Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

excuse me?

your disagreement was with friday over how he voted.

what exactly do you mean 'the way things work here'?
it's exactly this sort of expression that can irritate the patient here.

You may not realize it, but all is not peaches and cream here.

you would be very wrong about that, theo. i used to run my own writing site, and i actively welcomed as broad a spectrum of poetry as was out there, where many sites would only accept form, or free verse, or uber modern, or flowery purple verse. i believe very strongly that there's room for all sorts of poetry - so long as it is done well. if i have a blind spot when it comes to the mnemonic you posted, then i am unaware of it or - at least - unrepentant ;)

Your blind spot extended to one Dr. Brewer, as well, for his much better mnemonic.
This is kind of an experiment, chip, just to see what will happen. I wouldn't encourage you or discourage you to vote. I think you're one of the nicest people here, by the way, and one of the most honest, but I do think you and some others have a very narrow view of what constitutes poetry.
Poet Guy has read your piece and has not voted on it, as he certainly could not honestly give it the 5 vote ("Loved It - One Of The Best!!") that you seem to think is its due. If you want, he will go vote 5 on it if that would cheer you up a bit, so long as you do not interpret his vote as reflecting his true opinion.

Poet Guy is curious, theognis, about this statement of yours: "...I do think you and some others have a very narrow view of what constitutes poetry."

What do you think is poetic about your piece? What elements of language make your piece poetry rather than a simple mnemonic or, perhaps, aphorism? Is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" a poem? Is "Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest" (a mnemonic for remembering the names and order of streets in Seattle) a poem? Is the Alphabet Song a poem?

Poet Guy is not interested in debating whether your piece is or is not a poem, just interested in what about it convinces you that it is.
Poet Guy has read your piece and has not voted on it, as he certainly could not honestly give it the 5 vote ("Loved It - One Of The Best!!") that you seem to think is its due. If you want, he will go vote 5 on it if that would cheer you up a bit, so long as you do not interpret his vote as reflecting his true opinion.

Poet Guy is curious, theognis, about this statement of yours: "...I do think you and some others have a very narrow view of what constitutes poetry."

What do you think is poetic about your piece? What elements of language make your piece poetry rather than a simple mnemonic or, perhaps, aphorism? Is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" a poem? Is "Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest" (a mnemonic for remembering the names and order of streets in Seattle) a poem? Is the Alphabet Song a poem?

Poet Guy is not interested in debating whether your piece is or is not a poem, just interested in what about it convinces you that it is.

No, don't vote a five to cheer me up. It wouldn't accomplish the task. These one-bombs aren't accomplishing anything, either, in case those casting them haven't figured that out.

I'm sure you realize you're asking a question that could apply to anything subjective, so there's no point in answering. Beauty really does lie in the eye of the beholder, you know.
You may not realize it, but all is not peaches and cream here.

*taps fingers on top of desk*

ahem: as a poetry moderator here, i am well aware of the undercurrents that eddy and swirl. i receive pm's on a regular basis from all quarters. what makes you think i, as a mod, would be less aware than yourself - a newcomer to the forums - as to what goes on or not?

you do have a knack of insulting people; i can only hope it is accidental.
No, don't vote a five to cheer me up. It wouldn't accomplish the task. These one-bombs aren't accomplishing anything, either, in case those casting them haven't figured that out.

I'm sure you realize you're asking a question that could apply to anything subjective, so there's no point in answering. Beauty really does lie in the eye of the beholder, you know.
Poet Guy does not, in fact, see that his question "could apply to anything subjective." He is not asking you why Poet Guy should think your piece is a poem, he is asking why you think it is. Is it something about the concept/idea expressed? The form?

Surely you don't think everything you write is a poem, so there must be something about this piece that makes it "poem-like" in your mind. Poet Guy is curious about what that is.

And, by the way, if that is a meaningless question, then on what basis did you make this statement: "...I do think you and some others have a very narrow view of what constitutes poetry"? How would someone have a "narrow view of what constitutes poetry" if it is all entirely subjective? In that case, anyone's personal view would be correct and unassailable.
*taps fingers on top of desk*

ahem: as a poetry moderator here, i am well aware of the undercurrents that eddy and swirl. i receive pm's on a regular basis from all quarters. what makes you think i, as a mod, would be less aware than yourself - a newcomer to the forums - as to what goes on or not?

you do have a knack of insulting people; i can only hope it is accidental.

I'm surprised you took my comment as a personal insult. You've confirmed what I was saying, really, about the undercurrents, etc. I've already told you I find you admirable.
Poet Guy does not, in fact, see that his question "could apply to anything subjective." He is not asking you why Poet Guy should think your piece is a poem, he is asking why you think it is. Is it something about the concept/idea expressed? The form?

Surely you don't think everything you write is a poem, so there must be something about this piece that makes it "poem-like" in your mind. Poet Guy is curious about what that is.

And, by the way, if that is a meaningless question, then on what basis did you make this statement: "...I do think you and some others have a very narrow view of what constitutes poetry"? How would someone have a "narrow view of what constitutes poetry" if it is all entirely subjective? In that case, anyone's personal view would be correct and unassailable.

That is illogical.
That is illogical.
What is illogical? Perhaps Poet Guy misunderstood you. He thought you were saying that it was pointless to explain to him why you felt your piece was a poem because "eauty is in the eye of the beholder" or, he thought you meant, whether something was poetry or not was in the eye of the beholder, or completely subjective. If that is the case, how can you logically criticize anyone's opinion about a poem? Everyone would then have their own opinions that would not be subject to any criticism whatsoever, hence a statement like "you have a narrow view of what constitutes poetry" has no meaning.

Did Poet Guy misunderstand what you were saying?

BTW, he is sorry, but he must be gone for some time. While it might seem to theognis as though Poet Guy is attacking him, Poet Guy is merely trying to understand theognis's thought process. He hopes theognis does not find this irritating, as it is not intended to be. Poet Guy is merely curious.
What is illogical? Perhaps Poet Guy misunderstood you. He thought you were saying that it was pointless to explain to him why you felt your piece was a poem because "eauty is in the eye of the beholder" or, he thought you meant, whether something was poetry or not was in the eye of the beholder, or completely subjective. If that is the case, how can you logically criticize anyone's opinion about a poem? Everyone would then have their own opinions that would not be subject to any criticism whatsoever, hence a statement like "you have a narrow view of what constitutes poetry" has no meaning.

Did Poet Guy misunderstand what you were saying?

BTW, he is sorry, but he must be gone for some time. While it might seem to theognis as though Poet Guy is attacking him, Poet Guy is merely trying to understand theognis's thought process. He hopes theognis does not find this irritating, as it is not intended to be. Poet Guy is merely curious.

Yes, you misunderstood what I was saying. I've read hundreds of submissions here, and I have yet to find one that was not a poem.
Theognis, being a fan of the little of your poetry that you've posted -- I'd have to agree that your submission: "than, then, apples and oranges" wasn't worth submitting under New Poetry.

And as far as submissions I've read, there have been many I wouldn't consider poetry. Many were plain prose, many were just lacking essential elements that I consider necessary for poetry. I don't really consider lyrics to songs, lists, pictures, sayings, jokes -- poetry.
Chip and PoetGuy,

Things seem to have come to a standstill on the voting, so I might as well call it a day on that. Only three one-bombs. That's probably a good sample, I'd say.

Here's a comment addressed to a contest winning poetess here, undoubtedly from an unhappy loser ( I wonder who that could be?):

by Anonymous01/16/11

You have a supportive fan base, a bit like Sarah Palin and just as worthy. Sorry, you admit to not being a poet and you're right, you're not.


Yes, I know I'm not the only one who has had to deal with shit. It's just unfortunate that some people are really, really low, even when it comes to poetry.
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Theognis, being a fan of the little of your poetry that you've posted -- I'd have to agree that your submission: "than, then, apples and oranges" wasn't worth submitting under New Poetry.

And as far as submissions I've read, there have been many I wouldn't consider poetry. Many were plain prose, many were just lacking essential elements that I consider necessary for poetry. I don't really consider lyrics to songs, lists, pictures, sayings, jokes -- poetry.

Thanks for your comment. This was kind of an experiment, as I've said. Probably not the best idea I've had.
Sadly, this has gone on as long as I've been here - originally as Guilty
Pleasure in 2001.

Most of us can ignore the uni-bomber(s) and take comfort in the PFDF and our writing. It's so easy to destroy selfconfidence anonymously.

Theo, try to concentrate on writing your best, post in this thread in any number of threads designed just for that purpose. This way you avoid the hostility of one votes and nasty comments.
Sadly, this has gone on as long as I've been here - originally as Guilty
Pleasure in 2001.

Most of us can ignore the uni-bomber(s) and take comfort in the PFDF and our writing. It's so easy to destroy selfconfidence anonymously.

Theo, try to concentrate on writing your best, post in this thread in any number of threads designed just for that purpose. This way you avoid the hostility of one votes and nasty comments.

Thank you, Tristesse2. I'll consider it. Have a good day. :)
I think Theogis that the key to this place is that it's not a poetry site: it's Literotica. Most people here are not focused on poetry and of the few that are, even less are focused on trying to write good poetry (either erotic or not). And yes some people are low enough to one bomb poems because they're just malicious and like to stir people up. If you let it bother you--the one bombs or the snarky comments--you let them win. The only constructive thing you can do is keep writing and learn what you can. If you become a better poet as a result of the writing you do here, it doesn't matter what scores you got or who was nasty to you.

I didn't comment or vote on your poem today because I didn't feel I could say anything constructive about it. I've seen stuff from you that I think is a lot better, so I've no doubt you'll soon write something that works better than today's experiment.

I think you are getting good advice in this thread although some people will get short-tempered, but that's life: poets are human, too. :D Just let it go and work on your writing. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you say or how you say it and some will be less than nice about it and some will try to fuck with you by giving you low scores. All that matters is how you feel about what you are writing.

I'm not saying this in an aggressive manner, and I mention that before I begin, but if you hadn't done your 'name and shame post' in the first place you and your poetry wouldn't have been brought glaringly into the limelight, nor do I even now understand why you vote watch. I did make a comment on your latest but its wasn't nasty you must admit, only a complete puzzlement as to why you called it a poem at all. Apart from anything else it had no originality (having been around since I was at school!) which is always something to be aimed for.
I'm still not convinced this isn't one big wind up ...... I apologise if it isn't
It used to be that poems were never voted on. Poems were lucky to get 1 or 2 votes, let alone the attention of 1-bombers.
It used to be that poems were never voted on. Poems were lucky to get 1 or 2 votes, let alone the attention of 1-bombers.

mwahahaha ... "you don't know how good you've got it...."


and who stretched the ruddy page???
ah, that's better :)

page-stretching gets on me noives, all that scrolling and mousing ... can't be doin' with it.
I think Theogis that the key to this place is that it's not a poetry site: it's Literotica. Most people here are not focused on poetry and of the few that are, even less are focused on trying to write good poetry (either erotic or not). And yes some people are low enough to one bomb poems because they're just malicious and like to stir people up. If you let it bother you--the one bombs or the snarky comments--you let them win. The only constructive thing you can do is keep writing and learn what you can. If you become a better poet as a result of the writing you do here, it doesn't matter what scores you got or who was nasty to you.

I didn't comment or vote on your poem today because I didn't feel I could say anything constructive about it. I've seen stuff from you that I think is a lot better, so I've no doubt you'll soon write something that works better than today's experiment.

I think you are getting good advice in this thread although some people will get short-tempered, but that's life: poets are human, too. :D Just let it go and work on your writing. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you say or how you say it and some will be less than nice about it and some will try to fuck with you by giving you low scores. All that matters is how you feel about what you are writing.


Thank you, Angeline.

By the way, I think mnemonic poems have value, although usually the value is limited, for the most part, to the degree of their usefulness. They are not designed to be great art.

You can look at Literotica and find thousands of examples of people confusing 'it's' and 'its' or 'then' and 'than.' In discussing that fact with friends I decided to write a couple of little poems to perhaps get people to think a little more about the words they write.

You're a gem. A flower to you. :)
I'm not saying this in an aggressive manner, and I mention that before I begin, but if you hadn't done your 'name and shame post' in the first place you and your poetry wouldn't have been brought glaringly into the limelight, nor do I even now understand why you vote watch. I did make a comment on your latest but its wasn't nasty you must admit, only a complete puzzlement as to why you called it a poem at all. Apart from anything else it had no originality (having been around since I was at school!) which is always something to be aimed for.
I'm still not convinced this isn't one big wind up ...... I apologise if it isn't

I don't know why anybody would allow voting and then not check the results. I've decided it's a distraction, for me, so for my poems, it's in the past.
I don't know why anybody would allow voting and then not check the results. I've decided it's a distraction, for me, so for my poems, it's in the past.

To tell you the truth it's because I've never thought of turning it off! It's just fallen into the same category as allowing comments ...... nice to receive (mostly!) but I very rarely check the votes. Until PoetGuy started this challenge it was getting so that most people very rarely voted and commented every day, If you had arrived a month earlier you most likely wouldnt have had half as many votes/comments