Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Full Roster

The full roster:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail
I think I'm beginning to see why Fridays are a little less popular with the reviewing crowd.

I do most of my poetry surfing and vBboard posting in the morning: sometimes the new poems for this day aren't up until later on. It makes me crazy to have to keep checking for the lists when I have time, only to discover that 30 poems may appear when I don't have enough minutes to spare for a detailed review.

It's not that I don't want to review, don't think I'm saying that, please, it's just that I'd really like to write one on my terms and my timetable, not the vagaries of server uploads and Friday office work. Thanks for allowing me my rantish moment.
champagne1982 said:
I think I'm beginning to see why Fridays are a little less popular with the reviewing crowd.

I do most of my poetry surfing and vBboard posting in the morning: sometimes the new poems for this day aren't up until later on. It makes me crazy to have to keep checking for the lists when I have time, only to discover that 30 poems may appear when I don't have enough minutes to spare for a detailed review.

It's not that I don't want to review, don't think I'm saying that, please, it's just that I'd really like to write one on my terms and my timetable, not the vagaries of server uploads and Friday office work. Thanks for allowing me my rantish moment.

Pobre Carrie! I just dropped in to commiserate. I did Fridays for about two years, remember? Nothing ever seemed to be posted until later in the day, and I remember one memorable Friday when there were 90-something poems posted. Yes. Eeek! Someone helped me--Eve? Rybka? I can't remember, but Fridays are not like Tuesdays, which I prefer cause now I'm um a reviewer emeritus. :p

Angeline said:
Pobre Carrie! I just dropped in to commiserate. I did Fridays for about two years, remember? Nothing ever seemed to be posted until later in the day, and I remember one memorable Friday when there were 90-something poems posted. Yes. Eeek! Someone helped me--Eve? Rybka? I can't remember, but Fridays are not like Tuesdays, which I prefer cause now I'm um a reviewer emeritus. :p

's 'coz you've got y'sef some mighty fine tenure there, missus ...

It's awful... almost 6 pm and nuttin'. I may hep MET t'marra.

Doan min' me. I get dialectic tawkin' when Ah'm bored.
champagne1982 said:
's 'coz you've got y'sef some mighty fine tenure there, missus ...

It's awful... almost 6 pm and nuttin'. I may hep MET t'marra.

Doan min' me. I get dialectic tawkin' when Ah'm bored.

Well I'd help out anytime in a pinch if I could, but I figure I put my time in, and also it's good to get new voices doing the reviews, new perspectives.

You sound like a cowgirl. Not me, I'm a Yankee Maine-ah now. Yesshirr, deah.

I asked ee if he thought we'd start talking like southerners after we move to the mountains of North Carolina (hopefully before the snow flies here again). He just looked at me like I was nuts. lol.
Angeline said:
Well I'd help out anytime in a pinch if I could, but I figure I put my time in, and also it's good to get new voices doing the reviews, new perspectives.

You sound like a cowgirl. Not me, I'm a Yankee Maine-ah now. Yesshirr, deah.

I asked ee if he thought we'd start talking like southerners after we move to the mountains of North Carolina (hopefully before the snow flies here again). He just looked at me like I was nuts. lol.
I grew up in MA, then did my undergrad in MD. By the time the end of my freshman year rolled around, I was saying "y'all", "plucked my last nerve", and other southern-ish/mid atlantic-ish things, and my friends made fun of me.

So, if you're like me, you'll probably talk like Southerners with Maine accents. :D

And, just so the thread isn't completely hijacked:

The full roster:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ champagne1982 (under protest ;) )
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail
Don't worry, ladies! Since I have volunteered to fill in for WSO on Monday, there probably won't be any poems posted today or over the weekend! :rolleyes:
Rybka said:
Don't worry, ladies! Since I have volunteered to fill in for WSO on Monday, there probably won't be any poems posted today or over the weekend! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the clarification, Fishy. I'm submitting a poem I'm working on for the day you're reviewing. I want a Rybka review; they're rare these days. ;)

Rybka said:
Don't worry, ladies! Since I have volunteered to fill in for WSO on Monday, there probably won't be any poems posted today or over the weekend! :rolleyes:
Well, now-a-days I usually only review/edit on our girlfriend's Habit forum, but all you have to do is ask! :rolleyes:

I assume everything East of me has greened up? :)

All the Best, Rybka
I'd be grateful if someone could do today's review. I'm bogged down with uni coursework and can't make it. Normally service will resume next Sunday.

thanks everyone
vampiredust said:
I'd be grateful if someone could do today's review. I'm bogged down with uni coursework and can't make it. Normally service will resume next Sunday.

thanks everyone

I have a blissfully quiet day ahead of me. I'll pick up the reviews.


