Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

wildsweetone said:
my new job starts this coming Monday and it is a job share situation. the first week is settled in concrete. i will be working the first three days of the week and will not have an opportunity to write the poetry review.

future weeks i'm uncertain which days i will be working at this stage. as the job is going to include some part time and some full time weeks during busy periods, i think it only fair to everyone if i no longer do the New Poems' Reviews. i'm sorry about this. i really enjoyed reviewing and learning.

Good luck on your job, if I may say, since you arrived you have been impressive in your quest for knowledge. You had become, what I think, an excellent reviewer. :rose: :rose: :rose:
twelveoone said:
Good luck on your job, if I may say, since you arrived you have been impressive in your quest for knowledge. You had become, what I think, an excellent reviewer. :rose: :rose: :rose:

thank you for the good luck. and thank you for your comment on my reviews. i appreciate knowing i was useful. i wish i could continue, maybe when i get time i'll continue through the personal comments function. as for my quest. i want to improve and that's my way of getting there. :) there is just as much joy in the end result as there is in the journey. :)

DeepAsleep has offered to start doing Monday reviews. Yay DA!

So here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ DeepAsleep
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail
Angeline said:
DeepAsleep has offered to start doing Monday reviews. Yay DA!

So here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ DeepAsleep
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

NOTE: I work long hours, so I won't be posting my reviews until Monday evenings, as all the poems are not usually up by the time I go to work. Don't be nervous. I'll be there to do them.

DeepAsleep said:
NOTE: I work long hours, so I won't be posting my reviews until Monday evenings, as all the poems are not usually up by the time I go to work. Don't be nervous. I'll be there to do them.


I often don't get to mine till evening either. No probs. And if you can't do it on a given Monday just let us know. Usually someone will step forward to pick them up for a day.
Monday (and Sunday) Reviewer Needed!

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ OPEN
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

DeepAsleep is going to be Internetless for a while, so we now need a Monday reviewer. Any takers? We also still need someone to step up for Sundays. It's easy, honest! All you need to do is read the new poems, pick the ones you personally like best and recommend them in the New Poems Reviews thread. It helps if you can say why you like them, but everyone's review style is different and that's a good thing. :)
OK.....I'll give Sundays a try. Hopefully I can get my act together this time, and last longer than last go around. :eek:

I really need something to kick start my creative juices...maybe this will do it.
Tomorrow, Friday 18th Jan. I'm off to see my bone-cutter. It's a 3 hour drive, one way, so I don't anticipate being home early, or feel much like reviewing when I get here. I'll check in when I'm back in the evening and if I see something of note on a quick glance, I'll pop it up on the thread, but as far as early recommendations or critique goes, you guys are on your own. :rose:
Sun ~ tungtied2u
Mon ~ WomanPariah
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Woohoo! We have reviewers every day! We rock! We rawr! :catroar:

(Except tomorrow. Somebody wanna jump in for Champie tomorrow? I can't do it tomorrow--I'm working on a deadline--or I'd offer.)
Once again, I fear I may need to drop the ball. I'm chauffeur tomorrow for the amputee. Weight gain's a bitch and now the liner for the prosthesis is too small. There's one for ya UYS, the liner's too tight and the last vestiges are getting too big. Lot's of lube, I say; if that don't work, find a bigger socket :p.
Monday Reviewer Needed

Sun ~ tungtied2u
Mon ~
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Please pm me or Wicked Eve if you'd like to do Monday reviews. Thanks! :rose:
Sun ~ tungtied2u
Mon ~ Jamison
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

Jamison has graciously offered to fill in on Mondays for a month. His schedule will not allow him to continue after that, so thank you, thank you Neo-Jami. And the rest of you slackers? You have a month to pony up. :D
Can someone please take over doing the Sunday reviews. I'm finding it difficult to attain the proper frame of mind necessary to do justice to the effort people are putting into their poetry....and I don't want to put anyone off reading the submissions.
Thank you. :rose:

Okay, I'll cover tt2u this week and do a quick look for this Sunday, but we now need volunteers again. Sunday's open and next month we'll need a fresh Monday volunteer to pick up from the coffee guru temp.

The current line-up:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ Jamison
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail


Okay, I'll cover tt2u this week and do a quick look for this Sunday, but we now need volunteers again. Sunday's open and next month we'll need a fresh Monday volunteer to pick up from the coffee guru temp.

The current line-up:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ Jamison
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

I can cover Mondays for awhile until someone else steps up and demands it. Well, I hope someone will demand it. :D
I can help with Sundays but I'm usually not online until late on that day, so hopefully someone else can cover Sundays.
No reviews from me tomorrow. I was back in the hospital yesterday. I have viral pneumonia, and am still pretty sick and limp as a rag. ee is taking good care of me but, no, he will not do reviews for me lol.

Anybody want to jump into the breach, go for it.

I can't promise but if no one else volunteers or no one else has posted a review before I log on, I don't mind doing a one off.
No reviews from me tomorrow. I was back in the hospital yesterday. I have viral pneumonia, and am still pretty sick and limp as a rag. ee is taking good care of me but, no, he will not do reviews for me lol.

Anybody want to jump into the breach, go for it.

Damn! Stop that and get better. :heart:
I'm trying! I tried to watch my favorite food network shows whilst abed today and I can't even look at that stuff (aka food) without getting all oogie. :heart:
Well... here's a positive! You'll lose about 20 pounds in time for Spring. Didn't help, did it? :devil:
My best friend in the whole world (my sister from a different mister... I call her, our mothers called us womb mates) called this morning that her grandmother, my Gran/nanny/auntie in the sense she was everything, sometimes more, than a foster mother << in all the good way of understanding that word, suffered a killing stroke last night. She will only linger for 3 or 4 days thus my family is off to central Ontario for an undetermined amount of time.

I hope someone will be able to take care of Fridays in my place for a week or two.

My best friend in the whole world (my sister from a different mister... I call her, our mothers called us womb mates) called this morning that her grandmother, my Gran/nanny/auntie in the sense she was everything, sometimes more, than a foster mother << in all the good way of understanding that word, suffered a killing stroke last night. She will only linger for 3 or 4 days thus my family is off to central Ontario for an undetermined amount of time.

I hope someone will be able to take care of Fridays in my place for a week or two.

So sorry to hear this, sweetie. Really am... :rose: