Not a business person so really have no idea...

Most people really don't have a clue about income and taxes for the wealthy. This is why they're always surprised that "the rich" don't pay taxes. The tax code is literally set up in a way for them to not pay taxes because their wealth creates more of a social benefit than the taxes they'd pay without the tax break they're given.

Even something simple as low income housing creates a tax break. If it didn't there wouldn't be such a thing, even if mandated by law, because paying the penalties would be cheaper than complying without a tax benefit.

Wat has been doing low income housing in one form or fashion for a whole lot of years all in a row. There are some interesting stuff about that, including the bargain basement loans that HUD puts out there. And the administration thereof. And the tax credits. They really make it so if you pump some money into energy efficiency and general upgrades of an LIHTC property that your first few years of profit go back in your pocket.

Our poor little libturds would lose their minds if they had any idea.
Except I was doxxed ON THIS BOARD so everyone knows who I am and what I do for a living.

This is FACT. Too bad you're so horrible with those kinds of things and so good spewing bullshit and lies.
True, and if the posts I read about it are credible, you doxxed yourself.
Which means what? Either you doxxed yourself, or someone else did, which is it councillor?

dudly, if I didn't do it that only leaves one other possibility. Since I've already said I didn't dox myself, you need more brain cells to go along with your morning caffeine...
dudly, if I didn't do it that only leaves one other possibility. Since I've already said I didn't dox myself, you need more brain cells to go along with your morning caffeine...
You've also posted water is carbon based, 12 volt batteries can kill you, and Truth Social is a great investment. So you'll have to forgive me when I have doubts about what you post.
You've also posted water is carbon based, 12 volt batteries can kill you, and Truth Social is a great investment. So you'll have to forgive me when I have doubts about what you post.

Not my fault you're stupid.

It doesn't really take much thinking to figure it out, even a moron like you should be able to do it.

Doxxing someone is supposed to be a threat that the person doxxed can be found. It's a method of terrorism. OTOH, if someone posts their own information, how can that be a threat? The answer is that it can't.

So, just based on the surface, I couldn't have doxxed myself because I cannot threaten myself with exposure/retaliation/whatever.

Further, forum rules require banning of ANYONE who posts private personal information on the board. Even if you post your own private information you WILL BE banned for it. (I've seen it happen at least twice in my time on the board.) There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule, Laurel WILL BAN ANYONE who does it.

Facts: My information was posted. I didn't do it. This is obvious by realizing that I'm still a member of the forum. The person who did it, was banned numerous times in various Alts before they learned to keep their mouth shut about admitting it and "doing it again if they felt like it." That means they are still a member of the forum because that person is accepted by people like YOU merely because they targeted someone on the internet you dislike.

Congratulations, you harbor an asshole in your midst who will not hesitate to do the same to you if given a chance. BTW, that's your peer group. Congratulations on the company you keep.

As to the rest of the "reasons" you question my posts; you're a fucking idiot. You got burned because you're such a sourpuss you can't figure out when people are playing you. This is because you have your head so far up your ass you willingly fall right into the trap that was set. And then you keep jumping back in time and time and time again while thinking you're somehow coming out on top. YOU GOT PUNKED and it's gone so far that you're now punking yourself. What a fucking idiot you are. Seriously, at least be smart enough to know how embarrassing it is for the rest of us to watch you keep doing it to yourself.

What is also obvious about your state of rampant dumbness is based on the fact that you also tag along with people who advocate UNSAFE practices with electricity despite KNOWING that electricity can kill you. YES, even 12v can kill you if configured with high enough amperage and ANYONE who says otherwise is playing with your life. If you don't know that, then it's merely another black mark against you and your supposed intelligence.

In the end you prove every dam day that you're an idiot. The amazing thing is that you don't even need me to help you do it.
Not my fault you're stupid.

What is also obvious about your state of rampant dumbness is based on the fact that you also tag along with people who advocate UNSAFE practices with electricity despite KNOWING that electricity can kill you.
Yes Electricity kills, it does so in only two ways. One is a current of 70-140 mA disrupts the heart rhythm and you die since your heart beat stops ( let not forget to mention so to does your breathing since "Electricity" causes all your muscle to contract). The other way is through high amperage which "cooks you". Now the method of determining this is an old and well proven formula. It's call Ohm's Law.

YES, even 12v can kill you if configured with high enough amperage and ANYONE who says otherwise is playing with your life. If you don't know that, then it's merely another black mark against you and your supposed intelligence.
Yes but according to Ohm's law, a 12 V DC (or even AC) voltage applied across a human body, who's resistance is from 12,000 ohms to 18,000 ohms, you never get a current that is high ( PS the Resistance of a Car Starter Motor is around 0.3 Ohms). In fact you never get a current around 100 mA. So nothing happens, you don't even feel a "shock".

