Oh, how great thou aren't

SR71plt has 11 Green E's. Lovecraft has none. I'll take 11 green E's over a whole mess o' red H's any day. If we were assessing online personalities, I would reference a totally different scoring system, but I don't think that was the focus of the OP.
SR71plt has 11 Green E's. Lovecraft has none. I'll take 11 green E's over a whole mess o' red H's any day. If we were assessing online personalities, I would reference a totally different scoring system, but I don't think that was the focus of the OP.

Before the other half breaks his word and answers this, because he is twitching to do so, allow me.

An "E" simply means one person, the one who runs this site, enjoyed the story. Yes it is a 'status symbol' but really only represents the approval of one person, who by the way is not an author. At least not here anyway.

Do you have favorite authors? Of course you do. Everyone does. Pilot is apparently one of hers and it shows.

An E means she liked it. A red H means many liked it. And I will defend the op by saying he never says he is anything other than an average writer. He is simply exposing a person who constantly reminds us that in his mind he is, as a fraud. I have never seen an incest story with an E-there could be one, but I read incest all the time and have never seen one.

Back to my point. There is one true sign of success and that is a "W". That means the story won either a themed contest or was the best story in it's category for that month. That means many loved it and voted on it.

Pilot has no W's even though he enters most contests. He has over 400 GM stories and not one W.

Still think the E matters?

Selena Kitt (The one who someone posted a thread about saying as of April she had already made close to one million dollars on her publishing this year) has 10 W's. She however, does not have one E.

Still want that E over mass appeal? Something tells me Ms. Kitt is just fine with never having received one.
It's a question then, of which is better-- the mass appeal of thousands of incest-adoring anonymous schmucks, or the approbation of one person who has the kind of taste you really admire. Posting for free? It's real easy for people to love you for free.

Pilot sells his work, off lit. He sells pretty well. Seems to me he has both the green "E" action and the popular vote-- out there where people vote with their wallets.
....Still want that E over mass appeal?....

My personal preference is for Green E authors. Mass appeal is Brittany Spears. Green E is Bird and the Bee. Brittany Spears leaves me cold. Bird and the Bee makes me think. I like a story that lingers in your mind for days after you've read it. (In this thread, I'm not defending SR71, I'm simply making a case for great writing over mass appeal lowest-common-denominator writing.)
Sour Grapes

Isn't the major point the OP has about green E's that he doesn't have any of his own? (He doesn't even have any of those W's of his own that he's attacking SR for not having.) I think it's significant that SR71 has green E's in multiple categories. That's telling.

And as for beating your own drum, that's exactly what the OP tries to do here, isn't it?

What is more telling is the probable explanation of why SR's stories don't rate higher--and it comes from the vehemence and ugliness of this sour grapes personal attack on him. His stories are obviously being trashed heavily by those with axes to grind (and grind and grind). He couldn't be sitting at the top of the gay male category popular authors list (which he is) and not have stories that only aren't hot because of sour grapes people like the OP. His stories can be trashed, but the trashers can't prevent appreciative readers from reading SR's stories and voting SR a favorite author. And they can't stop the website owners, who see all of the stories that are submitted, from awarding him a high number of green E's--and not just in the gay male category, either.

They can only personally attack him on the forum.

If your stories are being heavily trashed, you obviously can't get any W's either (or many H's). I'm struck that SR just keeps on posting his work here and in contests for free reads as nasty as the OP and others are to him. Look at the wide variety of stories he's posting to the Halloween contest. Is the OP daring to post anything to the contests?

And what seems most telling of all here in the one-sided fight going on here is that SR isn't fighting on this thread. He has just let the hate of the OP sit there and rot. Class is in not sinking to the OP's level. So, who's got the class here (as well as green E's)?

(P.S., on the question of green E's in Incest, I don't know the answer to that--but I'll bet it isn't any easier to get one in Loving Wives. And SR has one in that category. So much for a one-trick pony argument--at least for SR, if not for the OP.)
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