Oh yes, this is DIVINE!

The ethnicity in question was martial pig vs. long-haired hippie.

The pigs were real life cops, with actual working handcuffs, although they used nylon pull-ties. :mad:

The only reassuring fact was that there were over thirty of us arrested. We knew they couldn't get away with shooting that many of us while trying to escape. :eek:

Undoubtedly I exaggerate a touch, but that was our feeling at the time. :rolleyes:

There was nothing arousing about it, nor anything sexual, if you discount slurs and epithets. :(

I'm with you, hermano. Though I wouldn't have presumed they'd not get away with mucho. P.
How many of you have read a story/watched a movie where someone smears whipped cream on his/her lover, and then licks it off?

A cute, silly, and romantic thing to do, can be quite erotic too, if done right - but NOT if you use cream-in-a-spray-can! Trust me, peeps! Whip the cream yourself. OK, it may be a turn-off for your lover if you jump out of bed in the middle of foreplay to run into the kitchen to start whipping cream, so do this before the date, but never, ever try to take the bought-cream short cut. It's disgusting. And vomiting on your lover is an even bigger turn-off...:(
Getting caught in the rain is rarely the fun frolic portrayed in the movies. :(
You don't see men drinking champagne out of women's slippers much anymore. That must have appealed to someone at some time.

Probably one of the biggest sexual props to fall out of favor lately is cigarettes. I might be alone in the entire US in still thinking that they're sexy.

But then, I also love the taste of hard liquor on a woman's breath. I just find it terribly exciting as long as she's not embarrassingly drunk, and even then it's not bad.

Another terrible turn-off is excess perfume, so much that your eyes water and it gets hard to breath. I suppose the same must be true of men's cologne.



Well, as long as I've effed up this post anyway, I'll ask a question. I just tried to delete this post. I went to "edit", checked the "delete" box, clicked the "confirm delete" box. Then I was told that I wasn't allowed to delete the damn thing. This happens whenever I try do delete one of my posts.

Question: Why can't I delete a post?
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No, I think only Lit management can delete a post or thread. Mods can only move them to the basement, attic or backroom, if you know what I mean. I could be wrong on that, but I'm very, very close.
dr_mabeuse said:
You don't see men drinking champagne out of women's slippers much anymore. That must have appealed to someone at some time.
Personally, I never did understand that. But, I agree with you that it had to be "in" at some time or another. I don't understand the idea of getting some woman's toe jam in my brew, and then giving her back a soggy walk. Strange.

dr_mabeuse said:
Probably one of the biggest sexual props to fall out of favor lately is cigarettes. I might be alone in the entire US in still thinking that they're sexy.
I have never thought women smoking was sexy. Today, I don't think smoking is sexy or even OK in some situations, but I know many people who smoke. I don't really blame them for this, as I know it isn't easy to quit. Still, women and fags don't mix for me.

dr_mabeuse said:
But then, I also love the taste of hard liquor on a woman's breath. I just find it terribly exciting as long as she's not embarrassingly drunk, and even then it's not bad.
I guess I'm a whimp. I don't care for liquor, either, let alone on a woman's breath. I don't like my women drunk, either. But, I know that used to be the way most guys got their jollys, with certain women. As said in Zappa's "Dyna mo hum", "if my mind's messed up, then my body don't care".

dr_mabeuse said:
Another terrible turn-off is excess perfume, so much that your eyes water and it gets hard to breath. I suppose the same must be true of men's cologne.
This is true with me. I am allergic to some perfumes and I can't breath if there is too much. I also can't breath in laundry mats. I have trouble understanding the reason for so much of an aroma. Are they trying to cover something up?
DVS said:
I have trouble understanding the reason for so much of an aroma. Are they trying to cover something up?

Yes, yes they are. As well you know.

dr_mabeuse said:
You don't see men drinking champagne out of women's slippers much anymore. That must have appealed to someone at some time.

Three words: Dr. Scholl’s Footpads. :eek:

Another terrible turn-off is excess perfume, so much that your eyes water and it gets hard to breath. I suppose the same must be true of men's cologne.

I actually used to get a blinding headache from the perfume my Ex insisted on wearing whenever we went out.

Maybe it was psychosomatic (well, at least psycho) but I had similar reactions to perfume worn by perfectly reasonable women, also. :rolleyes:
perfumed Perdita

I've got to step in here. I understand people being allergic to perfume ingredients. I've tried some that give me headaches too.

But I love good perfume and of course have my favorites. If it's 'real' perfume (not toilet water, rightly named) one need not use more than a dab or two, and it does some unique chemical reaction with the skin of the woman who wears it; i.e., the same perfume on different women will smell slightly to very different.

I was given a perfume as a gift by a very discerning woman who thought it would suit me. I've been using it about four years now and am constantly complimented by both men and women. People even remember it and will say they've missed my scent if we haven't met in a while.

I even put it on sometimes when I go to bed, just to fall asleep in the scent.

One last note. I think it was about 25 years ago, a Paris couturier came out with a new scent. It was an event for me like the UK/NZ rugby game of recent interest.

ta, Perdita
bridgetkeeney said:
I thought it would be interesting to list other "divine" things that are in fact a great disappointment or just downright gross.

Mine would be caviar and oysters.

I have learned to fake the caviar orgasm, but in reality I would just as soon skip both. Caviar reminds me of sand getting in my pimento cheese and oysters just look like phlegm to me.

So when a story talks about setting a romantic scene and it includes caviar and oysters, I just want to gag.

:rose: b

Mrs Keeney :)

While I have never cared all that much for caviar, I do find oysters extremely erotic food. Both the culinary ritual of eating/slurping them and their very fragrant taste do something to me. Eating oysters possesses a sense of decadence that I quite enjoy, both as a hedonist and as a man with an erotic mind, which means the oysters would have to be accompanied by a flinty and mineral Chablis (the real, so from France) and a woman able to tickle my senses like the oysters do with my taste buds. Not necessarily in that order ;)

Re: Re: Oh yes, this is DIVINE!

