Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: On safari with she-noodles

darkmaas said:
So I was chatting nice
it was just the other day
with two young sweet poets
nubiles both they say

we spoke of rhyme and reason
and whether it can be said
that axe wielding murderers
be thought of as well read

Then I was informed
after all the talk of gore
if it’s longer than it’s wide
it’s a phallic metaphor

I thought of Jachin and Boas
envisioned Eiffel’s mighty tower
considered the real genesis
of Eden’s serpent’s power

my fingers flew across the keys
prurient imagery unwind
but they were having none of this
it was a giraffe they had in mind

:nana: :nana: :nana:


Angeline said:

For a second I was mortified. Then I realized that there was a typo and what you meant was “batard” referring of course to the French loaf of that name, which we all know is much, much longer than it is wide. Very clever Ange.
darkmaas said:
Angeline said:

For a second I was mortified. Then I realized that there was a typo and what you meant was “batard” referring of course to the French loaf of that name, which we all know is much, much longer than it is wide. Very clever Ange.

Eh bien, mon Fonce. :)
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Hey OT

I Love this!

there's therapy in forcing verbs
(like sipping tea with ancient herbs)

I actually love the whole thing (a lot) but I can't figure out HOW to fit the whole poem into the quote.

Any help out there for a dumb blonde?

I wish my poetry would just flow like this! I am going to pin this one up above my computer!

Syn :kiss:
The_Fool said:
Elongated thoughts
Stream languid
Through my mind
As touch turns sensual
Company inconsequential
You and I
And too many others
Share a moment
That I long to make
More intimate

Discrete as my words
My glances filled with heat
Tell stories more evocative
Than normal company
Finds acceptable
In polite conversation

My caressing touch
Awakens me
To the sultry smoothness
Of your arm
Your back
The lingering curve
Of your neck
That I long to taste.

Perhaps a shadowed space
Lit by streetlights
On a quite night
Would suffice for just a taste
Of momentary passion
But not slaked
Until much later
With a languid sense
Of predawn morning
In the air

This is liquid smooth and hot.

Thank you for the feeling

Syn :kiss:
Re: On safari with she-noodles

darkmaas said:
So I was chatting nice
it was just the other day
with two young sweet poets
nubiles both they say

we spoke of rhyme and reason
and whether it can be said
that axe wielding murderers
be thought of as well read

Then I was informed
after all the talk of gore
if it’s longer than it’s wide
it’s a phallic metaphor

I thought of Jachin and Boas
envisioned Eiffel’s mighty tower
considered the real genesis
of Eden’s serpent’s power

my fingers flew across the keys
prurient imagery unwind
but they were having none of this
it was a giraffe they had in mind

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Nubiles? Hmm, I don't remember that part.:eek: ;) :p
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Syndra Lynn said:
Your Birthday is here
But you are gone
I have a gift for you

There is no pain
Your legs are strong
I have a gift for you

You dance a jig with Uncle Ed
The lilac blossoms shine
I have a gift for you

You rock Bobby in your arms
And sing to him a rhyme
I have a gift for you

You sit and chat and share a laugh
With Laura and Aunt Mim
I have a gift for you

Your mother hugs you tightly
And praises all you’ve been
I have a gift for you

Grandpa stands beside you
And takes you by the hand
I have a gift for you

On this, your day, love strolls with you
Across the promised land
I have a gift for you

You celebrate this birthday
As you haven’t done in years
I have a gift for you

But I will mourn your absence
With joyfulness and tears
I have a gift for you

You will always be remembered
Forever you’ll be missed
This is my gift for you

If anyone did not read this slowly, quietly and attentively, I suggest you do it now. This is a poem I will never forget.
Re: Re: Re: empty nest imminent

Maria2394 said:
**I turned 41 on my birthday, you silly woman!! 11/23/62 is when I was born, I didnt change the age on my profile cause I just didnt yet***

and speaking of pies and nurture-ing
I make them often, and lust
as they're cooling, but it seems
I'm always try to diet
but who'd I think I was fooling?
just the smell of lemon meringue
golden brown, and pumpkin sweet
my favorite is of course, cherry cheesecake

I havent had one in three years..
and here I sit, bikini clad, dismayed
at the 11 spare pounds I seem to have found
in between Christmas and St Patricks Day ;)

time to sweat it off, in the yard
at the river or the beach

thanks to you all for cheering me up
it really means a lot,
and i when I get a nice brown tan
I might just post a picture....
of me feet :D

And I just gained 11 pounds reading this Maria!!!:eek: :rolleyes: :D :heart:
Re: Re: Re: empty nest imminent

Maria2394 said:

thanks to you all for cheering me up
it really means a lot,
and i when I get a nice brown tan
I might just post a picture....
of me feet :D
Ooh sexy, sexy.. I can't wait. ;)

- neo
and no
I'm not
being a
smart ass
toes are sexy
Kundalinguini said:
sometimes words come thrashing up, like waves upon the sea,
and sometimes they play hide and seek, and simply toy with me.
and sometimes they're like lovers, with passion, poise and grace,
and sometimes they just lay there like they've fallen on their face.
and sometimes they can move me, and perhaps can move you, too
and sometimes they can't move at all, not even rhyme with too.
but still I have to love them, for whatever be their mood,
if thoughts give life expression, then words must be their food.

You are brilliant again.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Bravo!

WindChyme said:
If anyone did not read this slowly, quietly and attentively, I suggest you do it now. This is a poem I will never forget.

Thank you Windchyme

That may be the nicest compliment I have ever gotten!

Syn :kiss:
Syndra Lynn said:
You are brilliant again.

