I also made a Spotify Playlist, because why not?
*** UPDATE ***

Had a couple of folk ask me if they could submit after the 5th and still be included.

I reached out to Laurel. Official answer is that any appropriately-tagged story will be included, but if not submitted "within 48 hours" of the go-live then it might turn up a day or two late.

Good to know... my second submission still needs a lot of work :)
*** UPDATE ***

Had a couple of folk ask me if they could submit after the 5th and still be included.

I reached out to Laurel. Official answer is that any appropriately-tagged story will be included, but if not submitted "within 48 hours" of the go-live then it might turn up a day or two late.

Good to know... my second submission still needs a lot of work :)
I'm confused. Your opening post says the deadline is October 8. Is it October 5 or October 8?
Well that was quick!
I'm excited to read all the stories next week. 🤓🎉


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