Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

It used to be that poems were never voted on. Poems were lucky to get 1 or 2 votes, let alone the attention of 1-bombers.

I didn't check to see when you joined, but actually, you are sort of wrong, in a temporal sense. When I first joined, this was a pretty tightly knit community of poets who bent over backwards to help one another and at that time, public comments were not an option. I saved emails I got for feedback and at times, on one poem, for instance, I might get in excess of a dozen or more comments and most of my poems got 10 or more votes on a regular basis, though I rarely got H's back then..

It was common for the new poems list to have a multitude of H's, if the poetry was good and even what some might consider bad poetry, but you have to remember, this is a porn site and bad erotic poetry is what some people come here for. There were many active discussions of poetry on the threads and so many volunteers to do reviews that we/they took turns though it seemed that Angeline always has done way more then her share. ( Go Ange!!)

If you ever have time, go back and read some of the really old threads, like the poetry review threads. There was some kick ass work back then and we are recovering now and it is truly exciting!

But as things do, they changed, people passed on, left for other pastures, just tired of Lit, new people came and the atmosphere changed. Maybe not for the best, but not for the worst, but there were lots of internal battles, gripes, wars even, disputes about what is and isn't poetry and that turned lots of people off.

I know I am long-winded, but my point is, that it depends on when a person came here as to how many votes he or she might have expected. At one point, it was easy to get a lot of votes just because of the sheer interest in the poetry and the interaction between the spirit of the community of poets we had back then. After a while. this part of Lit sort of gravitate into a pseudo- General Board for a while with not much more tan trivial chit chat, attention whores and thread wars.

I have to say, I am impressed with the quality of the poetry that has appeared lately and the enthusiasm of people like Tess, 1201, Ange ( so awesome to see these wonderful poets commenting and posting again!!!)
I have been inspired to begin writing again, and the, newer people who have drawn me in like Rose, fridayam, greenmountaineer, PoetGuy, and so on. Okay, so you guys aren't all that new, but I have been away a while.

Now all we need is Wicked Eve, Anna- banana, Neo, WSO, Jd4George, Steve Porter, Denis Hale, sandspike and PatC to come rolling back and grace us with their talents!!!

Just keep up the excellent work. I have had So much fun reading you all and commenting. I just hope that in some way I can be useful. I know I don't have many poems posted on my Maria page, at one time I had well over 200 poems and a couple dozen stories. Some were really good and some were really bad, but they were my soul in cyberspace and I miss that openness that I once had and the trust and safety I felt here. It was like home. But, I let a stalker rob me of my identity here and that has hurt to an extent it's taken a while to become confident again.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack.... just wanted to say that voting fluctuates as well as the amount of comments. It seems to depend upon the attitude of the people in the forum and you must attribute some to the random reader who stumbles upon the poetry section of Lit after reading a couple of stroke stories.

I remember when the admins of the site changed the home page and listed the people who had made the most comments and Tess and I were like one and two. It freaked me out so bad I quit commenting for a long time . I didn't want to be on that list and draw attention to myself like that, lol.

I do like the way the voting is set up ow. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to and you can leave a comment without voting. I think that has increased the number of comments that people leave now because sometimes you just don't want to vote on a poem, right?

anyway, have a glorious day and forgive my long post.


~ maria
I didn't check to see when you joined, but actually, you are sort of wrong, in a temporal sense. When I first joined, this was a pretty tightly knit community of poets who bent over backwards to help one another and at that time, public comments were not an option. I saved emails I got for feedback and at times, on one poem, for instance, I might get in excess of a dozen or more comments and most of my poems got 10 or more votes on a regular basis, though I rarely got H's back then..

It was common for the new poems list to have a multitude of H's, if the poetry was good and even what some might consider bad poetry, but you have to remember, this is a porn site and bad erotic poetry is what some people come here for. There were many active discussions of poetry on the threads and so many volunteers to do reviews that we/they took turns though it seemed that Angeline always has done way more then her share. ( Go Ange!!)

If you ever have time, go back and read some of the really old threads, like the poetry review threads. There was some kick ass work back then and we are recovering now and it is truly exciting!

But as things do, they changed, people passed on, left for other pastures, just tired of Lit, new people came and the atmosphere changed. Maybe not for the best, but not for the worst, but there were lots of internal battles, gripes, wars even, disputes about what is and isn't poetry and that turned lots of people off.

I know I am long-winded, but my point is, that it depends on when a person came here as to how many votes he or she might have expected. At one point, it was easy to get a lot of votes just because of the sheer interest in the poetry and the interaction between the spirit of the community of poets we had back then. After a while. this part of Lit sort of gravitate into a pseudo- General Board for a while with not much more tan trivial chit chat, attention whores and thread wars.