Syn :kiss:

Thanks Syn, but how brilliant can I be? I couldn't even rhyme 'too'. ;)

I love the concept of this thread.... open a window and write. The words just take you for a quick ride.

It caught my attention a page or two in, and I'm still working my way through it slowly.

So thank you, Wyndchyme, for pointing out that poem by Syn...

Syn, very nice. The repetition forms it like a song... trad Irish ballads and laments use it all the time, with harp and pipes. That drew me into slowing down my reading, but you uplifted the subject so that it could work equally as a jig or reel.

echoes_s said:
Weaving Tears

weaving droplets into pools
drawing sighs that searing singe
tracing pain from burnt scorched haze
piecing fragments of her heart

a shape of hand holding hand
then breached by distant part
a mere whispered breeze of doubt
a simple sentence without thought

waiting, breathless for a hint
trying hard to comprehend
friendship’s worth is much too strong
to be impersonated by a shrug.

still extending warmth of love
alone with tears as darkness drowns
probing blackness with her eyes
weaving tears not shown outside

: )
your writing just gets better and better
maybe...i'm just getting in tune with your rhythms
very very nice
thank you
Tathagata said:
And the music spins on
and yesssss yessssssssssss
I nod and understand
he knows
she knows
my pain
my goals
my suffering
worldwide connections
bisect race and creed
Bob Marley knows me
and I him
Roxy Music knows me
knows what I went through
knows how I hurt
and yearn
and cry
to have my thoughts
my dreams
my agony
in angelic notes
screaming towards heaven
makes me feel
that god
see's me
hears me
accepts me

Very cool Tath!

Syn :kiss:
Liar said:
so what
if the shit I jot
doesn't speak your language
doesn't peak your gauges
and the dot
I spit
doesn't fly the most
tasteful of parables

I know what it is
and I know what it does
because I have
tasted the acid milk
of it's counterpoint craze
on my tongue
and felt the sharp edges
crash against the inner walls
of my sentinent palace
searching for a loophole
or simply to smash open
a new door

so what
if you stare stumped
at my freewheeling words
unable to connect
unwilling to accept
that the reality of me
is through the looking glass
and beyond for you
and that I
when I read
is just as handicapped
as any insignificant other
and you

it is still not Utopia
no bloody Shangri-La
just a few dislocated notions
tossed out at random
in the deep vast abyss
that is your filter
along with the other's

we all dive
and sink to the bottom
to be lost in the darkness

and still
it's just me
and my three rows of keys

don't make
such a
out of it

Thank you for this. I am such a damn people pleaser most of the time I sometimes forget when I write, it is only myself I need please. If others get it too, it's just a bonus!

Syn :kiss:
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Tathagata said:
: )
your writing just gets better and better
maybe...i'm just getting in tune with your rhythms
very very nice
thank you

Thank you Tathagata, I am very touched
Liar said:
so what
if the shit I jot
doesn't speak your language
doesn't peak your gauges
and the dot
I spit
doesn't fly the most
tasteful of parables

I know what it is
and I know what it does
because I have
tasted the acid milk
of it's counterpoint craze
on my tongue
and felt the sharp edges
crash against the inner walls
of my sentinent palace
searching for a loophole
or simply to smash open
a new door

so what
if you stare stumped
at my freewheeling words
unable to connect
unwilling to accept
that the reality of me
is through the looking glass
and beyond for you
and that I
when I read
is just as handicapped
as any insignificant other
and you

it is still not Utopia
no bloody Shangri-La
just a few dislocated notions
tossed out at random
in the deep vast abyss
that is your filter
along with the other's

we all dive
and sink to the bottom
to be lost in the darkness

and still
it's just me
and my three rows of keys

don't make
such a
out of it

untangling myself for the strength and twist, gasping to breath as the grasp of your words tumble about.
awesome! :rose: :heart:
Syndra Lynn said:
Thank you for this. I am such a damn people pleaser most of the time I sometimes forget when I write, it is only myself I need please. If others get it too, it's just a bonus!

Syn :kiss:

I will most definitely second that sentiment!!! synfully delicious!! but it is nice, oh so warm and fuzzy when someone else likes your "stuff" ;)
echoes_s said:
Is she leaving
or are you letting her go
did you yet ask her soul
grab ahold
where her passion slumbers
a tigress, the hunter
feeding upon her hunger
trembling, uncontrolled
demanding more

then search deep, seek
holding her tight
it is then you will see
what it is she wants to be
free or tossed asunder
within hearts of two
within mindless thunder
in your thoughts
with your love
of your dreams

beautiful work
and a lovely dance we seem to have done
: )
thank you very much
Tathagata said:
I reach for you
across the miles
across time
across my bed

hair splayed
a crimson halo
frames your delicate face
half hidden in shadow
half hidden from the world

I can smell your perfume
your shampoo
your sweet scented breath
and with a kiss
I can smell your passion unfold

each touch a revelation
each kiss a banquet
hands explore and lips follow
your body opens and begs
and I bend
to give you flight

passion fruit
open and ripe
lush and moist
held in my hands
your fate, your fear, your secrets
a slow soft kiss
and you are mine
balanced on my tongue
on my lips
on my fingertips

and the dance begins
we twist and turn
beg and command
a struggle of fantasy
of control
all in vain
for you are mine
right here
and i bend you to my will

a flick , a push
hands lifting you up
to my mouth
feasting on you
moaning, wanting
striving for you
and you
force feeding me your need
your desire
your core

and we meet
in sweet collision
passions merge
and we soar
suspended in time
in a moment
where we belong
where we met

and a final kiss
sharing the taste
of your satisfaction
and my commitment

This is wonderful! Do me next?:p

Syn :devil: