"On the Job" Story Event 2024

"I like librarians"

Is a line in a story I wrote about work, but not for this, it's the geek one. It doesn't take place entirely in the workplace, so wouldn't count.

Meanwhile, I am too nervous to submit my one for this!
Hello HeyAll, I submitted a story five days ago Fetish category, it is just a nonsense written but even though 90% of the story is on the job place, one scene happens in the bedroom of an employe. Home. Maybe this is grounds for exclusion? If it is so drastic, I can shorten or cut the scene at home. (Don't mind a similar post in another Forum, I just got the wrong page but Lobster corrected me. )
Hello HeyAll, I submitted a story five days ago Fetish category, it is just a nonsense written but even though 90% of the story is on the job place, one scene happens in the bedroom of an employe. Home. Maybe this is grounds for exclusion? If it is so drastic, I can shorten or cut the scene at home. (Don't mind a similar post in another Forum, I just got the wrong page but Lobster corrected me. )


- The ENTIRE story must happen at a place of employment
Hello HeyAll, I submitted a story five days ago Fetish category, it is just a nonsense written but even though 90% of the story is on the job place, one scene happens in the bedroom of an employe. Home. Maybe this is grounds for exclusion? If it is so drastic, I can shorten or cut the scene at home. (Don't mind a similar post in another Forum, I just got the wrong page but Lobster corrected me. )
These writing challenges are for fun and enjoyment. There's no prize. You don't seriously think someone's out there policing paragraphs? Don't be daft, just submit the story. You'll be fine.
These writing challenges are for fun and enjoyment. There's no prize. You don't seriously think someone's out there policing paragraphs? Don't be daft, just submit the story. You'll be fine.
Yeah, but that's the challenge of the challenge. Here's where the writer shines. I had a great introductory scene for The Assistant Librarian, but it all took place in a pub and not the library. I settled that by having the assistant librarian tell the story to her co-workers on a break.
Hello HeyAll, I submitted a story five days ago Fetish category, it is just a nonsense written but even though 90% of the story is on the job place, one scene happens in the bedroom of an employe. Home. Maybe this is grounds for exclusion? If it is so drastic, I can shorten or cut the scene at home. (Don't mind a similar post in another Forum, I just got the wrong page but Lobster corrected me.
Duleigh beat me to it - but simply flashback or have the character tell of the encounter. "I wish I were back in your bed, rather than returning here to work. Last night was so wonderful, the way you..."

Or, you shift the location to the plush office of the chief executive, or to the dingy office of the maintenance/boiler operator, or to the janitor's closet, or the rooftop. If an entire night must pass with the characters together, then have them locked in the building - unable to leave for fear of being seen by the building guards, or perhaps unable to reach their cars because of the watchful attack dogs.

- The ENTIRE story must happen at a place of employment

I stretched that particular rule. I've written about an office/factory setting, and office people do in fact go out for lunch as part of their business day. The meat of the story happens on company property, so I'm going to leave the short "off campus" restaurant scene just where it is, for the realism.

Story's been finished for a couple of months and I was waiting for the "official" date to upload. However, since the advice here is to tag it for this event in the upload comments and Laurel will queue it up for release then, may as well get 'er done.
Yeah, but that's the challenge of the challenge. Here's where the writer shines. I had a great introductory scene for The Assistant Librarian, but it all took place in a pub and not the library. I settled that by having the assistant librarian tell the story to her co-workers on a break.
See, even you "twist" your own rules. My point is, no-one ever has been knocked back for some minor infringement in any of these things. People are far too literal (ironically).
Yeah, but that's the challenge of the challenge. Here's where the writer shines. I had a great introductory scene for The Assistant Librarian, but it all took place in a pub and not the library. I settled that by having the assistant librarian tell the story to her co-workers on a break.
Agreed, being able to adapt, and be quick on the creative feet to be able to mold a story into a specific 'box' isn't something I normally suggest, I stick with write whatever you want, but for a challenge like this, is it part of the game.
Yeah, but that's the challenge of the challenge. Here's where the writer shines. I had a great introductory scene for The Assistant Librarian, but it all took place in a pub and not the library. I settled that by having the assistant librarian tell the story to her co-workers on a break.
I find sticking to the rules to be a fun challenge. My story for this challenge happens on a farm, but there's a scene in a creek's swimming hole on the property...I fretted, and then included a sentence about how the farm owners fish the creek, and use it for water porting. A little artless, but it was coming up with something...
My story, "A Maiden Song" has been submitted. During the Viking Age, a poor farmer's son fears he will lose the woman he wishes to marry, to another man. He sets off on a quest of love, and travels to the King's fortress, seeking a Maiden-Song - a love poem with words so powerful it can enchant a woman.

Within her chambers, a skaldic poet must use unusual means to draw the magical words for the poem from him. And naturally, with a poet involved, there is plenty of clever word play.
I find sticking to the rules to be a fun challenge. My story for this challenge happens on a farm, but there's a scene in a creek's swimming hole on the property...I fretted, and then included a sentence about how the farm owners fish the creek, and use it for water porting. A little artless, but it was coming up with something...
Out west a creek through a farm would be valuable indeed! In fact there would be water commissions that would tell you how much water you can take from the creek for irrigation. They would tell you when you could start and when you had to stop. Some places seem like Arakis with their water issues.
Ohgawd. I thought my story was done, but I did a re-read and found two typos, and punctuation out of order. Time to get out the fine-toothed comb.

OK, I have finished and polished my entry and have just read the rules again! I am worried... "The ENTIRE story must happen at a place of employment".
In my story they are the flight and cabin crew of a plane and are in a foriegn hotel on standby, so are effectively working in the place of employment, i.e. where there employer has placed them. Also the Captain wants a fashion show of the new Stewardesses' uniforms.
I hope that passes muster. If not, it's too late to fix that now.
Just submitted "Extra Credit." Mature, female professor in the role reversal of offering an A for a lay, a trope most often done in the male teacher female student angle.
"OnTheJob" or OnTheJob?

Do I use the quotes or not? Sorry if it's a silly question. First one, and I assume it's a bot that sorts it.