Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Nope. (and correct me if I'm wrong here) - Anna is going to be doing Wednesdays from now on. Saturday is going to be Remec, me or me & Remec (split like Sundays are between Pandy and I).

Sound cool?

I guess. I'm confused, but that's because I'm writing a cento. :D


Sunday: PandoraGlitters, Safe_Bet
Monday: LadySt
Tuesday: Darkmaas
Wednesday: Annaswirls
Thursday: WickedEve
Friday: Hmmnmm
Saturday: Remec, Safe_Bet

ETA Hmmnmmmmmmmmmm
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Who reviews today? I am starting to have review withdraw symptoms and it is only 8:34. heheh

I am not complaining, just wastin' time and a little scared how many poems will show up tomorrow....
Hey guys, I thought I should make a post to say, I guess, "officially" that Remec and I will be sharing Saturdays from now on.
Miz Betsy Britches gracefully relinquished her sparkly crown to me part time. Which is really sweet of her; I hope it doesn't get caught in my hair and look ugly. :D
Remec will, as he's already shown, no doubt continue to be a wonderful reviewer.

So that's the word on the street. Just wanted to be sure the dogs and extinct-except-for-those-top-secret-experiments velociraptors wouldn't be set on me this week. I have insurance, but I'm not sure it covers jurassic beasties.

Thanks for the chance. :rose:
Hey guys, I thought I should make a post to say, I guess, "officially" that Remec and I will be sharing Saturdays from now on.
Miz Betsy Britches gracefully relinquished her sparkly crown to me part time. Which is really sweet of her; I hope it doesn't get caught in my hair and look ugly. :D
Remec will, as he's already shown, no doubt continue to be a wonderful reviewer.

So that's the word on the street. Just wanted to be sure the dogs and extinct-except-for-those-top-secret-experiments velociraptors wouldn't be set on me this week. I have insurance, but I'm not sure it covers jurassic beasties.

Thanks for the chance. :rose:

I was de-clawed last November and all of my shots are up to date. :)

Looking forward to your review! Hmm.... maybe I will submit those 40 poems I still have in my journal from high school. You like the Smiths? :devil:
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Hey, I look forward to reading your review tomorrow! :rose:
Aww. Sweetness! Thank you, Eve.
Weirdly, where last Saturday was languid and easy this Saturday will be no such thing and I may have to wait until later in the afternoon to check in. Got an early morning (god, isn't securing a car loan just The Best???) because all financial institutions keep terrifyingly early hours. I'm just not mobile at those hours, for crying out gently.

I was de-clawed last November and all of my shots are up to date. :)

Looking forward to your review! Hmm.... maybe I will submit those 40 poems I still have in my journal from high school. You like the Smiths? :devil:
1. I have a feeling you were only de-clawed in the front and that your kickers still know how to wallop. Which is completely awesome. I like girls who wallop.
2. I don't have to get a shot, do it? I will whimper a little. And ask to hold your hand. Yes, the de-clawed one.
3. Thank you! I promise to be as not suckful as possible. :D
4. 40 poems will be cake if they involve Morrissey.
(And I think I might have been kidding, just a smidgen right there.)
1. I have a feeling you were only de-clawed in the front and that your kickers still know how to wallop. Which is completely awesome. I like girls who wallop.

I am more into tickle torture than walloping. And galloping. I sometimes gallop.

2. I don't have to get a shot, do it? I will whimper a little. And ask to hold your hand. Yes, the de-clawed one.

I kinda like girls who whimper. I will give you some guided meditation you will not feel a thing.

3. Thank you! I promise to be as not suckful as possible. :D

You are going to probably have only 2 sucky poems to read tomorrow. I am really sorry.

4. 40 poems will be cake if they involve Morrissey.
(And I think I might have been kidding, just a smidgen right there.)

did someone say
ah, afternoon
beer n' pizza time
Miller should totally totally use poetry reviews to sell their beer.
Don'tcha think?

did someone say
Tickling is gooooood. Even better than walloping. The word "galloping" makes me think of beej, but there's always room for more. Galloping.

Do not be sorry about poems! Of all the people to be sorry about poems! Lordy. I will teeeeckle you if you persist in this line of..thingy about...stuff.

Okay, it looks like Mr. M is smoking that streamer. Or trying to eat it, or snort it, or blow it, or do something relatively dirty and possibly illegal to it/with it. But he's near cake so that means he's dreamy.
Maybe the streamer was just trying to get close to him so it could ask him about a possible vacancy in his eyebrows. It wants to be an eyebrow fill-in.
Shutting up now. Apparently I am hyper at 11:50 on Friday night, the 6th of February (which makes me think of a Dar Williams song, but backwards, because no one is hyper in that song).
Miller should totally totally use poetry reviews to sell their beer.
Don'tcha think?

