Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

anonamouse said:
And nice is not nice to good writers that are ignored for the sake of bad writers that are pushed.

Greshams law- repeal it.

objectivity your honor

take a fuckin seat

reviewers mention what they want
be it bum fuck buddies, gang members death threats, blackmail, 3 headed children,ignorance, divine intervention, payola, the ghost of William Burroughs, or your favorite specter, whom shall remain nameless in honor of the reported dead.

I don't mind you showing up in whatever shroud you decide to cover your sarcastic green skin in but this issue is very clear
If a poem is over looked any one of the other members is more than welcome to add an entry suggesting it's inclusion in the " should be read " list.

There is no more democratic rule to be had.

If you've got a bitch exercise your arthritic little digits and put up a suggestion

If i stumbled on here and saw a Kooser poem , according to the prevalent unspoken rules of Lit, I would fail mention it, rather than say " It's self absorbed, blatant schmaltz, in which the author neither believes nor identifies, rather he writes to evoke a certain emotion from his readers that they may console themselves that some how it is " lofty" as a poet of note also feels it.
IE: it is crap

Reviewers recommend what they want

take a day
take two days
read all the poems every day for 4 weeks and tell me , honestly, how many you'd recommend.

alli alli income free
mojo come to my house black cat bone
Hooray for Capt Spalding the African explorer
I'm a lumber jack and I'm OK

good night and may god bless

red skeleton
Angeline said:
Wah wah. Wah wah wah dildo. Wah wah. :D
Are you like making the case for a wah-wah dildo? Did I read that right?


I always thought Tales of Brave Ulysses was kinda about sex—I mean, there's like that steady driving driving beat. It's like a hump hump hump hump sort of beat, y'know? But, hell. I was a kid. Little did I know that wah-wah stuff was about a dildo. Would I have known what a dildo even was?

Hey. Stop laughing. Cool song anyway, whether it's a dildo song or not.

I resist the temptation to talk about Cream and dildo in the same sentence.

Oh, wait. I guess I just did. :rolleyes:
to the thursday reviewer whom I insulted so badly...

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Tathagata said:
objectivity your honor

take a fuckin seat

reviewers mention what they want
be it bum fuck buddies, gang members death threats, blackmail, 3 headed children,ignorance, divine intervention, payola, the ghost of William Burroughs, or your favorite specter, whom shall remain nameless in honor of the reported dead.

I don't mind you showing up in whatever shroud you decide to cover your sarcastic green skin in but this issue is very clear
If a poem is over looked any one of the other members is more than welcome to add an entry suggesting it's inclusion in the " should be read " list.

There is no more democratic rule to be had.

If you've got a bitch exercise your arthritic little digits and put up a suggestion
Oh, I will.

Especially when it comes in the defense of a good reviewer over some crap ass biased hack.

BTW the arthuritis seems to be clearing up, thanks for asking.
ghost_girl said:
I have no defenders,

at your service, :rose:

at anyone's service at anyone that works, and there are fewer here that work as hard as you. :rose:

True, you could have been a little more diplomatic, like Chamberlin...
ghost_girl said:

ps, to those of the Zen persuasion, what do the masters teach about grudges and hatefulness? what do they teach about jumping to accusation without even knowing what a matter pertains to? well ,as long as you can sleep, I guess it is all good. but I can only wonder...

I never know if you are referring to me because there are other "zen" people here.
and I hate to " jump to accusations" concerning what you meant and all.

as for grudges I have Irish Alzheimers, we forget everything but the grudge
as for hatefulness I have to know someone really well in order to hate them
the people I know well here I don't hate
The people I dislike here I have no desire or inclination to get to know them well enough to hate them.

I do sleep at night because, unlike some people, this place isn't life or death
for me.

by the way if you weren't referring to me you can just skip this answer
it would be helpful if you used the " zen" persons name or perhaps quoted them so as to avoid any misunderstandings and further " drama"

But I suppose you won't see this because you are leaving forever
twelveoone said:
Oh, I will.

Especially when it comes in the defense of a good reviewer over some crap ass biased hack.

BTW the arthuritis seems to be clearing up, thanks for asking.

the crap ass biased hack did a weekly review

More than I'm doing
More than you're doing

glad to hear it and chicks love the smell of Ben-Gay
<sets down a plate of cookies and pitcher of milk, so everyone can partake and smile at each other and remember how it feels to be nice>

(and a wah-wah dildo for brave Ulysses)
Angeline said:
<sets down a plate of cookies and pitcher of milk, so everyone can partake and smile at each other and remember how it feels to be nice>

(and a wah-wah dildo for brave Ulysses)

Nice! Surely bitch slapping is a far more entertaining spectator sport?

There is a shop near where I live that is called 101 Dildos, which is how many dildos they claim to have in the window. No, I haven't countered but I'm thinking the owner hasn't heard of Room 101 but then perhaps being in room 101 with 101 dildos is not scarey for the women on Lit. :D
Angeline said:
<sets down a plate of cookies and pitcher of milk, so everyone can partake and smile at each other and remember how it feels to be nice>

(and a wah-wah dildo for brave Ulysses)


what kinda cookies??
Tathagata said:
. . . be it bum fuck buddies, gang members death threats, blackmail, 3 headed children,ignorance, divine intervention, payola, the ghost of William Burroughs, or your favorite specter, whom shall remain nameless in honor of the reported dead . . .

hey, that's a good run!

you must be a poet or something.
Unfortunately, due to a heavy academic workload, I can no longer do Sunday's review. Sorry for the short notice, everyone.

Lots of love,


:heart: :heart: :heart:

Volunteers welcome to take on the Sunday Reviews since Chris has had to bail due to academic overload {I remember those days when the first things I cut was the sleep, but not the beer}.

Here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Come now ~ who wants to take the week's lead with their insightful words of wisdom? Now don't y'all rush in at once..........

LeBroz said:

Volunteers welcome to take on the Sunday Reviews since Chris has had to bail due to academic overload {I remember those days when the first things I cut was the sleep, but not the beer}.

Here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Come now ~ who wants to take the week's lead with their insightful words of wisdom? Now don't y'all rush in at once..........

I had the same idea as you today, Leon, but I saw your comments about the reviews so I desisted. Thanks for doing them today.
I have to fly to Ontario Thursday and will be spending a week doing other things besides poetry. I hope someone can do the Friday review, provided there are poems to bother with :) ... Thank you in advance.
champagne1982 said:
I have to fly to Ontario Thursday and will be spending a week doing other things besides poetry. I hope someone can do the Friday review, provided there are poems to bother with :) ... Thank you in advance.
I could probably do it. Likely later in the day between classes.
neonurotic said:
I could probably do it. Likely later in the day between classes.

I'll make a deal with you. If I don't see any reviews by around 4pm your time, I'll do them.

Anybody want to pick mine up next Tuesday? I can probably get to them that night, but I'm not sure when.

Angeline said:
I'll make a deal with you. If I don't see any reviews by around 4pm your time, I'll do them.

Anybody want to pick mine up next Tuesday? I can probably get to them that night, but I'm not sure when.


Okay Ange, I'll take a quick look at Tuesday and see what's hot but you might want to follow up on me later in case I suffer a brain fart.

In the meantime, Sunday is still open, waiting on volunteers. The current line up still looks like this:

Here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ wildsweetone
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Now all that remains to be seen is if Eve remembers that today is Thursday...

my new job starts this coming Monday and it is a job share situation. the first week is settled in concrete. i will be working the first three days of the week and will not have an opportunity to write the poetry review.

future weeks i'm uncertain which days i will be working at this stage. as the job is going to include some part time and some full time weeks during busy periods, i think it only fair to everyone if i no longer do the New Poems' Reviews. i'm sorry about this. i really enjoyed reviewing and learning.