There's a bit of a problem with Thursday reviews it seems, since unapologetic is unable to do Thursdays {at least for a couple months}.

Any volunteers?

Current rotation:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Open — any volunteers?
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

neonurotic said:
I can do it, however, not on a weekly thing. If someone would share with me and go halfsies for the month that would be nice.

I'll do it today.

Yeah, I'll go halfsies with you. If it's ok for a comparative newbie to volunteer himself!
neonurotic said:
Deal. I did this past Thursday and you can this coming one and we'll trade off until unapologetic returns.
Hi there everyone. This week is a little crazy - I'm moving this coming weekend - but I'll be able to re-assume the reins next Thursday (7/5). My life is still in an uproar, but I got over a major hurdle, so I'll have a bit of time again.

Thanks to everyone to filling in while my life went haywire. I really do appreciate it.

:kiss: :rose:
I'll be out of town July 23rd through July 31st. Will someone(s) pick up the reviews for me those two Tuesdays? Thank you, whoever you are. :)

Welcome back unapologetic from that little interruption called life. Now that normalcy (?) has been restored to Litland, here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

If no one else is daring enough to step up to the plate, I'll cover for Angeline on her two Tuesdays, 24 & 31 July. Any volunteers?

LeBroz said:

Welcome back unapologetic from that little interruption called life. Now that normalcy (?) has been restored to Litland, here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

If no one else is daring enough to step up to the plate, I'll cover for Angeline on her two Tuesdays, 24 & 31 July. Any volunteers?

I have noticed MET has been absent (of a sort) on his Saturdays. Does anyone know if he'd still like to continue with the reviews?

Also, I'm unavailable for my review Friday on the 27th of July.
LeBroz said:
back unapologetic from that little interruption called life.
Thanks, Leon.

My favorite twist on that old saying (not original to me) is: "Life's a bitch, but so am I." It's appropriate in my life, but having the small safe harbor of the regular poets around here helps.
LeBroz said:

Welcome back unapologetic from that little interruption called life. Now that normalcy (?) has been restored to Litland, here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ unapologetic
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

If no one else is daring enough to step up to the plate, I'll cover for Angeline on her two Tuesdays, 24 & 31 July. Any volunteers?


Many thanks LeBroz. I'll think of you fondly when I am in the wilds of New Joisey. :)
I know this is late in the day but I'm having computer problems at the mo and would be really grateful if someone could handle the new poem reviews just for today.

Things will be back to normal next week


A little Goes a Long Way!

vampiredust said:
I know this is late in the day but I'm having computer problems at the mo and would be really grateful if someone could handle the new poem reviews just for today.

Things will be back to normal next week


You mean "emaalr Day"?

Why won't people learn that 'a little' is usually better than 'a lot'! Too many poems by the same author at the same time ruins the effect of the poet's voice. ~ Maple syrup on pancakes is great for breakfast, but I don't want it in my mug at coffee break, nor at lunch on my corned beef sandwich, nor in my cup at tea-time (actually, that might not be so bad, if it is the real good stuff from New Hampshire and not the Varmint crap), nor on my fish and chips at dinner. And I don't want it as a nightcap either. ~ Same for poetry. I don't read "The Collected Works" of Frost, Cummings, or MacLeish all in one sitting, and I am not about to do it for an unproven Lit. contributor. ~ Too much is just too much!
Anyone wanna switch days?

My art class started this week, and I'm lucky it was a light load today. I don't want to stop reviewing, but I can't do Thursdays anymore. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

If you can, please send me a pm telling me so? Thanks.
Excuse me?

ghost_girl said:
Once again, a gem was left out of the Thursday reviews. I cannot help but wonder if he/she even reads ALL the poems.

anyway, you guys really should check out this one by Bogus Brig

From the Men's Room

This is a narrative poem, filled with descriptions that just make you feel as if the author is speaking to you.

a really good piece of work, well worth the time it takes to read, vote, comment.

Those of us who do the reviews mention the ones that WE THINK are good. That's what I do, and what I've been doing the entire time I've been writing these reviews. Please feel free to add your recommendations if you think I've missed something, that happens. But refrain from personally attacking me, okay?