Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

unapologetic said:
I'll take Thursdays if no one else wants them.
Thank you. :) I emailed someone this morning about doing reviews. Haven't heard anything yet. But who says we can't have 2 reviewers? I'm sure you'll do a much better job of reviewing and offering a good critique. Like I said, it's just not my forte. I'm too silly and wicked. :D

WickedEve said:
Thursday is my club day. We crochet dildo cozies. So, Thursday poetry reviews are available. Reviews are obviously not my forte, darling. I'm not informative. I'm just obnoxious and occasionally humorous. ;)

had a blast these past two weeks,
wicked eve

Dildo cozies? Could you send me one? It's still very cold here and eagleyez is shivering.
Angeline said:
Dildo cozies? Could you send me one? It's still very cold here and eagleyez is shivering.
Either you think my dildos are extremely large or ee is extremely small... oh... not a cozy for his whole body! ha ha... now I get it. :D I'm not saying anything else.
WickedEve said:
Either you think my dildos are extremely large or ee is extremely small... oh... not a cozy for his whole body! ha ha... now I get it. :D I'm not saying anything else.

Right. You understand now. :D
WickedEve said:
Thank you. :) I emailed someone this morning about doing reviews. Haven't heard anything yet. But who says we can't have 2 reviewers? I'm sure you'll do a much better job of reviewing and offering a good critique. Like I said, it's just not my forte. I'm too silly and wicked. :D


Silly and wicked is better than stressed and anal retentive.

If the other person wants to do it, then I'll let them. My life is busy (working on my second master's, full-time job, part-time job, getting ready to apply to PhD programs, plus occasionally sleeping), but I'll make time for this if necessary.

Let me know?

New line up

Here it is:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

I hope it's okay to do them at the end of the day. I'll be starting a new job at the beginning of May and I won't have Thursday mornings off anymore.
I'm sorry

but I won't be able to carry on doing Tuesday's review, effective immediatlely.
Can somebody please pick up my slot. I appreciate it.

TT2u :heart:
Anyone heard from duckiesmut lately?

No one did the Friday reviews yet. When we last left it, the review line-up was:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ vampiredust
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Anyone know her better? I hate to jump to conclusions, but I'm freaked out considering recent events and the fact that she has her location listed as Southern US.
unapologetic said:
No one did the Friday reviews yet. When we last left it, the review line-up was:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ vampiredust
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Anyone know her better? I hate to jump to conclusions, but I'm freaked out considering recent events and the fact that she has her location listed as Southern US.
I'm going to PM her.
i'd be grateful if someone could do today's review?

my pc crashed and i've lost all my files. will take a while to restore. i'll be back up and running next week.


vampiredust said:
i'd be grateful if someone could do today's review?

my pc crashed and i've lost all my files. will take a while to restore. i'll be back up and running next week.



No new poems today Chris, so you're all set. Sorry to hear about your pc crashing.

Thanks, Ang

And I would be grateful if someone could handle the Tuesday reviews on a semi permanent basis

I have started the next semester of university and need to concentrate on that for a few weeks


Chris xoxo
vampiredust said:
Thanks, Ang

And I would be grateful if someone could handle the Tuesday reviews on a semi permanent basis

I have started the next semester of university and need to concentrate on that for a few weeks


Chris xoxo

I'll pick them up for you.
Just so we're all on the same page, here's the new line-up:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail
unapologetic said:
Just so we're all on the same page, here's the new line-up:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

i have a slightly messy time ahead of me and would like someone/everyone to step in for me for next Monday's review. i will be away for that week. i will be able to do the following Monday's review but would like someone/everyone to step in again the following week as i will be out showing some friends around NZ.

so dates for help please:

Monday 7th May, and
Monday 21st May

it might be an idea for a couple of Open Review Days where everyone can put in their 2cents words - if there are no takers for these normally hefty submission days.

thank you in advance.

wildsweetone said:
bumping before i go, just as a reminder...

Don't worry. There will be plenty of people to cover that day. Okay, maybe one. lol
I hope messy means busy and not bad.
I can do this Monday, May 7th....let's see if I remember how!

wildsweetone said:
i have a slightly messy time ahead of me and would like someone/everyone to step in for me for next Monday's review. i will be away for that week. i will be able to do the following Monday's review but would like someone/everyone to step in again the following week as i will be out showing some friends around NZ.

so dates for help please:

Monday 7th May, and
Monday 21st May

it might be an idea for a couple of Open Review Days where everyone can put in their 2cents words - if there are no takers for these normally hefty submission days.

thank you in advance.

I will do the 21st. Just please remind me before then! ;)

Have a great trip and write what you see and feel. :rose:

thank you Jenn and Rybka. your help is much appreciated, and yes i will be seeing, feeling and writing a lot. :rose: :rose:

WE, messy-yuck was the whole of last week. messy-busy is the upcoming rest of May. i survived the last week, i can survive anything.

I'm going to be away between the 8th and 20th of June

I'm visiting the States and won't be able to do my reviews

I'd be grateful if someone could cover me
I won't be able to do Fridays anymore, and I apologize for the backward notice.

Work is back with a vengeance, and is demanding my attention.

(Thank you, Tzara, for the two weeks while I was out of town.)

The line-up is as follows, with the new gap noted:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Rybka is covering for ws1 on May 21, and I'll cover for vd while he's on the opposite side of the Atlantic (on the 10th & 17th of June).
unapologetic said:
The line-up is as follows, with the new gap noted:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Rybka is covering for ws1 on May 21, and I'll cover for vd while he's on the opposite side of the Atlantic (on the 10th & 17th of June).
I think I'll be able to cover Fridays for a little while. I haven't anything so pressing on my calendar that I can't take an hour and do a review. So, if there are no others? Here I am.