I have to say, I am impressed with the quality of the poetry that has appeared lately and the enthusiasm of people like Tess, 1201, Ange ( so awesome to see these wonderful poets commenting and posting again!!!)
I have been inspired to begin writing again, and the, newer people who have drawn me in like Rose, fridayam, greenmountaineer, PoetGuy, and so on. Okay, so you guys aren't all that new, but I have been away a while.

Now all we need is Wicked Eve, Anna- banana, Neo, WSO, Jd4George, Steve Porter, Denis Hale, sandspike and PatC to come rolling back and grace us with their talents!!!

Just keep up the excellent work. I have had So much fun reading you all and commenting. I just hope that in some way I can be useful. I know I don't have many poems posted on my Maria page, at one time I had well over 200 poems and a couple dozen stories. Some were really good and some were really bad, but they were my soul in cyberspace and I miss that openness that I once had and the trust and safety I felt here. It was like home. But, I let a stalker rob me of my identity here and that has hurt to an extent it's taken a while to become confident again.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack.... just wanted to say that voting fluctuates as well as the amount of comments. It seems to depend upon the attitude of the people in the forum and you must attribute some to the random reader who stumbles upon the poetry section of Lit after reading a couple of stroke stories.

I remember when the admins of the site changed the home page and listed the people who had made the most comments and Tess and I were like one and two. It freaked me out so bad I quit commenting for a long time . I didn't want to be on that list and draw attention to myself like that, lol.

I do like the way the voting is set up ow. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to and you can leave a comment without voting. I think that has increased the number of comments that people leave now because sometimes you just don't want to vote on a poem, right?

anyway, have a glorious day and forgive my long post.


~ maria

I really like what you're writing in the passion thread. :kiss:
I didn't check to see when you joined, but actually, you are sort of wrong, in a temporal sense. When I first joined, this was a pretty tightly knit community of poets who bent over backwards to help one another and at that time, public comments were not an option. I saved emails I got for feedback and at times, on one poem, for instance, I might get in excess of a dozen or more comments and most of my poems got 10 or more votes on a regular basis, though I rarely got H's back then..

It was common for the new poems list to have a multitude of H's, if the poetry was good and even what some might consider bad poetry, but you have to remember, this is a porn site and bad erotic poetry is what some people come here for. There were many active discussions of poetry on the threads and so many volunteers to do reviews that we/they took turns though it seemed that Angeline always has done way more then her share. ( Go Ange!!)

If you ever have time, go back and read some of the really old threads, like the poetry review threads. There was some kick ass work back then and we are recovering now and it is truly exciting!

But as things do, they changed, people passed on, left for other pastures, just tired of Lit, new people came and the atmosphere changed. Maybe not for the best, but not for the worst, but there were lots of internal battles, gripes, wars even, disputes about what is and isn't poetry and that turned lots of people off.

I know I am long-winded, but my point is, that it depends on when a person came here as to how many votes he or she might have expected. At one point, it was easy to get a lot of votes just because of the sheer interest in the poetry and the interaction between the spirit of the community of poets we had back then. After a while. this part of Lit sort of gravitate into a pseudo- General Board for a while with not much more tan trivial chit chat, attention whores and thread wars.

I have to say, I am impressed with the quality of the poetry that has appeared lately and the enthusiasm of people like Tess, 1201, Ange ( so awesome to see these wonderful poets commenting and posting again!!!)
I have been inspired to begin writing again, and the, newer people who have drawn me in like Rose, fridayam, greenmountaineer, PoetGuy, and so on. Okay, so you guys aren't all that new, but I have been away a while.

Now all we need is Wicked Eve, Anna- banana, Neo, WSO, Jd4George, Steve Porter, Denis Hale, sandspike and PatC to come rolling back and grace us with their talents!!!

Just keep up the excellent work. I have had So much fun reading you all and commenting. I just hope that in some way I can be useful. I know I don't have many poems posted on my Maria page, at one time I had well over 200 poems and a couple dozen stories. Some were really good and some were really bad, but they were my soul in cyberspace and I miss that openness that I once had and the trust and safety I felt here. It was like home. But, I let a stalker rob me of my identity here and that has hurt to an extent it's taken a while to become confident again.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack.... just wanted to say that voting fluctuates as well as the amount of comments. It seems to depend upon the attitude of the people in the forum and you must attribute some to the random reader who stumbles upon the poetry section of Lit after reading a couple of stroke stories.

I remember when the admins of the site changed the home page and listed the people who had made the most comments and Tess and I were like one and two. It freaked me out so bad I quit commenting for a long time . I didn't want to be on that list and draw attention to myself like that, lol.

I do like the way the voting is set up ow. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to and you can leave a comment without voting. I think that has increased the number of comments that people leave now because sometimes you just don't want to vote on a poem, right?

anyway, have a glorious day and forgive my long post.


~ maria

I am relatively new (less than a couple of years), but the recent activity has inspired me to concentrate on poetry in my few spare moments during the day. Poetry was the afterthought when I tired of writing my little dirty stories--now it is what I am trying to learn. It is like licking on a giant fun-sicle :eek:, trying to find just the correct word in the English language to convey a subtle shade of meaning, and then doing it where it sounds good and does not overwhelm.

Your comments--and hijacking--are appreciated. Oh shit! Now I'm hijacking :D

Now where the h&*^ is this passion thread thingy?
I am relatively new (less than a couple of years), but the recent activity has inspired me to concentrate on poetry in my few spare moments during the day. Poetry was the afterthought when I tired of writing my little dirty stories--now it is what I am trying to learn. It is like licking on a giant fun-sicle :eek:, trying to find just the correct word in the English language to convey a subtle shade of meaning, and then doing it where it sounds good and does not overwhelm.

Your comments--and hijacking--are appreciated. Oh shit! Now I'm hijacking :D

Now where the h&*^ is this passion thread thingy?

All of a Sudden Passion Suddenly

Go in there and write first draft freestyle whatever you want. It's not really supposed to be for comments or anything but spontaneous poetry. It's a good place to try things out and get ideas from what others there are doing. :)
I don't mean to argue this, but I do remember the shift of "no votes on new poems" to "every poem having H's". There was a thread long time ago, that really started it all where all the poets of the PF&D started paying more attention to New Poem page and voting, then subsequently comments and the thermometer. This thread I think was started by Wicked Eve at the time, bringing attention to having poems few votes shy of the magic 10 votes. After that everyone voted more and most importantly, started posting their poetry on the website more often.

Anyway, Maria you're right. It was a golden time for the real Lit poets back then. It would be good to see real Lit poets having just as good time as we did as a community.

Now all we need is Wicked Eve, Anna- banana, Neo, WSO, Jd4George, Steve Porter, Denis Hale, sandspike and PatC to come rolling back and grace us with their talents!!!

Sometimes we come back. :rose:
I don't mean to argue this, but I do remember the shift of "no votes on new poems" to "every poem having H's". There was a thread long time ago, that really started it all where all the poets of the PF&D started paying more attention to New Poem page and voting, then subsequently comments and the thermometer. This thread I think was started by Wicked Eve at the time, bringing attention to having poems few votes shy of the magic 10 votes. After that everyone voted more and most importantly, started posting their poetry on the website more often.

Anyway, Maria you're right. It was a golden time for the real Lit poets back then. It would be good to see real Lit poets having just as good time as we did as a community.

Sometimes we come back. :rose:

Welcome home. :rose:
Looks like you turned off comments and stripped out all comments!
I don't find it objectionable enough to get a 1, but can't see anything higher than 2 for this.
Your its poem had something going for it, I find little here.
I'm not familiar with other 'then' vs 'than' usage dictums, but this makes little sense to me.
My view may be colored by my algorithmic usage:
if a then b
a is greater than b

I can quietly get annoyed as various usage transgressions, but attempt to tolerate them, along with many of life's other annoyances - life is too short to spend much of it irritated.
Perhaps the purpose of "than, then, apples and oranges" was to show how absurd votes are - at one point you reported score dropping from 4.67. I can't speak for others, but 2 '5's and a '4' hardly seems objective.
Last edited:
Looks like you turned off comments and stripped out all comments!
I don't find it objectionable enough to get a 1, but can't see anything higher than 2 for this.
Your its poem had something going for it, I find little here.
I'm not familiar with other 'then' vs 'than' usage dictums, but this makes little sense to me.
My view may be colored by my algorithmic usage:
if a then b
a is greater than b

I can quietly get annoyed as various usage transgressions, but attempt to tolerate them, along with many of life's other annoyances - life is too short to spend much of it irritated.
Perhaps the purpose of "than, then, apples and oranges" was to show how absurd votes are - at one point you reported score dropping from 4.67. I can't speak for others, but 2 '5's and a '4' hardly seems objective.

I didn't strip out any comments. I turned the voting and comments off, but I'll turn comments back on as it appears there are people who'd still like to voice an opinion. Perhaps the previous comments will help you understand the poem better. Perhaps not.

Many people don't seem to realize how easy it is to know whether to use 'then' or 'than' when speaking or writing. I just thought I'd write a little poem people might find useful. No big thing.

Two fives and a four hardly seems objective? Why would that be? I have one poem that has eleven votes, and nine of them are fives and the other two are ones. Is that more objective?
I don't mean to argue this, but I do remember the shift of "no votes on new poems" to "every poem having H's". There was a thread long time ago, that really started it all where all the poets of the PF&D started paying more attention to New Poem page and voting, then subsequently comments and the thermometer. This thread I think was started by Wicked Eve at the time, bringing attention to having poems few votes shy of the magic 10 votes. After that everyone voted more and most importantly, started posting their poetry on the website more often.

Anyway, Maria you're right. It was a golden time for the real Lit poets back then. It would be good to see real Lit poets having just as good time as we did as a community.

Sometimes we come back. :rose:

No arguments from me! I'm just glad to see people writing and responding with kindness and respect rather than ridicule and sarcasm. It's a good day :)

I am always open to discussion and pointing out a mistake I have made will not upset me. I enjoy learning. This place has evolved and devolved, recovered and will continue to do so. As long as we all try to get along, and read each other's work and respond in kind, the forum will never cease to be a vibrant, functioning being in its own right.

But you know, the Lit poets here now are real as well. Everyone eventually branches out if poetry is in their blood hot and hard enough. It cannot be helped, the desire to share ones work and art. And new people wander in all the time. It is the new blood that keeps us ol' timers on our feet.

I was once a wanderer and Eve and Ange took me in. So it's their fault I put down roots here ;)



Thank you Angeline, for what you said about the passion thread. I will explain them to you later if you haven't figured them out already, but I feel more coming on.... or is that the chili :D

~~ and espy, thank you too! I was about to come in here and shorten that post, feeling a bit guilty about the hijack thing.

No arguments from me! I'm just glad to see people writing and responding with kindness and respect rather than ridicule and sarcasm. It's a good day :)

I am always open to discussion and pointing out a mistake I have made will not upset me. I enjoy learning. This place has evolved and devolved, recovered and will continue to do so. As long as we all try to get along, and read each other's work and respond in kind, the forum will never cease to be a vibrant, functioning being in its own right.

But you know, the Lit poets here now are real as well. Everyone eventually branches out if poetry is in their blood hot and hard enough. It cannot be helped, the desire to share ones work and art. And new people wander in all the time. It is the new blood that keeps us ol' timers on our feet.

I was once a wanderer and Eve and Ange took me in. So it's their fault I put down roots here ;)



Thank you Angeline, for what you said about the passion thread. I will explain them to you later if you haven't figured them out already, but I feel more coming on.... or is that the chili :D

~~ and espy, thank you too! I was about to come in here and shorten that post, feeling a bit guilty about the hijack thing.


I know you pretty well by now so I think I know what is up with those poems. There's a lot of heart and raw emotion coming across in them.

I remember reading your first poems here and thinking "that woman has talent!" And then you proved it over and over again.

I didn't strip out any comments. I turned the voting and comments off, but I'll turn comments back on as it appears there are people who'd still like to voice an opinion. Perhaps the previous comments will help you understand the poem better. Perhaps not.

Many people don't seem to realize how easy it is to know whether to use 'then' or 'than' when speaking or writing. I just thought I'd write a little poem people might find useful. No big thing.

Two fives and a four hardly seems objective? Why would that be? I have one poem that has eleven votes, and nine of them are fives and the other two are ones. Is that more objective?

Probably neither are very objective. I was remarking on voting for that 'poem', and is not worthy of such scores in my opinion. The comments would seem to indicate mine is not an isolated opinion.
I know you pretty well by now so I think I know what is up with those poems. There's a lot of heart and raw emotion coming across in them.

I remember reading your first poems here and thinking "that woman has talent!" And then you proved it over and over again.


You do know all my secrets, dont'cha, Sis. Most of them, anyway. I feel so simple sometimes and then other times I just want to rip my own hair out for letting that man crush me because I can't make him understand certain things about why me is me. I feel like i'm in prison, solitary confinement, on the bottom level of Dante's hell. It's been a hard day internally.

I hope all is well with you.


Probably neither are very objective. I was remarking on voting for that 'poem', and is not worthy of such scores in my opinion. The comments would seem to indicate mine is not an isolated opinion.

It appears I should abandon any thought of writing a similar 'poem' about 'lose' and 'loose,' not to mention 'effect' and 'affect.' :) On to other matters, then, to see what passions arise.