But hey, go wash your hands in carbon based water, and go touch a Car Battery and see for yourself.
In the end you prove every dam day that you're an idiot. The amazing thing is that you don't even need me to help you do it.
No you don't need my help looking like an idiot, you do it very well on your own. BTW I can't wait for Rob's posts on why they call you "rapey" and Tim.
well, the average magat actively hates the US and wants to see it burn. They’d suck off Putin for the chance to kill their neighbors. The other “reasonable” Republicans don’t actually care about either, but want lower taxes so badly they’d be willing to let the magats suck off Putin to kill their neighbors.
Holy shit Dude, back away from the crack pipe.
A year or two ago, a neighbor with huge TRUMP signs, flags, etc. tried to sell a house. Listed and moved out but the signs remained. This is in a very RED area but the house didn't sell and weeks turned into months. Prices dropped and the contracted realtor changed. The new one took the signs down and the house sold in fairly short order, albeit, at a much lower price than the original listing.

A year ago I bought a Tesla. My relatives and House representatives let me know that this was a big mistake. It's too cold, they won't last; drill baby drill, etc. I am 200 miles from the nearest Tesla service center and I have had troubles. First the front motor went out and then the brakes started leaking fluid. All under warranty but as I watch this company struggle to move forward with Rs unsupportive of EVs I'm wondering who the F this CEO/founder might be? I read one of his many biographies several years ago and thought he was eccentric but I'm wondering why a company, that is very much supported by current administrative policies, would funnel $25million per month into another, loser businessman's political campaign?!Efficiency Expert? Really? The brake issue I referenced has had the warranty service in the shop for a week now. NO part to fix it. Had to be ordered. Supply chain not in place. How many of us have an extra vehicle lying around that we can just put up on blocks for a week or more? Yes, I got a loaner but will drive 800 miles (2 round trips) to get mine back.

Trump has at least 15 failed business ventures, six of those having gone belly up. With thousands of lawsuits, and his latest venture (Truth Social) circling the drain, I think this begs the question: Do we want the USA to be his next disaster? Seems like nearly half of us do. Really brother? Really?
My father told me many years ago that the only people that don't make mistakes are ones that don't do anything.
Being a supporter of the Orange Fuhrer (I mean Trump—for the overtly stupid among you cult members) means you’re an anarchist that not only doesn’t believe in the Rule of Law, but you also support the downfall of democracy and the United States.
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Yes Electricity kills, it does so in only two ways. One is a current of 70-140 mA disrupts the heart rhythm and you die since your heart beat stops ( let not forget to mention so to does your breathing since "Electricity" causes all your muscle to contract). The other way is through high amperage which "cooks you". Now the method of determining this is an old and well proven formula. It's call Ohm's Law.

Yes but according to Ohm's law, a 12 V DC (or even AC) voltage applied across a human body, who's resistance is from 12,000 ohms to 18,000 ohms, you never get a current that is high ( PS the Resistance of a Car Starter Motor is around 0.3 Ohms). In fact you never get a current around 100 mA. So nothing happens, you don't even feel a "shock".

But hey, go wash your hands in carbon based water, and go touch a Car Battery and see for yourself.

No you don't need my help looking like an idiot, you do it very well on your own. BTW I can't wait for Rob's posts on why they call you "rapey" and Tim.

Not my fault you jumped onto the stupid wagon too.

BTW, under "perfect conditions" you can't electrocute yourself with a 12v DC battery.


When does the world have "perfect conditions" outside the lab or carefully created testing? All it takes to kill someone with 12v DC is enough sweat or something on the skin (like lotion or another substance of similar use) which will allow current to flow. The higher the available current, the more likely that it WILL find a way to complete the circuit.

That you don't consider that only shows that NONE OF YOU NITWITS have ever been down south in the summer. Instead you allow your internet based dislike to take you by the hand and lead you to follow the ASSHOLE who advocates playing with electricity.

To do that, KNOWING it's wrong, only shows that you really must be stupid.
Being a supporter of the Orange Fuhrer (I mean Trump—for the overtly stupid among you cult members) means you’re an anarchist that not only doesn’t believe in the Rule of Law, but they also support the downfall of democracy and the United States.

So, like Trump, we're all threats to democracy and need to be assassinated too?
Not my fault you jumped onto the stupid wagon too.

BTW, under "perfect conditions" you can't electrocute yourself with a 12v DC battery.
No Arpy, under no circumstances can a 12 V DC battery kill you. none zero, zilch.....
To do that, KNOWING it's wrong, only shows that you really must be stupid.
The only stupid one here is you....