Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: I am California

Syndra Lynn said:
Map me gold with silver
rivers, and freckle me
with ancient timber,
black and green.

Lift my granite skyward
etched in black and white.
Kiss me yellow-green
with sunlight dappled forest floor.

Thrust my coastline jagged,
crashing surf of white and green
painted furious against cliffs serene,
as white-pillowed blue gently blankets me.

Rip my flesh and spill my blood.
Comb crops in rows
along my desert soils
made lush with stolen water.

Tie asphalt ribbons
to concrete cities
along my fault lines
or lying in my flood plains.

Pollute my purple snow capped
mountains laid bare by axe and greed.
Rape me in my mineral beds.
Erase all memory of my beauty.

speechless here, Syndra, you have taken something so wonderful and beautiful and with mere words turned it into something we humans really do this to our land??? nah, we are smarter than that, arent we? maybe not yet, but someday....maybe..thank you :)
Re: Re: I am California

normal jean said:
speechless here, Syndra, you have taken something so wonderful and beautiful and with mere words turned it into something we humans really do this to our land??? nah, we are smarter than that, arent we? maybe not yet, but someday....maybe..thank you :)

Thanks Sis:)

It means a lot coming from you.

Syn :kiss:
WickedEve said:
my katy ran a few yards
in front of me
joy rustling the grass
and for a moment I ached

that kind of love
is real inside
with a heaviness
that shifts against my heart

to make me aware

I had something deep
for a moment
I grabbed it
then felt it slip away

into familiar nothing
a nothing quiet and deceptive

where's my passion
for breathing,
for poetry, for the joy
of rustling grass?

Hey, Eve...burn those pictures I sent you...will ya? :D
fawnie said:
lullabies past,
tomorrows proms
she dances past curves,
eww boys.
moments spent rocking,
wiping flung peas from the wall
like, "hush little baby"
replaced by celine,
a new day has come.
like memories kept
and photogragh albums,
she grows.
do i dare close my eyes
and wake in the morning
to discover the door
no longer swings open.
:) Really like this one fawnie... right off the hip isn't it? Nice work!

- neo
neonurotic said:
:) Really like this one fawnie... right off the hip isn't it? Nice work!

- neo
yep, right off the hip..i finially figured out this thread..helps to read the beginning..sorry.. i'm blonde!:rolleyes:
but ty..i like it too!
WickedEve said:
I've avoided writing about the woman
who lived down the road. I was a child
and she was sweet on her front porch,
waving, and without legs.

She has sugar, Momma said.
Your grandma has it, too.
You don't want sugar, Eve.

I didn't want to lose my legs.
Now I'm sweet,
legs tingle, legs numb,

walking every day. I don't want to be
waving from my porch.

okay, this poem is finally out of me and good riddance.

i'm missing an arm eve..i didn't like it much myself, its only been 5 years..but life goes on..still play on words!

;) :rolleyes: anyhow..i really liked this..very touching in a personal way. :rolleyes:
fawnie said:
i'm missing an arm eve..i didn't like it much myself, its only been 5 years..but life goes on..still play on words!

;) :rolleyes: anyhow..i really liked this..very touching in a personal way. :rolleyes:
we're all missing something either inside or out. it's okay as long as we don't close our eyes and lose everything.

kisses for fawnie
WickedEve said:
we're all missing something either inside or out. it's okay as long as we don't close our eyes and lose everything.

kisses for fawnie

wooohooo the straight lady kissed me!

fawnie said:
wooohooo the straight lady kissed me!


WickedEve said:
A computer screen turned into a world,
big bang right there in our living room.
My man became a interplanetary traveler.

He left me upstairs, stitched
and slumbering, while his rocket landed
on every chatroom galaxy babe.

Newborn cries and painful sighs,
signals into his outer space
of little corner by the window.

I was reality bound,
not a spacey babe,
but I eventually blasted off.

He separated my rocket
in the booster stage of discovering
his cock dodger adventure,

and slapped me into splash down.

Nice set of words, girl.

Syn :kiss:
Re: speaking of kisses, fawnie...

WickedEve said:
I'll dedicate this to you.

The Kissing Leaf

We'd run into the closet,
quickly placing a leaf
between our lips,

before pressing them in a kiss.
We wanted to know kisses,

not girl flesh touching our flesh.

Let's pretend
you're a boy,
I'm a boy.

We won't always be
too young for them.

The thrill is vague now,
too distant and in the closet
to recall what it was.

Was it her lips just on the other side
or pretending she was a boy?

