"On the Job" Story Event 2024

Mature does fairly well, but you can always DM Laurel or, time not being a crunch in this case, resubmit it with a note to the administrator. Good luck.

So I actually debated whether EC or mature (there is a final scene with a pair that are not a huge age difference though the main theme is older man and younger woman). So since Laurel made the decision for me I’m debating just seeing hownit plays out. Not sure how resilient Mature audience is with curveballs.
So I actually debated whether EC or mature (there is a final scene with a pair that are not a huge age difference though the main theme is older man and younger woman). So since Laurel made the decision for me I’m debating just seeing hownit plays out. Not sure how resilient Mature audience is with curveballs.
We're pretty resilient...

If Laurel moved it, it's a fair bet she has read it and thought it would do better in mature.
Mine had the proper tags/notes and still isn't up, but then again I thought the start date was 4/25

Sent laurel a PM last night saying there was some confusion here, but no response.

Is what it is.
This isn't a regular site contest. It's a user-generated exercise. No separate listing until the end.

I submitted one yesterday, but it's not published yet.
Feels about an order of magnitude off. 288 views. 😅 They seem to be kind there, though. And the list on the 25th, I'd assume, will help.
Mine now has 787 views (7 hrs so about 111 per hour), but as that was an hour ago you might have got the same. So far three votes and I can tell they were a 5 😁a 4 🙂and now a 3 😑.

Just waiting for the 2 😢and the 1 😭to complete the set. :rolleyes:

Possibly E/V was the wrong classification. Who knows, just wish there were comments so I would know how to improve.
Possibly when the USA clocks off traffic and votes will pick up?
The Assistant Librarian is live! It Is ALIVE! It's quick (8k words) and silly (Sir Terry smiled down on me) and is in the Humor & Satire category so it will probably die alone and forgotten.
Actually, I must check in on it, though to me 8k words isn't quick for me as that is a typical lenght (3 pages), oddly this one is a bit longer, 12k 4 pages including the packaging, so about 10k net
So, this is pretty interesting. My submission is the first foray I've made outside of I/T so it's quite curious to me to see the difference in reception in EC.

After ~8 hours, it's at 1.6k views and 34 votes (with an H, yay!), but only one single solitary favorite. Definitely a slower pace, but then again, North America hasn't really woken up yet.