Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Well folks, considering the fact that my reviews are now getting bad reviews:
twelveoone said:
Might I ask when you do the reviews, give us a FEW GOOD reasons why you think something is good, so we have something of a basis as to what you are judging them by.

Elst it gives the appearence of it just being a dumbass buddy-fuck circle.

... and the fact that it was getting to be a pain in my dumbass anyway,
unapologetic said:
My art class started this week.
I'm going to give up Thursdays effective immediately.

And, yes, I'll admit that there is a bit of "Screw you guys, I'm going home," in this. There is also the fact that this is no longer that high on my priority list and the comments (typified by the above) are kind of the last straw for me.

Good luck to all of you, and keep working on your craft folks.
neonurotic said:
So...what are the rules for doing a New Poems Review so that we all can be on the same page?
None but there are requests, like "why did you recommend this poem?"
neonurotic said:
So...what are the rules for doing a New Poems Review so that we all can be on the same page?
you can try two
a certain amount of knowledge
couple it with a certain amount of objectivity

you do both you become a great reviewer like jthserra, Angeline, WSO, etc.,etc.,etc.,

you do either you're OK. I could name a few in both categories. But that is something a normal person should be able to live with.

you do neither, as a few have done, and I'm not talking about Un_ here.
you suck, it becomes a blatant example of politics over poetics, a serious evasion of responsibilities to the readers, writers and to yourself.

everyone makes mistakes, but a very quick and easy test is if a divergent group of writers comment on something with favour, that you have ignored, you are either too dumb or too narrow (or worse) to do the job.

a hideous example from a few years back springs to mind, where a certain regular reviewer recommended pieces of crap, ignoring a well written piece by a new writer that Lauren H., P. Carrington, and myself (and a few others) had commented on with favour. Quite a divergent group, wouldn't you think? So it wasn't just a question of Style.

And that asshole wouldn't admit to the possibility he made a mistake. A normal person shouldn't put up with that crap.

Gresham's law - repeal it.
TheRainMan said:
i'd better be good. i'm afraid you'll turn me into a frog.

make that a horny toad.
I thought that was a given. :rose:

Ask for something harder, like becoming a form fucker.
1201, I'd gladly give you Thursday if you want it, or just jump in whenever you want. I've always loved your reviews.
I only cover days until a regular reviewer steps up and takes over, so the offer for thursday is for anyone who wants it.
twelveoone said:
you can try two
a certain amount of knowledge
couple it with a certain amount of objectivity

you do both you become a great reviewer like jthserra, Angeline, WSO, etc.,etc.,etc.,

you do either you're OK. I could name a few in both categories. But that is something a normal person should be able to live with.

you do neither, as a few have done, and I'm not talking about Un_ here.
you suck, it becomes a blatant example of politics over poetics, a serious evasion of responsibilities to the readers, writers and to yourself.

everyone makes mistakes, but a very quick and easy test is if a divergent group of writers comment on something with favour, that you have ignored, you are either too dumb or too narrow (or worse) to do the job.

a hideous example from a few years back springs to mind, where a certain regular reviewer recommended pieces of crap, ignoring a well written piece by a new writer that Lauren H., P. Carrington, and myself (and a few others) had commented on with favour. Quite a divergent group, wouldn't you think? So it wasn't just a question of Style.

And that asshole wouldn't admit to the possibility he made a mistake. A normal person shouldn't put up with that crap.

Gresham's law - repeal it.

Thanks for the good word 1201. I agree with you that there's no point recommending a poem if you can't give at least one reason why you do. The reviewer needs to make clear that there's actually a reason why someone would want to read the poem. Seems like a simple thing to me, but some people don't get it, I suppose. And the funny (ironic funny) thing is that reviewing that seeks to identify the strengths (and weaknesses, where applicable) is doing as much for him or herself as the poet or the readers. Analysis helps one better understand one's own writing. That's the main reason I review.