:kiss: sweet eve!..i did that too..only we didn't use a leaf! lol
Re: rewrite......

tarablackwood22 said:
the wails of witch hazel

before dawn:

jogger call
(from Cross Plains) —
strange sounds
from the banks.
in the shadows
a scrambler
from knees down.
like his muddy hands
have been busy.

(behind Hardeman’s car lot):

squealing rubber,
speeding cars mass.
choking wheel dust,
air tanks,
heavy machinery.

over donuts and coffee
(from Fancy’s diner):

rubber suits,
dragging the bottom,
stones and bottles,
a tire.
whipping weeds
at water’s edge.
already drifted

(graciously supplied by Sheriff Pugh’s wife):

last night’s ball scores
over catfish
and creamed corn.
a dirty joke,
sporadic laughter,
blueberry pie.
another day,
bright and sunny, made
for swimming.

last night
(under a patch of witch hazel flowers):

high-pitched wails
become part of the night wind,
cross the river,
into the ears
of dogs.


the letter - new poem.

Daniel's brushes - new poem.
it's vivid..words are sharp..piercing, it made my heart race.
i liked it before your revision too.! very nice tara! :kiss:
echoes_s said:
Haunted Harmony

She swims into crooked cleft
of luring mists to Inverness
yearning strengthens with her call
a siren’s unsung haunting song
a whispered breath drowned by tide
and roaring howls of ocean side

here, somewhere through this shore
someone plays a keen compose
intoning free by fingers lean
resonating spray, lingering
on notes and keys of salted sting
lifting eyes on hearts of wing

surely this must be in jest
an endless search through barren mess
tangled wires, old fishing nets
a trap to capture, raise hope…

still melody, the tones played
beckons her, appeals her name
as is her reason, she must respond
to release and sing along
this haunted returned harmony
perhaps, perchance
just to see…

Wow!!..........:heart: :heart: just gorgeous, girl. :rose:

the letter -new poem.
Daniel's brushes - new poem.


Registered: Not Yet

all of a sudden passion suddenly
similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion.

Want to post or chat about poems written with edits, etc but not yet (or ever plannig to be submitted? It doesn't follow the spirit of this thread?

Poetry in Progress


Just want to chitter chatter about anything in particular, or nothing in particular?

Poetry Chit Chat and the like


Want something that does not really feel right in any of those options?

just make your own thread-- it is done all the time.

Oh and just hit "quote" on the post that you are refering to, and then cut it from your window and transport it where you want to respond to it. Easy!

I am not trying to be a bitch here, but it seems the topic is hot--

Some threads are really open, most have a specific purpose in mind. As Angeline said on another thread, I am also guilty of the chit chat on this thread, although I really really try hard not to be. When I first posted here, I passioned it out on my wp and pasted it here, and I felt guilty about it later.

Please lets all try to stick to the spirit of the thread....
right now it seems like all of the threads are starting to look alike.


No I do not have an identy crisis, I have absolutely no power or anything like it, just pleading as a member of this community.

:heart: anna
First week of passion

This is just inspiration to go back to the begining of this thread, some amazing stuff going on back then too!

03sp said:
there are birds
three birds
a lie, I wrote a lie
I lay soon
but can only think of one thing
you know
you know
but it is ankle below my love
a chain, a rock, a place to taste
place a mirror, point at ourselves
giggle, breath and again

WickedEve said:
I said fucking machine
you said poppycock
he's on auto
banging the wall
while wisp of man
with eternal tongue
keeps me coming for more

sorry about blue bottle
corks were popped that night
by candle light
while it all played out
for unseen neighbors' sight

now you worry about stacking
stacks are equal
just leaning in different ways

Lauren Hynde said:
in the forest of sleep
and their rumour
of pursued hinds
agile and coy
like the wind
talks of love
and loneliness:
those who hurt you
don't hurt you in vain,

OT said:
what the hell
raw is good
for nothing
maybe yet
raw means real and strong
and sometimes allows for timid textures of self
to seep to the surface
with the excuse of unfettered
flowing feelings that might be
mocked if written and published on
after a period of pondering

raw is real
and good.

Cordelia said:
Charlie Haden
is competing with the fugue
in the den

sometimes it is noise

but when the keys mesh
call it luck's quantum flux
This is going to be my first and only non-poem on this thread. Thank you, Anna. I spent a good part of yesterday debating with myself wether or not to say this, to just ask everyone to go read the entire first page of this thread.

No chat. No quoting other people's post. No commenting. No edits. No nothing. Just all of a sudden passionate poetry.

I was even considering copying all the poems in this thread to a new one so that people could see the two threads side by side and realize the percentage of non-poetry post we let this thread come to, this thread which was intended to be as pure as can be.