Not a business person so really have no idea...

When you go to the liberry to check out that book (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) you should also check out a dictionary.

Because that word you keep using doesn't mean what you think it means.
Exactly which word is she using that you think doesn't mean what she thinks it means?

There are seventeen words in her posted sentence. Cut your live studio audience some slack and narrow it down to the one, Matlock.
I agree with John Reed. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of the worst financial advice books ever published. John has a great summarry of why on his website.

Which is why you're not a business person and don't understand how the system works.

Here's a short version of the way the world really turns:

The tax code is designed to benefit those who benefit society by creating jobs or other socially needed things like homes, transportation, services, etc. These things are called "businesses" and if you engage in that sort of thing the government is going to HELP YOU KEEP DOING IT by lowering your tax burden.

Why? Because society benefits in bigger and better ways than taxing your business to death and giving your money back to the citizens in the form of social aid programs.

Some businesses get bigger tax perks. Real Estate is one of them. If you know how Real Estate works, you can create wealth. LOTS of wealth.

Robert Kiyosaki knows how to do it because he DID IT and his book outlines the general principles on how all the puzzle pieces fit together. It's not a blueprint for people to follow (ie; buy this property, do that with it, get rich quick) but it does contain all the "lessons" necessary for someone to begin to see beyond the tip of their nose.

Those who dismiss the book (and others containing similar information) are FUCKING STUPID. Those who believe the ones who dismiss the book (and its information) are EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER.

Which is where the circle comes all the way around and stops with you.
Here's a short version of the way the world really turns:



Which is why you're not a business person and don't understand how the system works.

Here's a short version of the way the world really turns:

The tax code is designed to benefit those who benefit society by creating jobs or other socially needed things like homes, transportation, services, etc. These things are called "businesses" and if you engage in that sort of thing the government is going to HELP YOU KEEP DOING IT by lowering your tax burden.

Why? Because society benefits in bigger and better ways than taxing your business to death and giving your money back to the citizens in the form of social aid programs.

Some businesses get bigger tax perks. Real Estate is one of them. If you know how Real Estate works, you can create wealth. LOTS of wealth.

Robert Kiyosaki knows how to do it because he DID IT and his book outlines the general principles on how all the puzzle pieces fit together. It's not a blueprint for people to follow (ie; buy this property, do that with it, get rich quick) but it does contain all the "lessons" necessary for someone to begin to see beyond the tip of their nose.

Those who dismiss the book (and others containing similar information) are FUCKING STUPID. Those who believe the ones who dismiss the book (and its information) are EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER.

Which is where the circle comes all the way around and stops with you.
Kiyosaki made his money by developing his brand via seminars on how to get wealthy through real estate. The actual transactions he speaks of are not the primary source of his wealth. Image that. True, he did invest in real properties that got him started.

And yes, real estate is far better for most humble people to gain wealth than other mechanisms. Even a lawyer can make it work if they apply their mind.

BTW John Reed was better at it. His books are better explained than Kiyosaki's puffery.
Which is why you're not a business person and don't understand how the system works.

Here's a short version of the way the world really turns:

The tax code is designed to benefit those who benefit society by creating jobs or other socially needed things like homes, transportation, services, etc. These things are called "businesses" and if you engage in that sort of thing the government is going to HELP YOU KEEP DOING IT by lowering your tax burden.

Why? Because society benefits in bigger and better ways than taxing your business to death and giving your money back to the citizens in the form of social aid programs.

Some businesses get bigger tax perks. Real Estate is one of them. If you know how Real Estate works, you can create wealth. LOTS of wealth.

Robert Kiyosaki knows how to do it because he DID IT and his book outlines the general principles on how all the puzzle pieces fit together. It's not a blueprint for people to follow (ie; buy this property, do that with it, get rich quick) but it does contain all the "lessons" necessary for someone to begin to see beyond the tip of their nose.

Those who dismiss the book (and others containing similar information) are FUCKING STUPID. Those who believe the ones who dismiss the book (and its information) are EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER.

Which is where the circle comes all the way around and stops with you.
The three companies I started, grew and sold say otherwise.

Kiyosaki is a fraud. There is no evidence he has ever made any money in real estate. He just gets suckers like you to buy his books and pay for his seminars.
The three companies I started, grew and sold say otherwise.

