Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Yes, Min, I'm a whore for sudden passion.

As soon as I fish some talent out of the air, I'll be posting here like mad. But for now, I can't stop reading the wonderful posts that come in here and there.

gosh tathagata, that made me tear up , thank you :)

i, being all into that instant gratification stuff, should never have fallen in love with the Earth :)
Re: one eye open

eagleyez said:
the brilliance of these bellringers
each with elaborate scripts,
a paradise revolt againt indifference
the bhudda bellied Indian man who calls me "sir",

the unshakability of the marketress as
she nods to me to look at the old man smiling-
he could take the automated world, or he could leave it.
but he spends an hour choosing the best apples in the bin.

the magnificence of these musicians
feedback stored like birdseed in their sacred cellars,
calling out the castaway dance hall ghosts
in their medicine hats.

inundated enough in back eddy brackish rivers
Im looking for the galvanized culverts
where the flashflood stormwater
takes my bootheel clean off.

I want to see the world through your eyes! :) Good to see you posting your work in here agaiin.
Angeline said:
apples roll from bins
dancers fall from skies
over miles of rain torrents
electrical storms and night
crackling with emergence

no not emergency or flight
from but bearing forth unto
like feet traveling highways
where handlettered signs point
somewhere winging forward
ever forward not lost
but flowering flowing there

Maria and Tath

origanally posted by Maria

just another garden poem

hell hole, by selfish gardner


There’s a patch of soil in my backyard
where almost nothing will grow

spineless okra last year,
grew to my knees, but that’s short stuff
as far as okra goes

Shasta daisies do well
roots all wedged in clumps of soil-
stems meet thickly, collared by green

denim knees are blackened
constantly kneeling and digging,
and blue cotton garden gloves
soaked in errant puddle
several hours ago

but that’s okay,
cause maybe one day
I’ll get something worth writing about
from that god forsaken hole

Originally posted by Tathagata
Nature and nurture
the fruit is not in the result
but in the caring

preparing the bed
with love and expectations
wanting only the best

scraggly weeds
scrawny gourds
are they less than perfect?

all represent a struggle
a desire to grow and survive
and You were the Goddess

I loved both of your poems guys!

Thanks for the look at harvesting poetry and tending serenity. Wow!

Syn :kiss:
Last edited:
OT and Tristesse

Tristesse said:
Maybe I should change my name
to Daisy, she of tandem fame
We could ride a bike for two
the back for me the front for you.

you would have the handlebars
keep us safe from passing cars
we would stop to have a bite
then pitch a tent at fall of night.

Fall asleep to nightowl's cry
waking to a breakfast fry
Take our time with cups of tea
sharing thoughts and reverie

Off again - not saddle sore
for that we have to ride some more
watching watchers as we pass
passing lakes that look like glass.

what a trip this one would be
quite the outing, thee and me.
make a note of where we went
every place we pitched our tent

Next year we can both look back
follow routes on fold-out map
read the memories you write
on your OT travel site.


OT and Tristesse-
Love the bike poems. I have poets envy, but I want to come along on the bike trip anyway! Daisy was my son's favorite song when he was little. We would sing it all day long.

and Trist-LOVE the AV. Thanks for that too!

Syn :kiss:
Puncture by the roadside - looking forlorn.

Thanks Syndra - it's just a bit of fun - mebbe a bit of wishful thinking too. :)

echoes_s said:
I read all of the poems
and see pieces of you
a part
of what you know
what you see
what you feel
in such an
and profound way.

Your uniqueness of thought
sense of humor
sex, god give me sex
naked bodies
devilish thoughts
mixed antidotes
different ways of thinking
dashing here and there
this and that
then laugh
or cry
sometimes assured
others shy

And each
really, truly
a joyous and even
wickedly wonderful
beating heart

to add... even in grieving or mourning,
beautiful part of you
in there
a softness
a flutter
a breath
caressed at least one

I love this echoes! I often feel that way as I puruse the new poem list, or this thread. Seeing little pieces of people. This is the best poem of the week!

Syn :kiss:
Thanks Syn,
normally I am a quite, reserved (haha, believe that or not :devil: ) mostly shy kind of person...but last night I was in a really weird place that I spoke my mind, but screwed up what I was trying to say, even though it can be seen in there. :heart:
Linbido said:
Oh, it's just little me
bending spoons over here.
Just a little suspension
of disbelief.
Dreaming aloud
in hi-fi 3D
tossing offand spells
tossing coins in wells
breaking humbly free
not for show, just for me
like the hovering

beautiful, Lin!!

so contemplative, so serene :rose:
Thank you, Maria. :kiss:

Longer version written and submitted, but it wasn't all-of-a-sudden enough to post here.
Re: burned out

neonurotic said:
Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

Down In The Dark
in a Heart-Shaped Box
10 years dead and decayed,
where everything
Smells Like Teen Spirit

I Hate Myself And I Want To Die
so Dumb,
Dazed & Confused

All Apologies
I Blew it away

Up here we sip Penny Royal Tea
like good boys and girls
take our Lithium
Watch Marigolds
In Bloom

so, why couldn't you?

