Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

I can pinch hit...

I can pinch hit on Thursdays &/or Saturdays with warning. I didn't want to commit to Mondays, though, because my Monday mornings are a bit chaotic.

That now sets the line up at:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ vampiredust
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ Angeline
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Do we have any more volunteers?

I'm able to take a day during the week if needed, for at least a couple of months.
VD, if you don't mind, I'd like to take on Tuesdays.
I need a spark to get my creative motor turning over...

LeBroz said:

That now sets the line up at:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ vampiredust
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ Angeline
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Do we have any more volunteers?


The latest line up, assuming vampiredust has no problems with tt2u's volunteering to do Tuesday:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ Angeline
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

And duckiesmut's standing in the wings, available for weekday duty.

That's a great response so far; do we have any more volunteers?

LeBroz said:

The latest line up, assuming vampiredust has no problems with tt2u's volunteering to do Tuesday:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ Angeline
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

And duckiesmut's standing in the wings, available for weekday duty.

That's a great response so far; do we have any more volunteers?


It's been over 24 hours and not having heard anything to the contrary, it sounds like we've got us a good line-up set for the week.


Just when it looked like things were settled, comes news of Ange's return from the hospital. So now we need Friday covered. I've asked duckiesmut if she'd step in and fill this void. So, assuming she accepts, the picture now looks like this:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Everyone's responded well so far and I'm sure those poets that get a mention appreciate the time we all put in on this.

you're really good for, and to, this place, Leon.

just wanted to say that . . . carry on.
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LeBroz said:

Just when it looked like things were settled, comes news of Ange's return from the hospital. So now we need Friday covered. I've asked duckiesmut if she'd step in and fill this void. So, assuming she accepts, the picture now looks like this:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ SpectaclesInSkirt
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Everyone's responded well so far and I'm sure those poets that get a mention appreciate the time we all put in on this.


I second, third and fourth that...

Thanks Leon for all you do to keep the commuty together and running smoothly.
You're a prince... (without the guitar and backdrop...hehe.. ;) )

TheRainMan said:
you're really good for, and to, this place, Leon.

just wanted to say that . . . carry on.
tungtied2u said:
I second, third and fourth that...

Thanks Leon for all you do to keep the commuty together and running smoothly.
You're a prince... (without the guitar and backdrop...hehe.. ;) )

TheRainMan said:
you're really good for, and to, this place, Leon.

just wanted to say that . . . carry on.

Thanks but it says more about the community than anything about me. Just look at how quickly everyone responded when the need arose. We've now got 3 fresh and rested voices doing reviews.


Just when it looked like things were settled {again}, comes news that, for personal reasons, SpectaclesInSkirt will no longer be able to do reviews. So now we need Thursday covered. Who wants to volunteer to do this? The picture now looks like this:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ Open *** *** ***
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in temporarily with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Everyone's responded well recently and I'm sure those poets that get a mention in the reviews appreciate the time we all put in on this.

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LeBroz said:

Just when it looked like things were settled {again}, comes news that, for personal reasons, SpectaclesInSkirt will no longer be able to do reviews. So now we need Thursday covered. Who wants to volunteer to do this? The picture now looks like this:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ Open
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in temporarily with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Everyone's responded well recently and I'm sure those poets that get a mention in the reviews appreciate the time we all put in on this.

As I have mentioned in the past, my job takes me out of town a lot, making my consistent availability a problem. But, with the talented unapologetic willing to sub, I could do Thursdays, at least for the time being.

But hey, if someone else wants to do it, speak up. I've done it before and it is a lot of work. Work and I don't always get along. So I ain't 'zactly hungerin' for the job. :rolleyes:
Tzara said:
As I have mentioned in the past, my job takes me out of town a lot, making my consistent availability a problem. But, with the talented unapologetic willing to sub, I could do Thursdays, at least for the time being.

But hey, if someone else wants to do it, speak up. I've done it before and it is a lot of work. Work and I don't always get along. So I ain't 'zactly hungerin' for the job. :rolleyes:

Come to think of it, isn't this the reverse of the situation from last year, where I experienced a sudden brain cramp and volunteered to relieve you on Wednesday duties?

Let's see if there are any volunteers with a less complicated job situation who'd be willing to take on Thursday. I'll check with unapologetic to confirm availability, just in case.

Volunteers? Anyone?

vampiredust said:
I'm free on Wednesdays and can do it

Oh no, I love my Wednesday duties. The opening is for Thursday to replace Specs. If you don't mind doing 2 days, that'd be great as Tzara's work sometimes conflicts with his being able to do reviews. But don't burn yourself out — these things have a way of spiraling out of control. Come to think of it, that happened to you once before when it seemed you were doing most all the reviews.
LeBroz said:
Oh no, I love my Wednesday duties. The opening is for Thursday to replace Specs. If you don't mind doing 2 days, that'd be great as Tzara's work sometimes conflicts with his being able to do reviews. But don't burn yourself out — these things have a way of spiraling out of control. Come to think of it, that happened to you once before when it seemed you were doing most all the reviews.
If vamp doesn't do Thursday, I'd like to for awhile. At least while I'm here. It's been ages since I've done reviews.

I can't do Thursdays

I'm quite busy that day

It's all yours, Eve

Welcome back Eve. Great having you back. Saw your name back up as a mod. It'd be great having you dive in and get your hands dirty doing the reviews. The picture now looks like this:

Sun ~ vampiredust
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ tungtied2u
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thur ~ WickedEve
Fri ~ duckiesmut
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

With unapologetic willing to step in temporarily with advance warning on Thursday &/or Saturday.

Everyone's responded well recently — hell, 7 hours after the call went out the problem's solved. Looks like a pretty solid community to me. I'm sure those poets that get a mention in the reviews appreciate the time we all put in on this. And Tzara, appreciate your offer. Looks like you can focus on your writing and leaving insightful PC's for the time being; at least until the next crisis.

WickedEve said:
If vamp doesn't do Thursday, I'd like to for awhile. At least while I'm here. It's been ages since I've done reviews.

now here's a reason to smile.

Thursday is my club day. We crochet dildo cozies. So, Thursday poetry reviews are available. Reviews are obviously not my forte, darling. I'm not informative. I'm just obnoxious and occasionally humorous. ;)

had a blast these past two weeks,
wicked eve