Also, a good reviewer has to be strong enough to not recommend a poem simply because the poet is a friend of the reviewer. That's pandering to everything that's wrong with this forum, imo.
neonurotic said:
Thank you for the rules/requests on recommending poetry. I think if they're written, giving notice to what is expected or desired, reviewers have a better understanding of what fellow poets desire for the voluntary service and then the guidance to follow through in their New Poem reviews.

Also, I normally keep quiet in the PF & D goings on, but I believe unapologetic wasn't treated very kindly as a poet should be while voluntarily supporting the community. For that, I'm sorry to see that unapologetic has stepped down from Thursday's reviews for reasons other then being too busy with life.
"Every time you read a poem, you crack the poet's lobster skull open and dip his thoughts in butter." - WickedEve
LOL I forgot all about that line.

Well, like I said earlier, I saw it coming. I would have probably done the same thing. I get upset easily and react while I'm still upset. I'll have to reread what all was said, but I didn't think it was anything that bad. Maybe once she feels better, she'll return.
neonurotic said:
Thank you for the rules/requests on recommending poetry. I think if they're written, giving notice to what is expected or desired, reviewers have a better understanding of what fellow poets desire for the voluntary service and then the guidance to follow through in their New Poem reviews.

Also, I normally keep quiet in the PF & D goings on, but I believe unapologetic wasn't treated very kindly as a poet should be while voluntarily supporting the community. For that, I'm sorry to see that unapologetic has stepped down from Thursday's reviews for reasons other then being too busy with life.

Was there a controversy? I must have missed out on it. Now I feel bad about what I said in my earlier post. Unapologetic, let me be apologetic. None of my comments were directed toward you; they are just my opinion. I've never had a problem with your reviews. And I know 1201 doesn't always put on velvet gloves before offering his opinion, but that's really all it is: his opinion. I'd like to assume the main reason you're stepping down is because of your schedule getting busier.

Does anyone think I'm reviewing for my dumb-ass self and fuck buddies? If you do, let me go on record as not giving a rat's ass. Anyway, my fuck buddy adores me whether I love his poems or not, so no worries on that count.

Anyone who doesn't do reviews needs to know that it's a thankless job. Some poets here will thank the reviewer for mentioning their poem, but that's about it. We certainly don't get a check or the official Literotica dildo for doing them. We mostly get bubkes and, sometimes, grief from people who disagree with us. So it ain't exactly a walk in the park.

To the best of my knowledge there are NO RULES that say one has to review a certain way. And I've been here a very long time. There are only 3 or 4 people on the forum who've been coming here longer than me. I personally think that it's helpful to say why you think a poem is (or isn't) working because, as I said in my earlier post, it helps me understand poetry better than to just give my visceral reaction and not explore it. And anyone can review poems, not necessarily just the person who is "assigned" a given day. The only reason we ever even started a daily review is to draw attention to the new poems, to ensure that at least one person is reading them and sharing what they like with others. That doesn't preclude anyone else from offering recommendations.

I may do my review tomorrow in limericks or haiku or some silly creative way just to prove the point.

And finally let me put my vote strongly on the side of being nice. Nice is good.
WickedEve said:
I'm not even sure how to reply to that...


I swear when I wrote that line, I thought to myself that if Eve responds to me at all about this, it'll be about the dildo.

(My subconscious must have driven me to say it just for you!)
Angeline said:
We certainly don't get ... the official Literotica dildo for doing them.

And whatever would I do with it if we did get one?

Hush — that's a rhetorical question.

LeBroz said:
And whatever would I do with it if we did get one?

Hush — that's a rhetorical question.


I'm rarely at a loss for words, but sometimes "no comment" really is the way to go. ;)

blah, blah, blah... about the dildo... blah, blah.
WickedEve said:

blah, blah, blah... about the dildo... blah, blah.

Like the grown-ups in the Charlie Brown specials on tv huh? Except for that word. lol.