What, don't tell me their ads are sucking too? Many of them are you know. Or they do. Of course the worst are the fast food joints, their ads I mean, but we don't wanna help them sell more whoppers do we? You know, I didn't want to say too much too soon because of the danger of talking too much, you know enemies might be listening and they can decode moves... but uh, yeah... no more... stop.
An idea has been discussed, but it's going to be more involved than I expected, however it is not at all impossible. It's just going to require more time and more... more everything. Miller will come crawling. ha.
I was de-clawed last November and all of my shots are up to date. :) Looking forward to your review! Hmm.... maybe I will submit those 40 poems I still have in my journal from high school. You like the Smiths? :devil:

Miller should totally totally use poetry reviews to sell their beer. Don'tcha think? Right? ...guys? Tim...?

Tickling is gooooood. Even better than walloping. The word "galloping" makes me think of beej, but there's always room for more. Galloping.

Do not be sorry about poems! Of all the people to be sorry about poems! Lordy. I will teeeeckle you if you persist in this line of..thingy about...stuff.

Okay, it looks like Mr. M is smoking that streamer. Or trying to eat it, or snort it, or blow it, or do something relatively dirty and possibly illegal to it/with it. But he's near cake so that means he's dreamy.
Maybe the streamer was just trying to get close to him so it could ask him about a possible vacancy in his eyebrows. It wants to be an eyebrow fill-in.
Shutting up now. Apparently I am hyper at 11:50 on Friday night, the 6th of February (which makes me think of a Dar Williams song, but backwards, because no one is hyper in that song).

Why do I suddenly have mental pictures of Bizarro Predator vs. Alien from Planet LaLa Land?
Why do I suddenly have mental pictures of Bizarro Predator vs. Alien from Planet LaLa Land?

If he's talking about what I think he's talking about, it's even weirder than that. :D

Welcome home. <eyes your legs...I'm making sure you didn't break anything. Don't tell Amy I was checking our your legs!>
Oh and I see she only gets barely twenty. I understand what's going on. I was forced to review over 14,000 poems on my first day. 14,574, or was it 14,579? close enough. And had to chisel them in stone. Granite. The hard stuff. Still have lash marks on my back. Had to have them all chiseled, copied, scanned, and posted by noon. Obviously things have changed. I could conjure the Lord of Dark Words to paint Nepotism across the sky, but I'm sure it's just due to the advances in technology since... since Then.

Of course it is.

Look forward to your Review, Blue.
What, don't tell me their ads are sucking too? Many of them are you know. Or they do. Of course the worst are the fast food joints, their ads I mean, but we don't wanna help them sell more whoppers do we? You know, I didn't want to say too much too soon because of the danger of talking too much, you know enemies might be listening and they can decode moves... but uh, yeah... no more... stop.
An idea has been discussed, but it's going to be more involved than I expected, however it is not at all impossible. It's just going to require more time and more... more everything. Miller will come crawling. ha.
They will ALL come crawling. Allllllllllllll of them! Bwah hahahaha hahahahaha! :devil:

Oh and I see she only gets barely twenty. I understand what's going on. I was forced to review over 14,000 poems on my first day. 14,574, or was it 14,579? close enough. And had to chisel them in stone. Granite. The hard stuff. Still have lash marks on my back. Had to have them all chiseled, copied, scanned, and posted by noon. Obviously things have changed. I could conjure the Lord of Dark Words to paint Nepotism across the sky, but I'm sure it's just due to the advances in technology since... since Then.

Of course it is.

Look forward to your Review, Blue.
Heehee. Hey, you- it's tough being a sucky reviewer, okay? Need as few as possible so as not to suck so badly. One of my comforts is that Anna claimed suckfulness on this front as well, and though I do not believe her, it's nice to be in suckfulness with such wondiferous company.
Not that you have any idea of what it's like to BE a sucky reviewer. 'Cos you ain't.

Thank you, sweet man.
They will ALL come crawling. Allllllllllllll of them! Bwah hahahaha hahahahaha! :devil:

Heehee. Hey, you- it's tough being a sucky reviewer, okay? Need as few as possible so as not to suck so badly. One of my comforts is that Anna claimed suckfulness on this front as well, and though I do not believe her, it's nice to be in suckfulness with such wondiferous company.
Not that you have any idea of what it's like to BE a sucky reviewer. 'Cos you ain't.

Thank you, sweet man.

You just confirmed a suspicion. This is not the place to go into it (few are the joys equal to having your suspicions confirmed at an early morning hour). It's a subject worthy of a delve in Another Realm (it appertains to sucking and working). A realm where a figurative fire blazes...
Just a couple 'O things:

I have the latest version of the bluebell7:English Dictionary on sale for all of you that do not speak Bluebish.

Bluebish is a wonderful language full of lots of interesting verbiage, conjugations and usages of common words used in uncommon ways. Not recommended for use by children under the age of twelve.