Kiyosaki is a fraud. There is no evidence he has ever made any money in real estate. He just gets suckers like you to buy his books and pay for his seminars.
There's no evidence (other than your say-so) of you doing as you said.

Which I might add, DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS what you've said on this board.

Which means you're a liar and a troll.

You admit you're not a business person so you don't really understand the dynamics involved. BUT, to put it simply, if you never try reaching for the brass ring, you never have to face the realization that you missed and you can ignore the fact that you just sat there and let life/success pass you by.

On the other hand, those who do reach for the brass ring often do miss. Yet each failure teaches a valuable lesson, much like learning how to walk and falling on your bum teaches a valuable lesson.

It is much the same in business. You invest your time/energy/capital and you hope you don't miss. If you do, you learn from your mistakes and move on. This isn't a bad thing because the ultimate goal is to catch the brass ring. Even if you only manage to do it once out of 100 attempts that's still more successes than the guy who never tries.
And here you go pontificating on another subject you know fuck all about, just like you did below. The best thing anyone can ever take from your posting is ignore it....

Lol, someone doesn't know anything about the stock market. And then didn't bother to go look up the historical data before trying to convince everyone that he's an investment strategist.

For instance, Trump media was actively trading before the merger and had been actively trading for quite awhile. So anyone could have purchased shares at $36.94 on 3/22/2024. And they then could have sold those shares on 3/29/2024 for a hefty profit.

If there were enough people doing that and taking their profit it would have driven the market price down. Which is EXACTLY what happened.

Amazingly you don't understand any of that.
There's no evidence (other than your say-so) of you doing as you said.
Of course, that is the nature of an anonymous message board. Just like there is no evidence, other than your say-so that you have ever practiced law.
Which I might add, DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS what you've said on this board.
Cite needed. Nothing I have ever posted on this board contradicts this.

Which means you're a liar and a troll.
Fuck you.
So they got rich by being stupid? Or, if they inherited their wealth, they keep it by being stupid?

I think it's not rich people whom you hate. Nor do I think that it's "the rich" who are the stupid ones.

There's a book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kyosaki. You should read it. Available at Amazon or the public liberry.

Out of curiousity, I bought the book. Amazon, to my house inside of 24 hours, for under $8. So far so okay. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, I'll do my own review. Fuck the ones out there.
Out of curiousity, I bought the book. Amazon, to my house inside of 24 hours, for under $8. So far so okay. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, I'll do my own review. Fuck the ones out there.

Fair warning; it's not going to give anyone a shopping list of; do this; do that; do another thing; get rich. It's about the principles of how to organize and prioritize your life and finances.

There are some things he says that I don't agree with exactly. (Rather than saying that most aren't trained to see the gold around them, say that most people are trained to NOT see the gold around them), and some I have long agreed with. (Anyone with half the wits God gave a moron can see that Robin Hood isn't the good guy, he's a thief who corrupted others. That he steals from other thieves still doesn't make him the good guy.).

In the end, the book isn't going to change anyone's situation unless they stop being spenders and start being investors in themselves. It doesn't matter how much, or how little, you earn. It's how you manage what you earn so that it can become an asset and earn more for you than your muscles and back can.

Do not "Go and get a job!" like your parents told you. Instead, go and acquire an asset which will return income. This is something a job will never do.
There's another book you can read which will also contribute to financial literacy.

The Richest Man In Babylon by George S., Clayson. It's a collection of "fables" which outline the principles needed to begin to increase wealth and keep it.

I also suggest taking a bookkeeping course at your local community college or online. Then applying those principles to your personal income/expenses as if your paycheck was a sale to a customer at your business. Guiding principle is that you need to return a "profit" at the end of the month instead of being in debt or running on a line of credit.

Finally, most people don't understand the power of money. If you don't have any you have no power. That means that your paycheck is YOURS and not the phone company's, the landlord's, or anyone else. It's YOURS! Do everything you can to keep it and dole out as little of it as possible. The more you do that, the more jealously you'll guard it so that others cannot "steal" it from you.
Of course, that is the nature of an anonymous message board. Just like there is no evidence, other than your say-so that you have ever practiced law.