Wah wah. Wah wah wah dildo. Wah wah. :D
unapologetic said:
Those of us who do the reviews mention the ones that WE THINK are good. That's what I do, and what I've been doing the entire time I've been writing these reviews. Please feel free to add your recommendations if you think I've missed something, that happens. But refrain from personally attacking me, okay?

I don't need your permission to add anything, dear, and I wouldn't waste my time attacking someone whose opinion I value as little as I do yours.

let me add though- I am bewildered that you consider that an attack. Unless you were just looking for someone to blame for your leaving. You wanna blame, me, feel free, but I read back several pages of posts and see where you have been whining about your life and art classes, et al. You're leaving for the reason you said earlier, I believe you, so quit trolling for sympathy votes as you won't get one from me.

also, you do not need to spout rules at me like you are some 5th grade hall monitor who caught me without a pass, makes you seem sort o f ...childish.
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Angeline said:
And I know 1201 doesn't always put on velvet gloves before offering his opinion,
yes he does, his mama makes him put on his velvet gloves, red at that.
Angeline said:
Does anyone think I'm reviewing for my dumb-ass self and fuck buddies?
although he probably thinks you don't read that well
you can try two
a certain amount of knowledge
couple it with a certain amount of objectivity

you do both you become a great reviewer like jthserra, Angeline, WSO, etc.,etc.,etc.,

Angeline said:
Anyone who doesn't do reviews needs to know that it's a thankless job.
but probably one of the cool benefits is that the newbies suck up to you, in the hopes that they get reviewed, how much higher are the scores, the readership for the so-called nice prince and princesses, as opposed to those that don't review

Angeline said:
To the best of my knowledge there are NO RULES that say one has to review a certain way. And I've been here a very long time. There are only 3 or 4 people on the forum who've been coming here longer than me. I personally think that it's helpful to say why you think a poem is (or isn't) working because, as I said in my earlier post, it helps me understand poetry better than to just give my visceral reaction and not explore it. And anyone can review poems, not necessarily just the person who is "assigned" a given day. The only reason we ever even started a daily review is to draw attention to the new poems, to ensure that at least one person is reading them and sharing what they like with others. That doesn't preclude anyone else from offering recommendations.

I may do my review tomorrow in limericks or haiku or some silly creative way just to prove the point.

And finally let me put my vote strongly on the side of being nice. Nice is good.

I think read again what I said. There have been reviewers that aren't necessarily nice, but their consistency and their knowledge gave them a defensible posiition. And since you've been here so long, you know damn well what I am refering to.
jthserra not nice? Hell he's the most sensible person here.

And nice is not nice to good writers that are ignored for the sake of bad writers that are pushed.

Greshams law- repeal it.
Angeline said:
Thanks for the good word 1201. I agree with you that there's no point recommending a poem if you can't give at least one reason why you do. The reviewer needs to make clear that there's actually a reason why someone would want to read the poem. Seems like a simple thing to me, but some people don't get it, I suppose. And the funny (ironic funny) thing is that reviewing that seeks to identify the strengths (and weaknesses, where applicable) is doing as much for him or herself as the poet or the readers. Analysis helps one better understand one's own writing. That's the main reason I review.

Also, a good reviewer has to be strong enough to not recommend a poem simply because the poet is a friend of the reviewer. That's pandering to everything that's wrong with this forum, imo.
Whoops, 1201 doesn't read to well either. Sorry. :rose:

Eve, as to me doing reviews, I do not have regular time slot, and worse than that under the circumstances I would not be able to maintain a sense of objectivity with a certain set.

Angeline said:
Analysis helps one better understand one's own writing.
God I love you.
Angeline said:
Analysis helps one better understand one's own writing.
I seem to remember someone else making that pitch.
Angeline said:
Analysis helps one better understand one's own writing.
Rule of three, Ange; particularly if done on a different style than your own.