All Apologies
I Blew it away

that's The End

Endless, Namless
Even In His Youth

"better to burn out than fade away"
You Know You're Right

that's The End

4 KC - you are missed

This is very good neo--so musical, which of course is so fitting. :)
Re: Re: burned out

Angeline said:
This is very good neo--so musical, which of course is so fitting. :)
Thank you. It's as musical as I can get or anyone one would wish for. ;)

- neo
Re: Suddenly My World is a Poem Waiting to Happen

Syndra Lynn said:
I see the poetry in every thing
every situation
every person I meet

Two toned pickup truck
wobbling down the street

Old fence posts, jagged and green with moss
or lichen or something soft
measuring the weeds unhindered by blade
down hill from stone castle
shrouded in shade

Paint flecks on bandana
An all-day worker,
jeans stained with oil

Vetch in bloom, purple flowers
amazingly fix nitrogen to soil

Clouds- in thin lines,
wrinkles in horizon’s forehead
or a rolling boiling stew
eating up the sky
preparing for deluge

Young, lithe bodies at the swim meet
tireless and weather proof
no goose flesh, nor sign of red face

Fashionable flip of the hair
frames face, held stiffly in place

Crescent moons of light caught
in wire rim glasses
Curve of his mouth knows me
Supernova brilliance
challenges my creativity

Swamp cooler hum
and cricket songs
just outside the window

Slow moving ceiling fan
plays light against shadow

Ha ha
Now we've got you....
welcome to the never ending world of awareness and writing
Glad ya made it
we've been waiting for you
; )
Re: Annie

Syndra Lynn said:
Prisoner of the negative bitch.
Mind games, cold shoulder,
letting you know she knows
what’s none of her fucking business,
cause she snoops into everything,
including the boss’ check book on payday
to make sure we all got what she thinks we should!

Can’t soar with eagles
surrounded by dip shits!
Weaves sinister atmosphere like a sticky web,
catches us all in her contagious negative time warp,
pitting us against one another
like gladiators.

Unhappy Bitch
Only happy upending lives of others,
even then not happy,
though she smiles when her fangs drip blood.

I try! I do! Not to play into her hands,
but I usually fall, all serenity flies away
as I sink to her level down in the muck
where the world sucks.
No color, no beauty, no happiness,
nothing but negative goo.

And after I leave work it takes a while
for the residue to leave me
and to I remember who I am
and I remain, a child of the Goddess.

I feel much better now.:cool:

Shit! I forgot not to edit on this thread! I just added the note that said I felt better so you would not feel sorry for me.

Syn :kiss:

Everyplace has got one Syn
Everyonce in a while take a bite out of her ass
or even better
just confront her with calm pure reason
IE: You know...I feel bad for you that the only way you can feel useful is to manipulate those around you.
I'd hate to be in a postion like that.
ofcourse it's at that point I usually blow my cover by flipping them off or calling them an asshole
I'm a work in progress
; )

echoes_s said:
Thanks Ee, you reminded me of this..

Not green eggs and ham

When microwaves first
came out in restaurants
I remember sitting one day
from my days on the road
of childhood traveling
uprooted again.
Hearing a soft poof
and muffled giggle
I looked at the man
next booth over,
when first arriving
by his long beard
and deep thinking eyes
to see poached egg-bits,
yolk and whites
hanging like stars
twinkling mirth
and his eyes sparkled
at me
He said, never put a
cold fork
in hot yolk and
always eat your ham

yolk and white
hanging like stars.



Tathagata said:

Oh baby just take me now



Is it friction you want?
straining mechanical pulses
mindless repetition
of clockwork abstractions
until the gage reads release
and you hiss back down to

prefer instead
a boulder in a stream
and with no sense of urgency
no sense of time
the water gently
and licks
explores and finds hidden
weak spots
and crevices
and works it's wa y
always penetrating
wearing away
never retreating
always pressing forward
until the cracks widen
accepting the flood
of soft yet insistent water and in the end
the boulder
wears away and ceases to be
taken over
taken away
by patience

*Sighs* I don't go back to normal...

This leaves me speechless, if you couldn't tell Big T :kiss: :heart:
echoes_s said:
*Sighs* I don't go back to normal...

This leaves me speechless, if you couldn't tell Big T :kiss: :heart:

Normal is a relative term my lady

and that was the intention dear one
:heart: :rose:
nice to hear the abandon-or those attempts at it


your poems are musical.

melody and reverb-

truly enjoyed.

my best...