PaulX35 said:
Mrs Keeney :)

While I have never cared all that much for caviar, I do find oysters extremely erotic food. Both the culinary ritual of eating/slurping them and their very fragrant taste do something to me. Eating oysters possesses a sense of decadence that I quite enjoy, both as a hedonist and as a man with an erotic mind, which means the oysters would have to be accompanied by a flinty and mineral Chablis (the real, so from France) and a woman able to tickle my senses like the oysters do with my taste buds. Not necessarily in that order ;)



You would have to pour a whole lot of chablis down my throat before I would consent to swallow an oyster. Just the thought of it gives me the heebie jeebies.

And by the time I had that much wine, eating food would be the last thing on my mind. ;)


I am with you on the sex on the beach thing. The grit would be a definite turn off.

:rose: b
How 'bout them ersters?

Oysters are good in a nice cioppino, but they're cooked. That's a dish that originated around here, but I don't think it has traveled far. It's sort of a shellfish stew with shells left on. Always served with a large bib. Eating cioppino is not a pretty sight to watch.

Pee Ess: Bridgette, what the hell is that AV of yours?
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Paul X: I'd be at your table in a minute if it didn't cost a 1000 bucks and half a day to get there. Love your idea.

I've done it, but don't hate me; I truly don't care for any white wine except Champagne and the fizzy stuff they drink in Venice. I drink red with everything. Does that make us incompatible?

Perdita :rose:
Fizzy stuff in Venice

perdita said:
I truly don't care for any white wine except Champagne and the fizzy stuff they drink in Venice.

Dear Perdita,
I assume that's Venice where they have the beach and lots of weirdos. Near Santa Monica. That "fizzy stuff" is called Diet Pepsi.
Re: Fizzy stuff in Venice

MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita,
I assume that's Venice where they have the beach and lots of weirdos. Near Santa Monica. That "fizzy stuff" is called Diet Pepsi.
DIET Pepsi? Why not go full bore? I HATE diet drinks. Well, I also don't care for raw oysters, either. And, the only way I will drink scotch is with 7-Up. I get very strange looks. And, never had much bubblie, or wine of any color. Just call me the boring Dom.

On the beach sex, isn't that where the thong panty was developed? You wear a thong, so when the sand gets in the crack of your ass, all you have to do is give it one quick "flick", and it's gone. Not unlike flausing your teeth, I would suppose.

But, then, I live in the midwest. We don't have that many beaches here. Thank God, we do have thongs, though!
MG, you little big butt you

MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, I assume that's Venice where they have the beach and lots of weirdos. Near Santa Monica. That "fizzy stuff" is called Diet Pepsi. Helpfully, MG
I hate S. Monica (the place, not the dead woman revered by the Vatican).

Of course I know you know I meant Venice where they have the Adriatic's beach and where Alan Rickman died in that beautiful movie about the old man and his love for the boy who looked like Little Orphan Annie in a sailor suit. Having sex on the Lido (the aforementiond beach) is nice because you can do it in the clean cabanas they provide, or in an amazingly expensive hotel so it feels like you're on the beach.

Crap, I still can't recall the name of the fizzy stuff. It's not that Pelican water either.

Wait, got it - Prosecco!

Re: How 'bout them ersters?

MathGirl said:
Pee Ess: Bridgette, what the hell is that AV of yours?


That would be chocolate fondue on a strawberry, dear.


I am with you on the red wines.. lately I have been drinking a Simi Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. It is DIVINE.

The only whites I drink are the sweet ones... rieslings and mosels. I know, I am a wimp. All my vinophile friends turn up their noses at me.

Another thing that is highly overrated is sleeping in each other's arms. Sweaty and snoring.

:rose: b
Re: Re: How 'bout them ersters?

bridgetkeeney said:
That would be chocolate fondue on a strawberry, dear.
Thanks MG. I was wondering that myself. I see it, now.
bridgetkeeney said:
Another thing that is highly overrated is sleeping in each other's arms. Sweaty and snoring. :rose: b
And, don't forget when your arm goes to sleep and you can't get up.
Oh, I don't snore, and I don't sweat. Oh well, I do sweat during sex and other exercise. But, don't we all?:)
Re: perfumed Perdita

perdita said:
One last note. I think it was about 25 years ago, a Paris couturier came out with a new scent. It was an event for me like the UK/NZ rugby game of recent interest.

Oh dear. UK/NZ game? <feels muscles bulging out of shirt and skin turning green as he slowly turns into...Svenskaflicka>

I'm so going to pay for that.

I'm not British. I'm English. There is a difference between being English and British. Britain is a coalition of England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland. I dislike being referred to as British as I am a very nationalistic Englishman. The only time I consider myself British is every 4th year when the Lions are touring. Don't do that again.

The Earl
Re: MG, you little big butt you

perdita said:
Of course I know you know I meant Venice where they have the Adriatic's beach and where Alan Rickman died in that beautiful movie about the old man and his love for the boy who looked like Little Orphan Annie in a sailor suit.

Pita, sweeta - please, pretty, pretty please - don't use the words "Alan Rickman" and "died" in the same sentence!


Alan Rickman died!!! :eek:

Oh. In a movie. :(

He's always doing that! :rolleyes:


I knew it was a rose,
but I thought you were using it
as an emergency dipstick
for your garderobe. ;)
Re: Re: perfumed Perdita

TheEarl said:
I'm not British. I'm English.
Utterly sincere apology from one who does not like being called a Yank (or Sven).

Pear :rose: