Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

I can this Sunday

I should be able to this Sunday, if you like. We'll see how that goes maybe?

I have been enjoying the reviews. :rose: to reviewers.
Hi peeps.

JSYK, Pandy and I are going to start sharing the Sunday poetry reviews. I'm pretty sure that this is part of a greater conspiracy to suck my ass back in, but I've always been a sucker for a nicely turned phrase (or ankle). Please bear with me as I flail my way through and I promise that I won't go PollyAnna Sunshine on everybody. Ta.
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Huge apologies. Been having little epiphanies today. Thought they'd subside but they keep popping out. Running around all over the place. It would really be unfair to the efforts of poets to play New Poems Reviewer while the fireworks so decorate the heavens.

So, if somebody wants to grab 'em, have a sniff of that darling cushion, it's all yours.

Will regroup for a double extra excursion next time. :heart:
Huge apologies. Been having little epiphanies today. Thought they'd subside but they keep popping out. Running around all over the place. It would really be unfair to the efforts of poets to play New Poems Reviewer while the fireworks so decorate the heavens.

So, if somebody wants to grab 'em, have a sniff of that darling cushion, it's all yours.

Will regroup for a double extra excursion next time. :heart:

I am not sure about sniffing cushions, but I can do Fridays until you epiphanies stop erupting. I think they have a cream for that, but you need a prescription. Let me know when you want your day back.

I can't get to the poems until Friday afternoon, maybe night, so be patient with me.
Oops. Good thing I checked.
That Day was only that one.
The eruptions calmed. I'm fine for tomorrow.

But if you really really want to, I won't put up too much struggle in guarding the Chair.
Anna, you rock, you really do. I was thinking I'd love to read your reviews again but wouldn't ask you because I know you've got your hands full (of kidlets). :)

I can pick up a day here and there if someone isn't available. I don't want to commit to a weekly review for at least two-three weeks though cause I have a big editing job coming my way Saturday, and I'll be under a pretty tight deadline. But once that's past, I'll pick up a day again.

Oh and Anna, I've been meaning to tell you that your clerihew comment about feeling like you're writing for a sixth grade assignment keeps popping into my head and making me giggle. I'm trying to write one now and it does reduce one to um simple poems, doesn't it? :D
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On the other hand: the Audio Idea has lately taken hold. Whenever that happens, other interests tend to dramatically drop away until the audio experimentation comes to its inevitable collapse, which might be a day or a week or a month or ?

So really. If Anna wants it, Anna can have at it... or if your hands are really so full and you're just offering as a neighborly gesture...? Mister Easy-to-get-along-with here. :heart:
On the other hand: the Audio Idea has lately taken hold. Whenever that happens, other interests tend to dramatically drop away until the audio experimentation comes to its inevitable collapse, which might be a day or a week or a month or ?

So really. If Anna wants it, Anna can have at it... or if your hands are really so full and you're just offering as a neighborly gesture...? Mister Easy-to-get-along-with here. :heart:

Just sit your ass back down in that Reviewer chair, buster. You ain't go'in no where! Got it?

(BTW, are you familiar with the dreaded Lesbian Dick Shriveler Curse? Wanna be?)
Oops. Good thing I checked.
That Day was only that one.
The eruptions calmed. I'm fine for tomorrow.

But if you really really want to, I won't put up too much struggle in guarding the Chair.

nope, chair away
I can do a day during the week, I cannot do weekends. I must have two of the three in school in order to complete a thought, let alone a sentence. Baby naps, I can do a day.

I think that Cherihew was in 6th grade when he invented the form. Writing them in the margins of his mathematics notes to his snotty schoolmates.

Anna, you rock, you really do. I was thinking I'd love to read your reviews again but wouldn't ask you because I know you've got your hands full (of kidlets). :)

I can pick up a day here and there if someone isn't available. I don't want to commit to a weekly review for at least two-three weeks though cause I have a big editing job coming my way Saturday, and I'll be under a pretty tight deadline. But once that's past, I'll pick up a day again.

Oh and Anna, I've been meaning to tell you that your clerihew comment about feeling like you're writing for a sixth grade assignment keeps popping into my head and making me giggle. I'm trying to write one now and it does reduce one to um simple poems, doesn't it? :D
On the other hand: the Audio Idea has lately taken hold. Whenever that happens, other interests tend to dramatically drop away until the audio experimentation comes to its inevitable collapse, which might be a day or a week or a month or ?

So really. If Anna wants it, Anna can have at it... or if your hands are really so full and you're just offering as a neighborly gesture...? Mister Easy-to-get-along-with here. :heart:

Anna wants it only because I was asked to help out. I want to help but I do not necessarily want to do the reviews for the sake of doing them. Make sense?
I think that Cherihew was in 6th grade when he invented the form. Writing them in the margins of his mathematics notes to his snotty schoolmates.
Not sixth grade, sixth form. Bentley was English, and 16 when he invented the (poetic) form.

And not in mathematics class. Chemistry. The very first clerihew was:
Sir Humphry Davy
Was not fond of gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.​
Undoubtedly passed as notes to his classmates, though.
Thanks! That is actually quite helpful. I will take myself back to being a sarcastic sixteen year old. I think I was in physics then, so perhaps I will do one for JJ Thomson or maybe Robert J. Van de Graaff.


Not sixth grade, sixth form. Bentley was English, and 16 when he invented the (poetic) form.

And not in mathematics class. Chemistry. The very first clerihew was:
Sir Humphry Davy
Was not fond of gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.​
Undoubtedly passed as notes to his classmates, though.
Thanks! That is actually quite helpful. I will take myself back to being a sarcastic sixteen year old. I think I was in physics then, so perhaps I will do one for JJ Thomson or maybe Robert J. Van de Graaff.

J. J. Thomson
Found plum pudding thoughtsome.
Of those "corpuscles" on which he raved,
Our electrons are made.
Well after feeling out a few prospects it's become pretty clear that it's one of those slow-building niche enterprises.

haha! and a tricky niche it is! you need to diversify, nimble digits are always in demand
I can't do next Wednesday, but if someone can take that one day, I'll do the following one.
I can't do next Wednesday, but if someone can take that one day, I'll do the following one.

Nope. (and correct me if I'm wrong here) - Anna is going to be doing Wednesdays from now on. Saturday is going to be Remec, me or me & Remec (split like Sundays are between Pandy and I).

Sound cool?