Except I was doxxed ON THIS BOARD so everyone knows who I am and what I do for a living.

This is FACT. Too bad you're so horrible with those kinds of things and so good spewing bullshit and lies.

Cite needed. Nothing I have ever posted on this board contradicts this.

The only way this could be true is if you'd never posted anything here.

Fuck you.

Oh I'm hurt. Really.

Fair warning; it's not going to give anyone a shopping list of; do this; do that; do another thing; get rich. It's about the principles of how to organize and prioritize your life and finances.

There are some things he says that I don't agree with exactly. (Rather than saying that most aren't trained to see the gold around them, say that most people are trained to NOT see the gold around them), and some I have long agreed with. (Anyone with half the wits God gave a moron can see that Robin Hood isn't the good guy, he's a thief who corrupted others. That he steals from other thieves still doesn't make him the good guy.).

In the end, the book isn't going to change anyone's situation unless they stop being spenders and start being investors in themselves. It doesn't matter how much, or how little, you earn. It's how you manage what you earn so that it can become an asset and earn more for you than your muscles and back can.

Do not "Go and get a job!" like your parents told you. Instead, go and acquire an asset which will return income. This is something a job will never do.

I have already read the other book. In fact, I read to Junior when he was little. A couple of times.

I don’t expect any great revelations. I think that I had my epiphany years ago when I changed some things around about how I did business. It dawned on me that I did a lot better job managing your money than I did my own, so I changed that point of view. I work for me today. When I get paid, I pay me first. In a matter of not very long, to quote ZZ Top, I had a pocket full of change. And the hits just keep on coming.

I can happily reread something like this to remind myself that I’m on the right path.
I have already read the other book. In fact, I read to Junior when he was little. A couple of times.

I don’t expect any great revelations. I think that I had my epiphany years ago when I changed some things around about how I did business. It dawned on me that I did a lot better job managing your money than I did my own, so I changed that point of view. I work for me today. When I get paid, I pay me first. In a matter of not very long, to quote ZZ Top, I had a pocket full of change. And the hits just keep on coming.

I can happily reread something like this to remind myself that I’m on the right path.

It's amazing how quickly you can accumulate cold hard cash when you're not spending it faster than you earn it.

The next trick is to find ways to make your accumulated cash work for a living without the IRS stealing all the profits your cash makes for you.
It's amazing how quickly you can accumulate cold hard cash when you're not spending it faster than you earn it.

The next trick is to find ways to make your accumulated cash work for a living without the IRS stealing all the profits your cash makes for you.

I have a funny IRS story to tell you. Someday, not here. See Trump‘s comments to Hillary in the 2016 debate about his taxes.
Don't laff. There are literally thousands of golden nuggets of opportunity everywhere.

For instance; with cash one can buy a lot and move a new manufactured home onto said lot, connect to utilities, and then sell the home for a profit. This is something you cannot do (make a profit I mean) if you have to finance the endeavor with a construction loan because you have to pay the interest on the loan during the construction. Without cash, or a sufficient income stream, you cannot do that.

For another instance, where very large amounts of capitol aren't required; one can buy auction cars and rebuild them, if one knows how to do so to a professional standard, then sell the rebuilt car. This works well with classics like vintage Jaguars and similar.

These are just 2 opportunities where cash invested in assets is literally worth more than buying the next shiny object waved in front of your face.
There's no evidence (other than your say-so) of you doing as you said.

Which I might add, DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS what you've said on this board.

Which means you're a liar and a troll.

Hey Mister 'I'm a lawyer', have you found those racist posts written by me you've been promising us?

Or are they filed alongside Obama's birth certificate and Haitian dog recipe books.
I have a funny IRS story to tell you. Someday, not here. See Trump‘s comments to Hillary in the 2016 debate about his taxes.

Most people really don't have a clue about income and taxes for the wealthy. This is why they're always surprised that "the rich" don't pay taxes. The tax code is literally set up in a way for them to not pay taxes because their wealth creates more of a social benefit than the taxes they'd pay without the tax break they're given.

Even something simple as low income housing creates a tax break. If it didn't there wouldn't be such a thing, even if mandated by law, because paying the penalties would be cheaper than complying without a tax benefit.