One Final Rant

BooMerengue said:
Oh, Evie... I didn't mean that as sour grapes... I meant it as a statement... sorta like the ol 60's protest thingys. It's in my blood. I've since seen the way it happened, and mended my ways. Sorry- I should have posted something. My bad!
I like protests. I think we should protest poetry. :D
Maria2394 said:
Yes Anna, I agree. a nom from anyone is a compliment, and I didnt know that Boo and Catastrophe had also added my name. I am grateful and touched, thanks you guys. :heart: ( and thanks to ezpeter, whoever he may be)

my poems are almost all gone now, if you "miss" something you particularly cared for, PM me and I will send it to you. Otherwise, this whole unsettling biz has done it for me, I agree with Tara, thers not a whole lot to drag me in here anymore. Too many bad feelings and I apologize if I caused any of them. Best of luck to all, love one another, dont fight and bicker, it makes you look so teeny ;)


I hope you're submitting them all to other places. I'm starting to realize there are all sorts of nice places out there and they're all about poetry. :)
WickedEve said:
I hope you're submitting them all to other places. I'm starting to realize there are all sorts of nice places out there and they're all about poetry. :)

yes Dear Eve :)

some of them are submitted, some have already been rejected and some are still in the pipeline and I have my hopes up!! And if they get sent back, I wont die because thats the way of the world, you have to find a fit. But dammit, I wish DM woudl answer me, I wanna be your dead-mulish southern sister for real!!
oh yeah, I pulled your page and read your stuff, excellent work on there!! and its all about poetry..wonder where they got an absurd idea like that?:D
Maria2394 said:
yes Dear Eve :)

some of them are submitted, some have already been rejected and some are still in the pipeline and I have my hopes up!! And if they get sent back, I wont die because thats the way of the world, you have to find a fit. But dammit, I wish DM woudl answer me, I wanna be your dead-mulish southern sister for real!!
oh yeah, I pulled your page and read your stuff, excellent work on there!! and its all about poetry..wonder where they got an absurd idea like that?:D
When did you send your poems to the dead mule and what did you send? When you told me they were accepting poems again, I submitted a few and heard back from the a few days ago. I think you should resend.
Maria2394 said:
yes Dear Eve :)

some of them are submitted, some have already been rejected and some are still in the pipeline and I have my hopes up!! And if they get sent back, I wont die because thats the way of the world, you have to find a fit. But dammit, I wish DM woudl answer me, I wanna be your dead-mulish southern sister for real!!
oh yeah, I pulled your page and read your stuff, excellent work on there!! and its all about poetry..wonder where they got an absurd idea like that?:D

Make sure you send those frog poems to the big guns first..
they should be read by everyone
or read to children..if anyone does that any more.

Those works are magical and I'll keep harping on you until I see them in print
Oh, Maria! Make sure your southern legitimacy statement is darn funny, girl. I think that's why they always take my poems. The editor emails me back and tells me her own version of whatever my story is.

This is the latest thing I sent:
I'm small town Southern, and I truly realized that last week, standing in the Food Lion checkout. I wasn't waiting to pay for my salt pork that was destined to get cozy with a pot full of beans. No. I was there waiting for my turn to talk to the checkout lady. We were all there waiting politely. Who would dare rush a slow, southern line! Fifteen minutes later, I learned that old man Jenkins died from cirrhosis of the liver. No surprise there. And thanks to my knack for leaning really close without tipping over, I now know why Emma's baby doesn't look like his daddy. Finally, it was my turn. I was bubbling with joy and smelling like pork that had slowly been warming in my hands. And in a gush of gossip, I told her all about that rat of an ex of mine, and how he's shacking up with some girl who runs the confederate flag booth every summer during the fair. She sells those tacky confederate bikinis. There's no way she'd ever get her cheeks tucked into one of those, bless her chubby heart. Anyway, the beans were tasty and too bad ya'll couldn't have joined me for a bowl.
WickedEve said:
Oh, Maria! Make sure your southern legitimacy statement is darn funny, girl. I think that's why they always take my poems. The editor emails me back and tells me her own version of whatever my story is.

This is the latest thing I sent:
I'm small town Southern, and I truly realized that last week, standing in the Food Lion checkout. I wasn't waiting to pay for my salt pork that was destined to get cozy with a pot full of beans. No. I was there waiting for my turn to talk to the checkout lady. We were all there waiting politely. Who would dare rush a slow, southern line! Fifteen minutes later, I learned that old man Jenkins died from cirrhosis of the liver. No surprise there. And thanks to my knack for leaning really close without tipping over, I now know why Emma's baby doesn't look like his daddy. Finally, it was my turn. I was bubbling with joy and smelling like pork that had slowly been warming in my hands. And in a gush of gossip, I told her all about that rat of an ex of mine, and how he's shacking up with some girl who runs the confederate flag booth every summer during the fair. She sells those tacky confederate bikinis. There's no way she'd ever get her cheeks tucked into one of those, bless her chubby heart. Anyway, the beans were tasty and too bad ya'll couldn't have joined me for a bowl.

I think you're right about resending, they probably deleted my work when they read my boring assed Legit statement. I reckon i need to fix that part of my submision. I sent them a story- "peaches" ( creative non fiction) and a couple of my quirkier poems. Thanks for the advice :kiss:

Maria2394 said:
I think you're right about resending, they probably deleted my work when they read my boring assed Legit statement. I reckon i need to fix that part of my submision. I sent them a story- "peaches" ( creative non fiction) and a couple of my quirkier poems. Thanks for the advice :kiss:

Tell them you have chickens in the house. Not frozen ones. And your hound rides up front in the pickup while your old man is on the back. Tell them you have confederate flag curtains.
Tathagata said:
I have a strange urge to visit the Lincoln Memorial
Hmm... monkey and lincoln memorial... wasn't that a scene in planet of the apes?
Dear Miss Tarablackwood22,

I nominated you because it asked for the most 'influentual' poet. How many times did you PM me, explaining poetry to a novice, guiding and even editing some of my work?

Me, unlike many others believe YOU deserve to win that award.

Look at my poems now, Tara. I've gone from writing absolute crap to having EIGHT hot ratings beside them. Sure, they're still crap, but no way would I have been confident enough to even post them before your guidance.

Get off your block and back on here where you belong.

Your work is missed by many.
doormouse said:
Dear Miss Tarablackwood22,

I nominated you because it asked for the most 'influentual' poet. How many times did you PM me, explaining poetry to a novice, guiding and even editing some of my work?

Me, unlike many others believe YOU deserve to win that award.

Look at my poems now, Tara. I've gone from writing absolute crap to having EIGHT hot ratings beside them. Sure, they're still crap, but no way would I have been confident enough to even post them before your guidance.

Get off your block and back on here where you belong.

Your work is missed by many.
Such was the gift that Tara gave. Second only to YDD, her comments were best, poetry tops, vivid visual descriptions, constructed in such a way that it would add extra stength to her concluding lines. Missed by me.
I know it's all over but...

as a thread supposedly discussing 'nominations' this one seems highly geared towards poets and poetry.

*shrugs* I guess no-one else could give a fuck.

Sir_Nathan said:
as a thread supposedly discussing 'nominations' this one seems highly geared towards poets and poetry.

*shrugs* I guess no-one else could give a fuck.


I think that's because it's in the " Poetry Forum"
Most Influential Poet 2004:
Also Nominated:
Lauren Hynde
My Erotic Tail

I must hold some kind of record of being dropped from the nominations. Twice
1201(whoops) twelveoone
heh, heh
twelveoone said:
Most Influential Poet 2004:
Also Nominated:
Lauren Hynde
My Erotic Tail

I must hold some kind of record of being dropped from the nominations. Twice
1201(whoops) twelveoone
heh, heh
You should contact Laurel.
twelveoone said:
Most Influential Poet 2004:
Also Nominated:
Lauren Hynde
My Erotic Tail

I must hold some kind of record of being dropped from the nominations. Twice
1201(whoops) twelveoone
heh, heh
Suddenly I want to be arrested for writing poetry under the influence. :)

:rose: Congrats, Eve!
twelveoone said:
Most Influential Poet 2004:
Also Nominated:
Lauren Hynde
My Erotic Tail

I must hold some kind of record of being dropped from the nominations. Twice
1201(whoops) twelveoone
heh, heh

Congrats 1201!!

So ironic.

You deserve to stick damn it. Don't take it personally, those who know you would never let this slip.

Tathagata said:
I think that's because it's in the " Poetry Forum"

Oh yeah, look at that - I read "one final rant" and thought I was in the forum that discussed nominations for all categories, my bad.

Apologies for the language - it was late lol

deja vu

all over again

Originally Posted by Lauren Hynde
"Poet must be an active Literotica author who submitted stories during the year 2004." - I take that to mean that the poet must have submitted poems during 2004 and still have them on the site (active).

flyguy69 said:
That is certainly one interpretation.
annaswirls said:
all over again
Okay, I admit that I know more about possums than all this. So... um... lol What's all over again? I don't see a problem, but of course, I think everything is being taken care of by some wonderful being--phallic shaped being possibly and capable of writing really great terzanelles. :D
WickedEve said:
Okay, I admit that I know more about possums than all this. So... um... lol What's all over again? I don't see a problem, but of course, I think everything is being taken care of by some wonderful being--phallic shaped being possibly and capable of writing really great terzanelles. :D



no problem at all, just the whole interpretation of "active" thing, 'tis all-- your interpretation (which I share) is not the same as Lauren's or Laurel's or Mark Twain's and I do not think he ever wrote a terzanelle, but I hear they are great with powdered sugar
annaswirls said:
a terzanelle, but I hear they are great with powdered sugar

I love terzanelles.

I used to buy them Sunday mornings at Luigi's Bakery on Neptune Avenue.

If you think they're great powdered, you should try them glazed.

Or with cinnamon sugar.

TheRainMan said:
I love terzanelles.

I used to buy them Sunday mornings at Luigi's Bakery on Neptune Avenue.

If you think they're great powdered, you should try them glazed.

Or with cinnamon sugar.


Luigi's? I thought you looked familiar!

glazed with chocolate drizzle...
come here, you got some on your chin...