Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

I would happily volunteer myself as a new reviewer, but I am rather uncertain that I would be an ideal choice: both because of my poetic tastes and because of my problems with schedules. Nevertheless, I would be quite pleased to make an attempt of it, should no one more contemporary and reliable offer themselves for it.
I would happily volunteer myself as a new reviewer, but I am rather uncertain that I would be an ideal choice: both because of my poetic tastes and because of my problems with schedules. Nevertheless, I would be quite pleased to make an attempt of it, should no one more contemporary and reliable offer themselves for it.
You're hired. Can you start tomorrow? :) You don't have to make that your regular day, but you can give it a try, if you'd like. And remember that you can always review any day you want. We love it when more than just the regular reviewer makes comments.
You're hired. Can you start tomorrow? :) You don't have to make that your regular day, but you can give it a try, if you'd like. And remember that you can always review any day you want. We love it when more than just the regular reviewer makes comments.

Yes, I should certainly be able to begin tomorrow, barring some horrible accident in the interim; we'll see how it goes from there, I think, but I would definitely like to review regularly.
I would happily volunteer myself as a new reviewer, but I am rather uncertain that I would be an ideal choice: both because of my poetic tastes and because of my problems with schedules. Nevertheless, I would be quite pleased to make an attempt of it, should no one more contemporary and reliable offer themselves for it.

Equinoxe, you rock! Eve and I, primarily, have been carrying these reviews on our backs for years. Not to disregard what others here (like Champagne, for example) have done but we've been reviewing at least once a week for years. People complain about reviews, but I think they'd miss them if they weren't happening. And Eve has been doing three days a week for months now.

Anyway, you'll do fine. No one expects reviewers to do anything other than recommend the poems they prefer (and if they do, expectations are too high!).

Thanks for giving back to the forum.


Ange, the poetry review threads have been around a long, long time now. Hard to believe. I remember at one time, we'd just have one person doing it every day of the week. I remember covering poems for weeks or months until I would burn out, then someone else would do them. You know what? We've been here too long. We're like the grandmas of the board. :D
Awww, I wuv my Grannies :heart:. Remember when we talked about letting the review thread die and everyone said that it didn't matter? Well, it's been a long lesson learning, but it is well ingrained, like the alphabet or counting, and I don't think we'd have anyone saying that it's a waste of effort, ever again.

Welcome to the review challenge, Equinoxe, your contribution will be appreciated.

(I'd like to give a shout of thanks out to everyone who is currently or ever has picked up the reviewer hat and done this job on a regular basis. Thankfully, the readers of this thread have more realistic expectations than sometimes has been allowed to leak out onto the reviewer's heads. This is a purely volunteer position, unpaid and rewarded only through the continuing thanks of other people who appreciate the efforts of the regular contributors.)
Oh very nice reversal, there missus... You don't scare me. I've got a cane annnnd crutches, wanna race? Pick your transportation, and NO wheelchairs.
Okay, let's take out the dentures and start gumming.

not sure what that means.... it's either really pathetic or kind of nasty. :eek:
Okay, let's take out the dentures and start gumming.

not sure what that means.... it's either really pathetic or kind of nasty. :eek:

You and Champ are gumming each other? Kinky!

*Eats corn on the cob. Chomp, chomp*
I know I can always count on you or Champ or LeBroz (even Liar or Neo on occasion). I wish someone new would step up once in a while. Reviews are pretty easy and they're sort of payback for the entertainment the forum provides (such as it is).

Yes, I'm complaining. I'm working on a big editing job I've been procrastinating over all week. Now I'm working and it's making me grumpy. :D

I told you before that you just need to let me know when I'm needed...
Are all the days covered yet? If not, sling one this way...any day but Monday which is usually when the poems with audio appear and I don't have sound on my PC, ( personal choice...)

just let me know

Here's an update on who's doing what to whom:

Sun ~ Liar
Mon ~ LadynStFreknBed
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ WickedEve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ Equinoxe

Anyone want to bail the wicked one out - she's covering two days.

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Can anyone pick up reviews for me tomorrow? I'm trying to make a Wednesday rewrite deadline for an edit job. I need all the editing time I can get before then! Your filling in would be greatly appreciated. Whoever you are. :)
