Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: Please Select a Category for your Poem!

SeattleRain said:
I need more choices
it says fuck but it is not
by any means erotic
cunt cock see
nothing erotic there

I need more choices
what about
pathetic whining

uneventful deliberation
of nothing important

another stupid song
about love or something like it

half romantic?
annoying and pest control?

Poetry with audio
poetry with saccharine
Illustrated poetry
Flatulated poetry

how about poetry that does nothing
but make me want to puke and shut down
the computer hoping is goes away
shock value nothing else

could be a warning for that

more or less
it is all or none
erotic or not
as if nothing else counts

you are either about sex
or you are not

so which is it going to be
mother fucker
which is it going to be?

Serious stuff.........but you gotta point about the categories, Seattle. :)
Re: Please Select a Category for your Poem!

SeattleRain said:

you are either about sex
or you are not

so which is it going to be
mother fucker
which is it going to be?

Tristesse said:
Serious stuff.........but you gotta point about the categories, Seattle. :)

Yeah, I have often sat and though well hell I don't know if this is erotic or not, I got all hot and bothered by that Orchid Pruning poem (was that Liar? God I don't know who to give credit to) and it was not LISTED as erotic. So what to do what to do. I had the opposite problem with picking a category for my stories too many options--.... well it is about toys and masturbation, mind control and a little bit of bondage, but not really, hmmm.....

Maybe we should start a thread. To be erotic or to be not-erotic, that is the question....

And Seattle honey, have you not figured it out, it is *always* all just about sex. Especially if you feel the desire to call someone Mother Fucker in public.

Re: Re: Please Select a Category for your Poem!

annaswirls said:

And Seattle honey, have you not figured it out, it is *always* all just about sex. Especially if you feel the desire to call someone Mother Fucker in public.


I'd have to agree
even if it's not overtly sexual or's always there under the surface...maybe disguised or hidden...but it's there
OT said:
:eek: eek ! :eek:
(suppressed shriek)
as the new week

without a reprieve
I begin to believe
that perhaps it's best
to forge on without rest

propelled by momentum
I still feel strong
in spite of the fact
that the pace feels

It's aliiiiiiiive!!!

echoes_s said:
Untouch me

a journey
of mind and sensation
where you touched
and still seek
granite, chiseling
a formation of heart
that once was mine
as a child

under rubble you speak
it is still beating
to break free
but i deny

i am not yours
nor will i be
tis not my destiny

that i can love
and love you
is freedom
beyond mind
but do not touch me
it is not my place in life
to feel

sad and beautiful
make me want to draw you out and help you live
Very Nice writing indeed

Grrr! I had just made a whole "poem" of emoticons, but the dear ol bulletin system kindly told me that I had too many images in it. And when I backtracked to see if I could edit it, it was gone. :rolleyes:

It worked in preview mode, but not when posted for real. I might go redo it later and post it as a picture...
Angeline said:
Daddy pushed aside the lamp
the tall fringed one the three
of us bent over rolled the rug
back and I slid in purple socks
into the dining room Cmon now

Leslie said Cmon you have to
hold the record at the ends no
fingerprints and set the arm
for automatic needle drop

scratch whir we jived that
little house alive some nights
two little girls both mad to dance
heads nodding shaking hips heads

Big Apple Lindy Hop and Daddy
laughing at us falling down
wiggly like puppies one night
when I put a feather in my hair

Daddy said there is no one
no girl at Roseland could
ever compare to your one
feather and those purple socks

I'll have to get my zoot suit
out of hock. He never did,
but I still see you both knees
shaking laughter Leslie's silly grin

sometimes I wonder if they'd
think me mad to put on purple
socks one feather in my hair
and do the Lindy Hop close eyed
watching the two of you still there

i'd like to see that myself
ever hear of a song called "Dancin' On Daddy's Shoes"?
by leon Redbone?
That's what this conured up for me
Wonderful nostalgia
you always impress me

and a Tom Waits sig like??
Very cool.......
" How do the angel's get to sleep when the devil leaves the porch light on?"
Re: vBulletin me

Linbido said:
hello, goodnight
I hope I made some sense
this time

I never speak
with words alone outside
but all of me
can shine this mind

my portable show case
home page draped with
a muscle web so intricate
the repertoire most infinite

a fine tuned
intuitive device
reduced to 354
yellow bytes
that says "I smile"

yeah, bloody right
but I have 354 smiles
and a tone of voice
quite versatile

and here we sit
in 15 to 21 inches
trying to make sense
of spurious thoughts
a thousand miles away

robbed of timbre
stripped of stance

left with nothing
but a maybe merry dot
and too easily
intepreting minds

a transfer protocol nullified
and we are less than blind

so hello, goodnight
I hope you are alright

sometimes it seems
I find myself
zoned off to wonder

if every :) and :( alike
is you who laugh or maybe cries

and not a Turing script denied
that basic human right


wonderful :rose: