Odd Inspirations

Not really odd, but I find it interesting the number of people that post here that have been the source of inspiration.
I read your post then went and read the story. Oh my. <fans self>

And I got a pretty good giggle over a comment on the story (or maybe it's Cheffy's other story here) chastising him for using bad "grammer." It wasn't a typo; I saw it repeated three or four times "blah blah blah your grammer and blah blah if you had better grammer blah blah watch your grammer..." Maybe she meant his grandmother although my grammer was never bad. I did have to watch her once she hit her 90s though.

i saw the same comment on the story and had a good cackle at the expense of "anonymous". :D ironic, much?
This inspired a poem I wrote recently in the Suddenly thread. Sometimes it is advertising campaigns, or things that scratch the album of my personal narrative.

What flower? I got waylaid by the naked photo shoot

Certainly not ME!! I'm all for mature women. Especially the mothers. MMMMMMMMMMM

What about us non mothers? It's discrimination ! ~~~ sigh ~~~
What flower? I got waylaid by the naked photo shoot

What about us non mothers? It's discrimination ! ~~~ sigh ~~~

You know, I didn't say I DIDN'T like non-mothers...What I said was, I'm all for mature women. Isn't that you? Besides, I believe I went on record just yesterday saying that I love you. Didn't I? How soon they forget!!
You know, I didn't say I DIDN'T like non-mothers...What I said was, I'm all for mature women. Isn't that you? Besides, I believe I went on record just yesterday saying that I love you. Didn't I? How soon they forget!!

goodness I have been all come over again ... you said mothers especially
p.s I don't want to be mature I want to dance in the rain splash in the puddles and wear silly hats. I want to sing to the 60s music playing in the supermarket because I happen to know all the words and I want to giggle with my girlfriends because we are eyeing up some cute bahookey going by!!!
goodness I have been all come over again ... you said mothers especially
p.s I don't want to be mature I want to dance in the rain splash in the puddles and wear silly hats. I want to sing to the 60s music playing in the supermarket because I happen to know all the words and I want to giggle with my girlfriends because we are eyeing up some cute bahookey going by!!!

I don't think you need to worry about getting too mature, as long as you're hanging around in here.

and just to stay on topic,

I've been writing more prose than poetry lately (or at least finishing more), and the question of sources of inspiration made me wonder this about the people in here: Some roots for erotica come from what has happened to you, some come from what you wish could happen to you, and then I suppose there's some sort of other category - what you'd like to see happen to someone else, that sort of thing.

So I'd put my percentages as about 30 - 70. 30% of what I write comes from a true thing that happened, or is at least rooted in truth. 70% is what I sure would like to have happen but hasn't or can't or won't.

There may be a random other in there, but it's pretty minor.

How do y'all measure that sort of comparison (let's just keep it to erotica, for the moment, since I think that's easier), either in poetry or prose?


Hush up and kiss me. I'm mature! And hand me some of that Guiness cake while you're at it.

PS. My favorite lines from Mrs. Doubtfire (paraphrased here by me):

Mrs. D: Ah yes, poor Mr. Doubtfire perished from the drink. It was terrible.
Sally Field: Oh? He had a drinking problem?
Mrs. D: No dear, he was run over by a Guiness truck.
Hush up and kiss me. I'm mature! And hand me some of that Guiness cake while you're at it.

PS. My favorite lines from Mrs. Doubtfire (paraphrased here by me):

Mrs. D: Ah yes, poor Mr. Doubtfire perished from the drink. It was terrible.
Sally Field: Oh? He had a drinking problem?
Mrs. D: No dear, he was run over by a Guiness truck.

Mature...in a nice curvy sort of way. With lips to desire and hips to please...both of us.
So I'd put my percentages as about 30 - 70. 30% of what I write comes from a true thing that happened, or is at least rooted in truth. 70% is what I sure would like to have happen but hasn't or can't or won't.

There may be a random other in there, but it's pretty minor.

How do y'all measure that sort of comparison (let's just keep it to erotica, for the moment, since I think that's easier), either in poetry or prose?

I figure I could write epics from one orgasm. There's a lot goes on with one of those. So, 100% of what has happened but only because I only need something to happen once to have it within my realm of experience. I guess.
I don't think you need to worry about getting too mature, as long as you're hanging around in here.

and just to stay on topic,

I've been writing more prose than poetry lately (or at least finishing more), and the question of sources of inspiration made me wonder this about the people in here: Some roots for erotica come from what has happened to you, some come from what you wish could happen to you, and then I suppose there's some sort of other category - what you'd like to see happen to someone else, that sort of thing.

So I'd put my percentages as about 30 - 70. 30% of what I write comes from a true thing that happened, or is at least rooted in truth. 70% is what I sure would like to have happen but hasn't or can't or won't.

There may be a random other in there, but it's pretty minor.

How do y'all measure that sort of comparison (let's just keep it to erotica, for the moment, since I think that's easier), either in poetry or prose?


In my erotic writing, the inspiration has to be real and organic. Both of the stories I posted here are in large part biographical. When I started here, I was looking for well-written erotica to read. We adults in this family (both writers by trade), are extremely turned on by really literate erotic writing, and have used it in our personal pleasure. We read to each other. I wrote porn-shop paperback books for years, and the inspiration for them was the money I made, and the demand by the publisher for more. I'd find inspiration everywhere I looked, because I was almost always on a deadline--joggers, shoppers, drivers at a traffic light, commuters on a bus or subway. But here, after reading some of the really good--and really bad--stories, I decided to try to write personal stuff, and make it as well-written as possible (using the best "grammer" [lol] I could). My first submission, Friday Night at the Movies, was fundamentally a true story, base on a relationship I had just before I met my wife. My second one, Jeffrey's First Time, was based on a real event, but changed to meet the rules of Lit regarding stories about underage people. As I have said, that happened mostly as reported, except that I was fourteen, not eighteen, and I was mortified at the time. It does suffer a bit from the passage of time, but it pretty much happened as reported. The woman involved actually DID give me the money; it turns out she owed my father a great personal debt of gratitude having nothing to do with me, but rather to do with something he did for her at some earlier time (because my father died just three years later, and I as an adult never got to know him, I have no idea what that debt was. It remains a mystery--legend, even--of my life, and I have probably romanticized it over time. I do have another prose piece in the works (after I complete the 30/30--IF I complete the 30/30), which is based on another real event in my life.
My erotic poetry, Love's Champagne, Did it Happen? and The Splat in the Flat, are pure fantasy, and I only really like the first. Given how I feel about the erotic poetry, I probably will stick to more reality-based "I would like to see sex happen like this, or feel like this..." poems.
What I find inspiring is something that gives me a rush.
Coming into money that I never thought I'd see again.
Meeting somebody I haven't seen in a long time.
Meeting somebody new.