Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Can anyone pick up reviews for me tomorrow? I'm trying to make a Wednesday rewrite deadline for an edit job. I need all the editing time I can get before then! Your filling in would be greatly appreciated. Whoever you are. :)

Lemme help...

if your review needs a poem; I can help!

:eek:.. teehee.. that's backwards, but I can help.
Lemme help...

if your review needs a poem; I can help!

:eek:.. teehee.. that's backwards, but I can help.

Bless you, my child. :kiss:

Of course my review needs a poem. Everything needs more poetry, don't you agree? But I doubt I can talk my author into it. :D
I will no longer be reviewing poems at Literotica. Perhaps one of the newer poets would like to pick up Tuesday reviews. Thank you.
I will no longer be reviewing poems at Literotica. Perhaps one of the newer poets would like to pick up Tuesday reviews. Thank you.
I'll cover it today unless someone else wants to.
Sorry you're not doing it anymore. But you've certainly put your time in. :)
I'll cover it today unless someone else wants to.
Sorry you're not doing it anymore. But you've certainly put your time in. :)
We now have someone for Tuesday, at least for awhile. :)

Anyone want Thursday? Thursday is available. Hey, how about BIJOU or SAFE_BET. Well? Well? :cattail:
We now have someone for Tuesday, at least for awhile. :)

Anyone want Thursday? Thursday is available. Hey, how about BIJOU or SAFE_BET. Well? Well? :cattail:

Did the Tuesday person get in touch with you? I thought he might. :)
We now have someone for Tuesday, at least for awhile. :)

Anyone want Thursday? Thursday is available. Hey, how about BIJOU or SAFE_BET. Well? Well? :cattail:

I think it was really mean of you to threaten people with me doing reviews.

Do you realize how many people you made lunge for their insulin in fear of going into diabetic shock?

I think it was really mean of you to threaten people with me doing reviews.

Do you realize how many people you made lunge for their insulin in fear of going into diabetic shock?

I don't mind doing Thursdays, but I'd give it up if someone wants it. I've doing it for awhile and wouldn't mind a little break.

Okay, as a diabetic I must ask, what does insulin and diabetic shock have to do with you doing reviews? You'd be too sweet?
I don't mind doing Thursdays, but I'd give it up if someone wants it. I've doing it for awhile and wouldn't mind a little break.

Okay, as a diabetic I must ask, what does insulin and diabetic shock have to do with you doing reviews? You'd be too sweet?

You mean other that the worst thing I say is it was only "pretty darn good" rather than "fantastic"? (actually I did once give somebody a 75% score, because of a gazillion spelling errors, but I did leave a nice comment! :) )

You mean other that the worst thing I say is it was only "pretty darn good" rather than "fantastic"? (actually I did once give somebody a 75% score, because of a gazillion spelling errors, but I did leave a nice comment! :) )
Ah, I thought it was a "too sweet" comment. ;)
Speaking of sweet, I just got back from trick or treat time at school for my 3rd grader. The 5th grader got some candy, too. They're eating it before dinner. I have a feeling that's a bad idea.

You mean other that the worst thing I say is it was only "pretty darn good" rather than "fantastic"? (actually I did once give somebody a 75% score, because of a gazillion spelling errors, but I did leave a nice comment! :) )

I think you'd be a good reviewer. Jus sayin. :)

Some people shy away from it because they think it requires some special review training or something, but really all it is is "these are the ones I like." And add the links. And if you wanna get extra fancy, you can say why you like it (good images, interesting line breaks, very sensual, whatever strikes you about it).

I hate to depart, especially given as everyone else seems to be as well, but unfortunately I fear that I must.

So, Saturday is available for anyone who would like to review.
I hate to depart, especially given as everyone else seems to be as well, but unfortunately I fear that I must.

So, Saturday is available for anyone who would like to review.
Ahh! Sparrow! No! :(
I hate to depart, especially given as everyone else seems to be as well, but unfortunately I fear that I must.

So, Saturday is available for anyone who would like to review.
Your reviews were so good and they will be missed. I'll cover saturday until someone wants it.
Bear in mind I'm on the edge of the continent out here so my reviews won't arrive with the mornings first Lit coffee run. All things - good and bad - come to those who wait.

That's okay. I'll have your reviews with my evening tea.

Anybody want to switch days?

Sundays are a definite no-no for me for the foreseeable future.
Sun: No more Liar, so we need a reviewer.

Mon: Miss LadynStFreknBed

Tue: Angeline is gone and we have darkmaas.

Wed: LeBroz, faithful LeBroz better not go anywhere.

Thu: WickedEve - I guess I'm not going anywhere.

Fri: Goodbye champagne1982 and hello hmmnmm.

Sat: Equinoxe is sadly out but happily we have Tristesse.

Okay, do I have who is reviewing which day right? We still need a Sunday person, right?
Sun: No more Liar, so we need a reviewer.

Mon: Miss LadynStFreknBed

Tue: Angeline is gone and we have darkmaas.

Wed: LeBroz, faithful LeBroz better not go anywhere.

Thu: WickedEve - I guess I'm not going anywhere.

Fri: Goodbye champagne1982 and hello hmmnmm.

Sat: Equinoxe is sadly out but happily we have Tristesse.

Okay, do I have who is reviewing which day right? We still need a Sunday person, right?

I believe we may have our Sunday person, at least for now. Thanks, Safe_Bet. :rose:
Anyone interested in Sunday?
I try to cover any days that need a reviewer but there's a chance I won't be able to cover this Sunday.

Sun: We need a reviewer <---

Mon: LadynStFreknBed

Tue: darkmaas

Wed: LeBroz

Thu: WickedEve

Fri: hmmnmm

Sat: Tristesse