Yeah! Congrats Blue on popping your Reviewer cherry.

What worries me though is that, after reading your first review, I can tell that you are going to become a complete Reviewer Slut. It's a slippery slope you know. I won't be surprised to find you out on the street some day in a leather mini skirt, fish net stockings and poofed up hair trying to solicit poems from passing cars. "Hey baby, looking for a good review?"

I can also easily picture Anna out there with you, in a big purple fedora, acting as your pimp.

just saying....
Just a couple 'O things:

I have the latest version of the bluebell7:English Dictionary on sale for all of you that do not speak Bluebish.

Bluebish is a wonderful language full of lots of interesting verbiage, conjugations and usages of common words used in uncommon ways. Not recommended for use by children under the age of twelve.

or is that Over 12?


Yeah! Congrats Blue on popping your Reviewer cherry.

You did awesome!

What worries me though is that, after reading your first review, I can tell that you are going to become a complete Reviewer Slut. It's a slippery slope you know. I won't be surprised to find you out on the street some day in a leather mini skirt, fish net stockings and poofed up hair trying to solicit poems from passing cars. "Hey baby, looking for a good review?"

I can also easily picture Anna out there with you, in a big purple fedora, acting as your pimp.

just saying....

Ooh the pimp of a poem slut.... I can totally get into that! (oh wait, is that an editor?)

As long as I get to pimp survivor contestants on the side. And take turns wearing the hat. I still got some slut in me too.

It is right..... there.... yeah, behind that thing.... a little to the left. Yes!
Ooh the pimp of a poem slut.... I can totally get into that! (oh wait, is that an editor?)

As long as I get to pimp survivor contestants on the side. And take turns wearing the hat. I still got some slut in me too.

It is right..... there.... yeah, behind that thing.... a little to the left. Yes!

ummmm, just to make it clear....

When I visualize you in a big purple fedora, I MEAN just a big purple fedora and nothing else...

(You see, I kinda got this purple thing going... :eek: )
I began this day as a man of morals modestly composed.
Peered into a window at someone having a sort of fun
I wondered I should not be looking at.
Of course I could not not continue to look
and will end this day less modestly composed.
ummmm, just to make it clear....

When I visualize you in a big purple fedora, I MEAN just a big purple fedora and nothing else...

(You see, I kinda got this purple thing going... :eek: )

you have me squirming in my chair, girl!!

Hey, did you know we had a purple challenge years ago? I got all of the names for purple paint (okay there are a zillion) and that had to be your title. I actually wrote one for TaraBlackwood, who in her AV... a purple fedora.....

things go round and round and round.... I will have to look for that thread....somewhere back in 2004......

you have me squirming in my chair, girl!!

Hey, did you know we had a purple challenge years ago? I got all of the names for purple paint (okay there are a zillion) and that had to be your title. I actually wrote one for TaraBlackwood, who in her AV... a purple fedora.....

things go round and round and round.... I will have to look for that thread....somewhere back in 2004......


Here is the poem written for TaraBlackwood's av: Evensong

Here is the thread: All Purple Poems All The Time
You just confirmed a suspicion. This is not the place to go into it (few are the joys equal to having your suspicions confirmed at an early morning hour). It's a subject worthy of a delve in Another Realm (it appertains to sucking and working). A realm where a figurative fire blazes...
You KNOW I want to hear, right?

Am I visiting the fireside for this new revelation about confirmed suspicions?

Just a couple 'O things:

I have the latest version of the bluebell7:English Dictionary on sale for all of you that do not speak Bluebish.

Bluebish is a wonderful language full of lots of interesting verbiage, conjugations and usages of common words used in uncommon ways. Not recommended for use by children under the age of twelve.


Yeah! Congrats Blue on popping your Reviewer cherry.

What worries me though is that, after reading your first review, I can tell that you are going to become a complete Reviewer Slut. It's a slippery slope you know. I won't be surprised to find you out on the street some day in a leather mini skirt, fish net stockings and poofed up hair trying to solicit poems from passing cars. "Hey baby, looking for a good review?"

I can also easily picture Anna out there with you, in a big purple fedora, acting as your pimp.

just saying....
Bwahhahaa! Betsy, you are a super goober.
And you know entirely too much about the inner workings of my demented mind. :cool:

Thanks again for asking. I enjoyed it, like a review slut would. :eek:

Ooh the pimp of a poem slut.... I can totally get into that! (oh wait, is that an editor?)

As long as I get to pimp survivor contestants on the side. And take turns wearing the hat. I still got some slut in me too.

It is right..... there.... yeah, behind that thing.... a little to the left. Yes!
I say you can do anything you want. So, pimp, be pimped, whatevah. So long as you're there we're good.
I will return to read of purple poetry. Sounds fab.